Business Development Plan
2017 - 2020
  1. History of the Organisation
  1. Features of ATL Ltd
  1. Quality
  1. Business & Performance Targets
  1. Strategic Objectives
  1. Sales & Marketing

1History of the Organisation

ATL was formed in 2006 and based its Head Office in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. The company was initially set-up to specialise in the delivery of NVQ programmes along sides Forklift Truck training, and an integral part of the company’s evolution was the Skills funding agencies ‘Train to Gain’ programme which allowed ATL to expand its delivery capability, capacity and geographical coverage by employing sector specialist trainers and assessors to deliver successful quality training programmes throughout the country.

In 2010, due to the demise of the ‘Train to Gain’ programme the company re-focused their offer in-line with the Government agenda of increasing the number of people following an apprenticeship programme. This they did very successfully, with the focus on offering employers apprenticeships in the manufacturing and warehouse & storage sectors.

In October 2012, the company was acquired by Leeds College of Building the UK’s only specialist further education Construction College which would help both parties expand and widen their offers further to customers and consumers.

As part of the acquisition agreement, in October 2014 both the previous owner’s left ATL and an Operations Manager was appointed to oversee and develop the company going forward by widening the offer of apprenticeships into new sector subject areas and to more advanced levels.

Our Mission Statement:-

“To deliver learning and development packages of the highest quality to both industry and the training/education sector by providing a professional and stimulating learning environment which will result in each and every learner being encouraged and supported to reach their full potential and to recognise their own individual worth by achieving through learning”.

Our Values:-

Promote Lifelong Learning

Reward and Celebrate success

All learners are supported

Involve all staff

Support equality of opportunity for staff and learners

Encourage self-review and continuous improvement


Having trained apprentices throughout the Yorkshire & Humber, East Midlands, North West and East of England, ATL has grown its reputation to become a leading player in the Manufacturing and Warehouse & Storage field where we offer a nationally recognised Fork Lift Truck qualification accredited by RTITB alongside one of our apprenticeship programmes.

ATL have truly embraced the concept of ‘Work Based Learning’ with sector subject specialist trainers and assessors blending programmes of training and assessment designed to fit inside normal working hours and shift patterns, delivered on employers premises to ensure minimal disruption to productivity.

Over the past 8 years, the company has developed a sizeable contract with the Skills Funding Agency in the 19+ Apprenticeship and Non-apprenticeship market. The majority of businesses that we currently work with are SME’s in the Manufacturing and Warehouse & Storage sectors, however, since June 15 we have now expanded our apprenticeship offer into Team Leading, Management, Business Administration, Customer Serviceand Business Improvement Technique programmeswith the intent of not only developing the sectors that we currently work within but expand into new ones going forward.

Since ATL expanded its portfolio of apprenticeships, it is now in a position to move to its next stage of transition and look at developing not only 16- 18 apprenticeships but the Governments pre-apprenticeship programme ‘Traineeships’ for those individuals aged 16-24 who are not currently in employment and have little work experience, but who are focused on work .

Our range of programmes continue to allow employees to profile their skills and test their abilities in the workplace by creating a portfolio of evidence with assignments and observations in the workplace whilst doing their daily jobs along with embedding the delivery of Functional Skills in Mathematics, English and ICT where required.

One of ATL’s unique selling points is that we offer a fully accredited RTITB forklift truck licence at no extra cost to employers as an enhancement to the apprenticeship programme. This usually proves popular in the Manufacturing and Warehouse sectors and gives employers ‘great value for money’. We offer a wide variety of vehicles to train employees on along with, Manual Handling, Overhead Crane and other associated Health & Safety courses on a commercial basis whichcanalso be carried out on employer’s premises.


To provide value for money, training and continuous development opportunities through our:

Apprenticeship & Non-apprenticeship programmes - meeting the needs of businesses and their workforce delivering training, qualifications and functional Skills that underpins their knowledge and understanding.

ATL have achieved the Matrix standards for IAG (Information Advice and Guidance), which is a Key quality standard for work based training providers.

ATL are accredited to deliver qualifications through:

•EAL (Excellence, Achievement & Learning)

•ILM/City & Guilds


We have DCS (direct claims status) with EAL and have had for a number of years. More recently we have gained Centre Approval for ILM/City & Guilds and Highfields due to us expanding our offer of qualifications.

ATL were last inspected by Ofsted in January 2016, where we received an overall Grade 2 judgement.

