Friarswood Primary School

AbbotsWay, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs, ST52ES.

Telephone 01782 694580





Dear Parents / Carers,


Well done to Years 2 and 6 who achieved100% attendance last week..

Phone Numbers

We have been told that the school phone numbers will definitely change on Monday 19th June. We haven’t been told at what time though. At some point on Monday, the new numbers will be:

694580 – school office (general enquiries)

694581 – attendance (illness, appointments etc)

694582 – Small & Tall

If there is another delay, we will inform you as soon as we are aware of it.

Science Afternoon

On Thursday 22nd June, 2:15 – 3:15pm, all of the children will be taking part in science activities. This is an opportunity for you to come into school and learn with your child. We hope to see as many of you as possible.

Parking on Abbots Way

Last week, we were informed about a parent/grandparent who had dropped off their child on Abbots Way, then reversed their car in front of the main entrance to watch their child walk down the school drive. When asked to not park on the zig zag lines, the driver made no attempt to apologise or move.

Please can I remind you that there are zig zag lines in front of the school for safety reasons. The safety of our children and parents must come first. I appreciate that sometimes you can run late in the mornings, but there really is no excuse for such dangerous driving. Please can I ask that if you do see dangerous driving and parking that you call the police and pass on the registration details of the vehicle.

My fear is that one day, someone will get hurt or worse from such inconsiderate driving. I really do urge you to be mindful of the safety of people walking to school. Thank you.

Nursery Sports Day

The children had a wonderful morning running their races. There were lots of smiles and cheers from the parents. Thank you to the staff who made it a fun-filled morning.

Father’s Day Lunch

It was lovely to see so many Dads and Grandads here yesterday. Thank you for the lovely praise about the food. I have passed this on to the kitchen staff. I hope you all have a lovely day on Sunday.

School Lunches

Please can I remind you that school lunches must be paid at the beginning of the week, before your child has the lunch. We have quite a few parents who have outstanding balances. Please can you pay these by Monday (19th June). Thank you.

Sun tan lotion & hats

Just a reminder that now the sunny weather is back, please bring sunhats in for your child as well as sun tan lotion. Unfortunately, adults in school cannot put the sun tan lotion on children.

Slapped Cheek

Parents please be advised that we have had a few cases of slapped cheek in the infants. Some of these children have come into school. As some ladies will be aware, there is a possible concern to expectant mums in their first stages of pregnancy. If you feel concerned at all, please see your doctor or midwife.

Parents of children with slapped cheek, please could you check with your doctor before bringing your child to school due to these concerns. Thank you.

Future Dates

Tue 20th June – 2pm – new Reception children teddy bears picnic

Thu 22nd June – 2:15pm – Science afternoon – parents welcome

Thu 22nd June – 2pm – new Nursery children teddy bears picnic

Tue 27th June – Key Strings performance for whole school

Fri 30th June – Non-uniform day – bring a bottle in for PTA Summer event

Mon 3rd July – last swimming for Yr 5 & 6

Wed 5th July – am – move-up morning (Yr 6 children going to Clayton or Newcastle, will be visiting their new schools)

Fri 7th July – last swimming for Yr 3

Fri 7th July – PTA Summer Family Fun Event

Tue 11th July – Nursery & Reception – Westport Lake trip

Tue 11th July – 6pm – KS2 Summer show (tickets will be on sale soon)

Wed 12th July – 6pm – KS2 Summer show (tickets will be on sale soon)

Wed 19th July – 11am – Nursey class assembly

Thu 20th July – 9:10am – Year 6 Leaver’s assembly

Fri 21st July – Last day

Thank you for your continuing support.

Mrs Wilmer