Faculty of Science and Health
Professional Body / Programme / From / To
Veterinary Council of Ireland / BSc in Veterinary Nursing / 2012 / 2017
Athletic & Rehabilitation Therapy Ireland (ARTI) / BSc (Hons) in Athletic Rehabilitation Therapy / 2014 / TBA
Tusla / BA in Applied Social Studies in Social Care / 2015 / 2020
Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland / BSc (Hons) in General Nursing / 2014 / TBA
Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland / BSc (Hons) in Psychiatric Nursing / 2014 / TBA
Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland / Higher Diploma in Behaviours of Concern / 2016 / TBA
Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland / MSc in Intellectual Disability Nursing / 2016 / TBA
The Dental Council of Ireland / Higher Certificate in Dental Nursing / 2014 / TBA
The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland / Higher Certificate in Pharmacy Technician / Recognised by PSI


Faculty of Engineering and Informatics
Professional Body / Programme / From / To / Accreditation
Engineers Ireland / HC in Engineering in Civil Engineering / 2011 / 2016 / Engineering Technician
Engineers Ireland / HC in Engineering in Electronics & Computer Engineering / 2011 / 2016 / Engineering Technician
Engineers Ireland / HC in Engineering in Mechanical Engineering / 2011 / 2016 / Engineering Technician
Engineers Ireland / BEng in Civil Engineering / 2005 / 2016 / Associate Engineer
Engineers Ireland / BEng in Computer Engineering / 2005 / 2016 / Associate Engineer
Engineers Ireland / BEng in Electronics & Wireless Communications / 2005 / 2016 / Associate Engineer
Engineers Ireland / BEng in Mechanical Engineering / 2012 / 2016 / Associate Engineer
Engineers Ireland / BEng in Mechanical Engineering & Renewable Energy / 2012 / 2016 / Associate Engineer
Engineers Ireland / BEng in Mechatronics / 2005 / 2016 / Associate Engineer
Engineers Ireland / BSc in Network Management / 2011 / 2017 / Associate Engineer
Engineers Ireland / BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering (2 year) / 2014 / 2019 / Chartered Engineer
Engineers Ireland / MEng in Energy & Communications Infrastructure / 2014 / 2017 / Chartered Engineer


Faculty of Business and Hospitality
Professional Body / AIT programme linked to/list of programme titles / Date Accredited / Next Review date
Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI) / Bachelor of Arts Honours in Accounting , Level 8 / 2007 / Reviewed on an ongoing basis and submissions are made to CAI at time of Programme Change and Programmatic Review Next big review 2015
Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI) / Master of Arts in Accounting, Level 9 / 2008 / Annual Review with joint group ICAI and AIT
Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI) / Bachelor of Business ab-initio (Honours)Level 8
Bachelor of Business and Law (Honours)Level 8 / 2012
2013 / Case by case basis with student applying direct to Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI).
Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants Ireland (ACCA) / Bachelor of Arts Honours in Accounting , Level 8 / 2007 / 2016
Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants Ireland (ACCA) / Bachelor of Business Ab-initio (Honours) Level 8
Bachelor of Business (Honours) Ladder / 2012
1996 / 2016
Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants Ireland (ACCA) / Master of Arts in Accounting, Level 9 / 2008 / 2016
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) / Bachelor of Arts Honours in Accounting, Level 8 / 2007 / Reviewed on an ongoing basis and as part of Programmatic Review
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) / Bachelor of Business ab-initio (Honours)Level 8
Bachelor of Business and Law (Honours)Level 8 / 2012
2013 / Reviewed on an ongoing basis and as part of Programmatic Review