Areas identified as good practice / Areas identified for improvements
Since the last inspection, ATL has managed the transition from NVQ only to Apprenticeship delivery well and in particular, has maintained good success rates across all types of delivery / Future self-assessment reports are more rigorous, evaluative and self-critical of all aspects of the provision including the performance of subcontractors
The range and types of programmes on offer have grown steadily and plans are in place for this to continue, with the rate of change now starting to accelerate / Monitor and evaluate the performance of different groups of learners to ensure that all groups achieve equally well.
New managers and senior staff recruited are having a positive impact / Develop and improve the systems to monitor the progression and destinations of early learners so that they can then identify any common issues
Employers and learners value the partnership and the quality of provision offered by ATL. / Extend the management team to ensure it has sufficient capacity to support the planned growth and further development of programmes offered and to drive the improvement strategies effectively
Many employers identify the improved quality of the skills of their workforce when they have completed their training with ATL and the significant impact this has on their business / All aspects of the new quality improvement arrangements for teaching, learning and assessment are fully implemented, including the observation process and that the subsequent action plans are implemented and monitored
ATL provides outstanding value for money

Apprenticeships– ATL’s occupationally qualified trainer/assessors visit employers’ premises to carry out training & assessment with their learner’s in their work place. Apprentice ages range from 16-18 and 19+ and are either employed within the employers that we work with for 30 hours or more a week or we can aid companies in recruiting apprentices to their organisations.

Our Apprenticeship programmes cover the following sector subject areas:-

•Improving Operational Performance (Level 2)

•Warehouse & Storage (Level 2 & 3)

•Management/Team Leading (Level 2,3, 4 & 5)

•Business Improvement Techniques (Level 2 & 3)

•Business and Administration (L2 & L3)

•Customer Services (Level 2 & 3)

•Logistics Operations (Level 2 & 3)

•Traffic Office (Level 2 & 3)

Non-apprenticeship provision – ATL also have access to funding via the AEB (Adult Education Budget) which we areable to offer a range of workplace and other vocational qualifications such as:- Functional Skills in English and maths, ESOL from entry level 1 to level 2, traineeships for learners aged 16-23 who are not yet ready to under-take an apprenticeship along with programmes for the unemployed to help progress them into work.

Commercial training – ATL are an accredited RTITB Fork Lift Truck training centre where we can provide training on various forklift trucks which is carried out on employer’s premises so employees can be trained on their own vehicles in their own working environment. Other courses offered include Manual Handling, Overhead Crane and Health & Safety etc.

Partnership working:

ATL have sub-contract arrangements currently in place with three other training providers who support ATL in the delivery of their SFA contract as follows:-

  • Xtol Development Services – (Business Admin, Retail, Customer Service & Management, Classroom based qualifications to the unemployed on Ways to Work Programme)
  • Park Education & Training – (Engineering & Maintenance and BIT)

ATL have a relationshipwith the Local Enterprise Partnership and YTP (Yorkshire Training Partnership) consortium to share best practise and keep abreast of any additional funding & training opportunities that become available under a consortium led approach in the region.

As ATL are part of the Leeds College of Building group there is a great deal of partnership working internally with regards training, getting ‘value for money’ on product and service contracts, HR and other associated support.

4. Business & Performance targets

Short term goals: 6-12 months

Goals / Timescales / Responsible / Actioned
To become an outstanding provider / By next Ofsted inspection / All Staff / On-going
To expand and develop our contract to offer 16-18 apprenticeships, traineeships and delivering to the unemployed / By Jul 17 / Operations Manager and Employer Engagement Team / Achieved with the award of a 16-18 contract in May 17
Increase employer and learner engagement in all areas of delivery / On-going / All staff and Marketing Companies / Achieved from Dec 16 with more learners now doing apprenticeships in Team Leading/Management, Cust Service & Busines Admin
Increase the number of 19-23 Apprenticeships engaged on our programme by 50% / By end of July 2017 / Lynn Appleyard, Jo Binch, Andy Heseltine and Marketing Co. / On-going
To implement the government’s apprenticeship levy and charging policy for SME’s / By end of April 2017 / LCB Senior Management Team & Operations Manager / Achieved and implemented from 1st May 17
To improve the overall success rates from 88% to 90% and timely success rates from 70% to 75% / By end of contract year July 2017 / All delivery staff, Quality & Ops & FS Co-ordinator / On-going
To increase Functional Skills Maths success rates in line with English Reading & Writing to 90% / By end of contract year July 2017 / All delivery staff, Quality, Ops Manager& FS Co-ordinator / On-going

Medium Goals 13- 24 months

Goals / Timescales / Responsibilities / Actioned
To continue as a prime contractor with the SFA for non-levy delivery from Jan 18 / On-going / Operations & Quality Improvement Manager / ITT submitted Sep 17 now awaiting decision
To expand and develop the work force in line with the expansion of qualifications and levels that we offer / As required in line with business needs / Operations & Quality Improvement Manager / On-going
To increase our offer of commercial based qualifications and revenue / From July 2017- August 2018 / Operations & Quality Improvement Manager
To implement e-portfolios into the delivery of apprenticeships within the Team leading, Management, Customer service & Business Admin sectors

Long term Goals 25-36 months

Goals / Timescales / Responsibilities / Actioned
To continue to introduce and develop new programmes and standards into our portfolio to keep in line with BIS/ESFA & Sector Specific changes and not have to rely on sub-contracted provision / From July 2017- August 2018 / Operations & Quality Improvement Manager

Our strategic plan for the next three years is to grow the business cautiously, ensuring the quality of provision is sustained and focus on employer involvement and engagement. We need to continue to improve the service we offer and open up our programmes to a larger labour market, whilst at the same time keeping our quality and achievement rates high.

