Community Gain Liaison Committee

For the Irishtown/Ringsend/Sandymount Catchment Area

(In association with the Dublin Waste to Energy Project)

Meeting Wednesday 27th January 2016 from 13.00 -15.00

Venue: Conference Room, Block 2, Floor 2, Civic Offices, Wood Quay.


1.  Minutes of meeting held on 2nd December 2015 and matters arising
The Minutes of the Committee meeting held on 2nd December 2015 were approved.

2.  Communications.

The Committee noted the following developments
a) Newsletter – The newsletter has been printed and will be delivered to residences and businesses in the area in the next week or two. Copies will also be available online, in Ringsend Library and the South East Area Office. The South East Area Office has agreed to distribute it electronically to their community group mailing list. Copies were distributed to Committee members at the meeting.

b) Projects Grant Scheme – The final draft of the Scheme application form, general conditions and criteria was circulated at the meeting. These will be available on the website from 1st February, as well as in hard copy in Ringsend Library and the South East Area Office.

C) Website – The Committee’s webpage will be live by 1st February.

The Committee agreed that the Administrator and the Chairman be authorised to respond to any group/individual who submits a query relating to the application form or the criteria. It was also agreed that the volume and nature of queries will be monitored and appropriate mechanisms put in place to address those including arrangements for Information meetings for groups if requested. It was agreed that the business/agenda of any meetings arranged should be confined to matters related solely to the Community Gain fund and that members of the committee if available will be invited to attend

3.  Project Grants Scheme
The issue of who will assess the applications was discussed. It was agreed, in line with the Committee’s Terms of Reference, that once the closing date has passed, the full Committee will meet to decide on projects to be supported by the Fund. To assist the Committee in this role, it was agreed that the Committee will be presented with an overall summary of applications, detailing amount applied for, type of project and other relevant information. A draft application coversheet summary was circulated and it was agreed that this summary should be included when the applications are being circulated.

The Committee also recognised the potential for conflict of interest when assessing the applications. This is to be considered by each member at the application assessment stage.

The Committee agreed to ask Roddy Guiney, Aviva Stadium Fund, to meet with the Chair and the Administrator to discuss the Aviva Stadium Fund. It was also agreed to invite Mr Guiney to address the next meeting of the Committee.

Action: M. Campbell to request a meeting with R. Guiney.

4.  Financial Protocols for Expenditure
The Committee agreed that the Administrator and Chair could approve small items of administration expenditure as required on behalf of the Committee.

The Committee are to be issued with finance reports detailing income and expenditure for the Fund at future meetings.

Action: M. Campbell to issue the Committee with current finance report.

5.  Date & Venue for future meetings
Date: 13th April 2016, 1pm – 3pm
Venue: Conference Room, Block 2 Floor 2, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8

6.  AOB

  1. Committee Branding

The Committee agreed to use the branding as circulated on the draft Application Form, with the Waste to Energy logo replaced with the current logo.


Peter McLoone, Chair

Mary Doolin
Mary DeCourcy

John Nolan
Cllr. Jim O’Callaghan

Cllr Kieran Binchy

Cllr Chris Andrews

Rose Kenny, South East Area Manager, DCC

Helen McNamara, Senior Executive Officer, DCC

John Daly, Covanta

In attendance: Martina Campbell, Administrator

Minutes CGLC 27.01.16 F01, Page 1 of 2