Minute of Tobacco Alliance Meeting

Blades Bar, Linx Ice Arena

Beach Promenade

11th December 2014

Present: Linda Smith, Public Health Lead, Aberdeen City CHP - CHAIR

Irene Fraser, Health Improvement Officer - Tobacco - Aberdeen City CHP

Keith Grassick, Development Coach, Aberdeen Foyer

Kevin Leslie, Smoking Advise Co-ordinator - NHSG

Kenny Malcolm, Drugs Action

Jenny Oelman, Senior Development Manager (Active Lifestyles) Sport Aberdeen

Shamini Omnes, Public Health Co-ordinator - Aberdeen City CHP (Minute)

Apologies: Dorothy Askew, Community Care Housing Strategy Officer - ACC

Mag Campbell, Health Improvement Officer, Neighbourhoods

Debra Christie, Fundraising & Business Development Co-ordinator, AFC Community Trust.

Averil Ferries, Health & Wellbeing Co-ordinator - ACC

Maggie Hepburn, Integrated Children’s Services Liaison Officer - ACVO

Leona McDairmid, Executive Dir., Business & Commercial Development, Aberdeen Foyer

Prof. Val Maehle, Dean, Faculty of Health & Social Care, RGU

Maria Nika, Smoking Cessation Advisor, RCH

Graeme Paton, Principle Trading Standards Officer - ACC

Ally Procktor, Chief Executive, AFC Community Trust (AFCCT)

Piotr Teodorowski, Treasurer, Youth Council

In attendance:

