Practice Test Questions #1

1.  The ______is where middle class French people discussed major political/philosophical ideas during the Age of Enlightenment.

A. Salon B. Tavern C. Saloon D. Bar

2.  Which of the following documents was established the principle that the English monarchy was not absolute, included fundamental rights like trial by jury and sought protection against arbitrary actions of the King?

A. Petition of Rights B. Magna Carta

C. English Bill of Rights D. Declaration of Independence

3.  ______are given to people upon their birth and cannot be taken away by a government.

A. No Rights B. Natural Rights C. Birth Rights D. Theocratic Rights

4.  A ______was a great thinker during the Age of Enlightenment.

A. Philosophe B. Wisdom-Seeker C. Deist D. Rebel

5.  Which of the following documents stripped English monarchs of any real power, established Parliament as Britain's center of government, no standing army in peacetime, no ability to suspend laws, no cruel and unusual punishment, no excessive bail, fair and speedy trial?

A. Petition of Rights B. Magna Carta

C. English Bill of Rights D. Declaration of Independence

6.  Which of the following is NOT a reason why the Magna Carta, Petition of Rights and English Bill of Rights are important documents in the development of limiting the power of absolute monarchs?

A. Led to the idea of a representative government

B. Direct challenge to idea of divine rights of kings

C. Established new principles giving kings more power

D. Established new concept called limited government

7.  Which of the following types of government closely resembles the government practiced by America?

A. Roman Republic B. Athenian Democracy

C. Nazi Fascism D. English Absolutism

8. “No freeman shall be taken, or imprisoned,…or in any way harmed…save by the lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land…To none will we sell, to none deny or delay, right or justice.” Magna Carta 1215

According to the statement above, which constitutional guarantee is most related to the Magna Carta?

A. Rights to bear arms B. Rights of the Accused

C. Rights of Former Slaves D. Rights of the Convicted

9.  Which of the following best describe the influence John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government had on the creation of the US government?

A. Locke demanded the new form of government in the US should be a democracy

B. Locke believed government was just and shouldn’t be changed

C. Locke believed people had the right to overthrow the government

D. Locke believed the new form of government in the US should protect individuals rights

10.  Read the following quote from the document of our first national government and select the BEST answer below.

“The states hereby enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defense, the security of their Liberties, and their mutual and general welfare…”

A. Confederation B. Conglomeration C. Federalism D. Nationalism

11.  Which of the following is NOT true of Anti-Federalists?

A.  They did not support the Constitution

B.  James Madison and Alexander Hamilton were important anti-Federalists

C.  Believed Constitution provided for too strong of a government

D.  Wanted states’ rights and a limited government

12.  Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an absolute monarch mentioned in class?

A.  High taxes

B.  Poor leadership

C.  Constant warfare

D.  Care for the poor and widows

13. The Articles of Confederation represented the ______.

A. Rejection of the weaknesses of the Bill of Rights

B. First attempt at self-government in the United States

C. Acceptance of British rule in the colonies

D. Early effort to improve United States ties to other nations

14. Which part of the Great Compromise benefitted states with smaller populations?

A. Each state has two representatives in the Senate

B. The Senate ratifies all treaties with foreign nations

C. All bills for spending money must originate in the House of Representatives

D. A state’s population determines how many members it has in the House of


15. Enlightenment era political philosophers such as Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and Montesquieu ______.

A. rejected governmental policies that allowed the expansion of property rights

B. adhered to traditional social customs in the creation of governmental offices

C. emphasized governmental structures based on reason and social progress

D. pursued strict obedience to religious scripture in governmental affairs

16. It is equally evident, that the members of each department should be as little dependent as possible on those of the others…Were the executive magistrate, or the judges, not independent of the legislature in this particular, their independence in every other would be merely nominal.” Federalist No. 51

Which constitutional principle is described in the quotation?

A. Federalism B. Due Process of Law

C. Judicial Review D. Checks and Balances

17. Read the following quote and select the best answer for the question below.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it” is a quote from which American document that expresses which of the following Enlightenment ideas?

A. Constitution; Theory on Governance

B. Declaration of Independence; Spirit of Laws

C. Declaration of Independence; Social Contract Theory

D. Constitution; Natural Rights

18. Which of the following Enlightenment ideas led to the creation of the three branch system that makes up our government?

A. Social Contract Theory B. Judicial Review

C. Federalism D. Separation of Powers

19. All of the following were weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation EXCEPT

A.  Lack of enforcement of laws

B.  No power to tax

C.  Stringent rules on amending the Articles of Confederation

D.  Strong central government