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Kenny gave an introduction on Drugs Action (DA) which now provides a range of services for people who use drugs and alcohol including their family and friends. DA also offers services for those in recovery from drug and alcohol use. Delivery has begun with 2 new staff. Linda spoke about the needs assessment work completed by Chris Littlejohn which informs on understanding various needs and addressing alcohol in a tailored way. Kenny explained that DA workers have the tools to address both alcohol and drugs issues.
Linda reiterated that the membership of the LTA was under ongoing a review to widen the group and to promote ownership around tobacco control outcomes. The desire was to move away from the concept that this was an NHS led responsibility. Scottish Government produced a Tobacco Strategy this year and the last few meetings have offered an avenue to start thinking what is the ‘core issue’.
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Apologies had been received and noted.
The minutes were noted and approved following the change in Kevin’s job title and the inclusion of “Keith had described how they consulted with staff and clients from the housing project in relation to implementation of the Tobacco policy” on page 3 paragraph 2.
There were no matters arising from the minute.
Irene spoke about the NHSG Tobacco policy implementation across the city. A pilot study at Turriff Hospital on smoke free grounds as well as all sites being smoke free site. Across the shire 5 out of 13 sites are now smoke free. A gap analysis was carried out in the City. At present we have the buy in from Woodend Hospital and other practices via CHP on building implementation plans based on learning’s from the Shire. Roll out of implementation plans lead by Irene across Woodend, Summerfield House, Westholme and the Health Village. Similar at Foresterhill lead by Derek Petrie.
Irene explained there are 17,500 NHSG staff and the need to work with staff side as well as NHSG Board members. The implementation work went about by having short life work groups, briefing sessions and establishment of e-learning resources. A Communication Plan to be sent out soon. At present signage on all NHS sites, bus campaigns. Keith mentioned some sport sites have adopted the same. Linda and Irene both confirmed Timmermarket as a CHP site.
Irene spoke of protocol across hospitals where training is available for nurses and other primary care staff; staff based at new rehab unit at Woodend. Linda mentioned a focus of attention to particular units are required and if possible advice from Maria. Irene raised if there are legitimate concerns regarding home visits and tobacco use, staff to use protocol to raise this with Communication. Kevin spoke about enforcement and asked about powers that can be sought if ‘refusal’ to stop smoking. Staff may not feel confident or comfortable to address when it comes to this. Irene encouraged the use of e-learning to which Kevin responded the need to shift culture.
Kenny asked about the definition of NHS sites and alternatives with NRT. Linda explained the aim of the policy to mean ‘grounds to be smoke-free’. As a health service ‘we are not health enhancing’ and to consider how steps should be taken and where routinely offer of alternatives.
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Irene mentioned smaller sites seem to be an issue for visitors. Kevin spoke about staff and smoking breaks. If they were not identified (not in uniforms) when smoking and also a need to consider patient safety.
Keith mentioned a particular case where a GP pre-warned patient saying, by not smoking it will improve her chances of recovery and NRT use was emphasized within this proactive approach. Comments on maternity hospital and smoking were raised suggesting a stigma of being drug dependent. Kenny spoke of the need to be sensitive. Kevin highlighted smokers at ARI and the need to move them away from the front door. It was clear that there was still more work to be done in the coming months. Linda advised a need to change the image with an overarching aim to be a health promoting /enhancing service. Kevin said he is now working with a cohort of nurses from Cornhill where exemptions with mental health are no longer included.
Kevin raised the issue of the use of e-cig across sites. The use of e-cig within hospital buildings, is on-going with consultations regarding regulated/licensed e-cig. Jenny said the use of e-cig and tobacco is not permitted across sites. Jenny will raise with HR regarding regulated e-cig on sites. / JO to speak to HR
Kevin spoke about advertising that is ‘sexualised’ in context and Keith also raised the standards of advertising of e-cig. Kevin drew attention to the limited knowledge regarding e-cig that was observed in the Scottish Smoking Conference.
Irene shared information regarding e-cig study in Japan and Kenny drew attention to the information from Russia that states that e-cigarettes are 12 times more carcogenic than normal cigarettes and that the vapour constituents are similar to smoke machines. Linda highlighted communication was the key when it comes to consultation with the public and staff with buy in from senior level for implementation of the tobacco policy.
Jenny spoke about the policy implementation for Sport Aberdeen. Designated smoke areas, supporting staff and users while working with Keith re training. Linda raised the inequality issue; a need to break the norm and in getting the health promoting agenda out to create a culture of change.
Keith tabled the Foyer Tobacco Policy with the group. He pointed out that the Foyer housing has communal areas that were smoke free. However some sites do have garden areas where they can smoke. Staff are not allowed to smoke in front of tenants; if they wish to smoke they will need to walk off site. Marywell Centre does have a smoking area and a surrounding residential area that will negatively impact on neighbours. All of this has been raised as part of the consultation. It has been agreed that if any further issue is raised, a solution based approach will be taken. E-cig will not be allowed on site, however if clients do ‘vap’ they will be approached and offered information to enable them to make an informed choice.
Linda reiterated decision making on a one to one basis. Keith said people are still using smoking areas. It has also been observed young people seek advice to help parents give up smoking. Use of motivational tools among young people is seen as a potential approach for the future.
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Linda asked Kevin what progress was being made regarding work with Young People. Kevin said nothing proactively was happening with young people at the moment and referred to the SALUS figures. Kevin to look into this. Irene said that Carol-Ann Duff was the Health Improvement Practitioner supporting work on second hand smoke. / KL
KG to liaise with SHMU
SO to forward CBOs.
Jenny asked Keith regarding training with SHMU and employability providers for young people. Keith said he would follow up with SHMU and Shamini to forward list of Capacity Building Officers (CBOs).
Kenny highlighted ‘Break the Cycle’ an education programme which refers to stopping people initiating others to smoke. Linda acknowledged the element of peer pressure and acceptance culture. Irene drew attention to the Tobacco Policy for Bucksburn Academy that was implemented on 30 January 2015. Linda asked about the plans for every other schools. Jenny suggested the success in Bucksburn Academy be shared at CPD event for Teachers in February 2015. Jenny to email details of the event to the group. Linda asked if information could be circulated via Aberdeen Council Education department. / JO
Keith suggested a solution focused approach, sharing the process of engagement with other partners on implementing a tobacco policy. Linda suggested working with Val Maehle at RGU on ideas for funding, for example working with SHMU and engagement with young people.
Keith spoke about 2 separate workbooks used with clients when it comes to assessment and support in relation to tobacco and cannabis misuse. Kevin said they are not using any resources around cannabis as this is something that they don’t come across often. Previously smoking cessation advisors were told not to discuss alternatives. Kevin to seek clarity around advice. / KL to seek clarity
Kenny agreed to forward overview on cannabis use and additional information that will be appropriate to group. / KM
7. / Consultation ON E-cigarettes & strengthening Tobacco
Control in SCOTLAND
The consultation was discussed and it was agreed that:
·  Leona contact Irene with information from the Foyer
·  Sport Aberdeen would respond as an organisation
·  Kenny to inform Drugs Action
·  All to send Irene a response by Wednesday 15th December 2014
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This was discussed and attendees feedback their thoughts.
·  Jenny said being a member of the Group has offered Sport Aberdeen access to training from Keith. She reiterated the need for others to take things forward and to increase awareness. She felt Sport Aberdeen could play an important part in moving the agenda forward. e.g. training, information dissemination.
·  Keith agrees the Group needs to continue and said that he found the information shared to be very helpful.
·  Shamini said that it was useful to offer updates from member who were not present such as GREC. She said that they would be attending future meetings.
·  Kenny felt it was important the Drugs Action had representation on the Group.
Linda raised the question as how to we ensure that discussions were fruitful were making a difference. She suggested that the University, Housing and Social Care be represented.
Linda agreed to speak with Susan Devlin, Head of Children Services, to ascertain how best to share ‘focus’ from a strategic point of view on smoking and children. / LS to speak with SD
Linda highlighted the need to aim broader and consider outcomes and identify the difference the Group could make.
Both Linda and Kenny suggested the role of the group should be ‘a Group to enable Change’.
Linda drew attention to the impact welfare reform had on smoking with the possibility of limited funds having an influence in the choice having to be made whether smoking was still a priority.
9. / Tobacco Funding 2014/2015
Linda asked that the Group give consider to ideas and suggestions e.g. use of media and communications; Linda will email Val Maehle for link to Health Enhancing Universities. / LS
10. / A.O.C.B.
Ash Conference – Irene to email Group with date of the next ASH Conference. / IF
Young People Representation on Group - Linda to look into this further / LS
Wider Representation – All to consider and suggest further beneficial representation on Group
The date of the next meeting will take place on Thursday 12th March 2015 at 2 pm. Keith to source venue. / KG
Future Dates for 2015:
Thursday 11th June at 2 pm – Venue to be confirmed
Thursday 17th September at 2 pm – Venue to be confirmed
Thursday 10th December at 2 pm venue to be confirmed

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