Ofsted graded us as a good Provider at our last inspection which is something we are keen to maintain and want to build upon in the future.

5. Strategic Objectives 17/18

•To; develop our Skills Funding Agency contract further by the addition of a16-18 apprenticeship contract.
•Develop the number of learners who complete a level 2 qualification onto a higher level apprenticeship by 10%.
•Develop our traineeship programme so more learners are progressing into an apprenticeship within our contracts. In addition, expand the ESOL and functional skills provision so more learners and employees are accessing this type of funding

•Continue to market the current and new apprenticeship programmes along with commercial fork lift and health & safety training through a multitude of media’s such as:- company website, brochures, provider portal, sales team and the use of various marketing companies

•Respond to any changes that Ofsted or the ESFA place upon us with changes to funding and future government initiatives

•Continue to develop and update the workforces knowledge on areas that have a direct impact on the work based training industry such as:-Safeguarding (including the Prevent & British Values strategy), H&S and Equality & Diversity matters.

Quality Assurance/Improvement / Timescales / Responsibility
Improve the standard of Teaching and Assessment with the aim of all assessors attaining a Grade 1 / By End of July18 / Quality Improvement Manager
Review company policy’s & procedures on a quarterly/annual basis in line with any changes that the SFA make that affects them / Quarterly / Operations & Quality Improvement Manager
Carry out company self-assessment report on an annual basis / October 17 / Operations Manager supported by LCB
Quality Audit visits to be completed on all sub-contracted provision on a quarterly/six monthly basis depending on their RAG rating to monitor performance, compliance, observation of teaching, learning & assessment practices, and review documentation with regards learner files to meet the requirements of the contract / As per Annual Audit Schedule / Operations & Quality Improvement Manager
Ensure the completion of learner and employers evaluation surveys so quality of our service can be monitored and actioned where required. / Quarterly / Operations Manager
Review and report any customer complaints and actions to address / As required / Operations & Quality Improvement Manager
Prepare and conduct awarding body visits to monitor the performance of staff and internal quality assurance processes / In line with awarding body visits / Quality Improvement Manager
Review and monitor learners progression trackers and discuss at review meetings with trainer/assessors / Six weekly / Quality Improvement Manager
Arrange various staff training courses & CPD as required in line with individual and company needs. / On-going / Operations & Quality Improvement Manager
Financial Management
Produce an Income and Expenditure forecast annually including a profile of month by month sales targets / Annual / Executive Director of Finance - LCB
Produce final end of year audited accounts to the Board of Directors for the AGM, prior to uploading to the SFA / AGM Schedule / Executive Director of Finance - LCB
Produce monthly Financial Reports including profit and loss accounts and balance sheets / Monthly / Executive Director of Finance - LCB
Human Resources
Continue to carry out annual appraisals with staff / March 18 / Operations & Quality Improvement Manager
Recruit staff in line with any vacancies that may arise and to meet the demands of the ESFA contract / On-going / Operations Manager
Continue to develop the workforce to keep up to date with awarding body and sector changes / On-going / Operations & Quality Improvement Manager
Provide all staff with access to and up to date HR information and advice as required / On-going / HR department – LCB
Hold quarterly team meetings with staff and invite members of the Senior Management team and other guests to attend as required / Meetings schedule produced annually for
all quarterly meetings / Operations Manager
Hold monthly meetings with Executive Director of Finance – LCB to discuss our performance again ESFA contract and other issues as they arise / Monthly / Operations Manager
Up-date company website and provider portal with course information, news and policies and procedures / On-going / Operations Manager
Update company brochure as required in line with new courses that we are able to offer / Quarterly / Operations Manager
Use various marketing companies to gain apprenticeship vacancies across the sector areas that we deliver within. / On-going / Operations Manager
Continue to develop and update our company website, / On-going / Operations Manager


Strengths / Weaknesses
Very knowledgeable, experienced, enthusiastic management & staff / Limited number of staff qualified to deliver management or higher apprenticeship programmes and lack of available new candidates in the market place to support this development.
Very good overall success rates / Issues with employers releasing candidates to meet the 20% off the job requirement laid down by ESFA
A large employer base covering wide geographical areas of the country / Small number of 19-23 Apprenticeship Starts
Good reputation within the sector / Limited number of staff qualified to deliver management or higher apprenticeship programmes
Financial Stability / Reduced contract due to lack of number of apprentices aged 19+ been signed up to programme
Award of a 16-18 contract which opens up other opportunities with employers & learners
Opportunities / Threats
Increase contract opportunities and value / Staffing levels
Increase our 16-18 ESFA apprenticeship contract / Changes in government funding along with employers having to contribute
Continue to develop and improve technology into our apprenticeship programmes i.e. recorded discussions, BKSB online diagnostic assessments, ‘E-Portfolios’ etc / Not gaining a non-levy contract with the ESFA from Jan 18 onwards
Increase our commercial FLT and H&S training revenue to more privately paying customers / Implications of a reduction in grading by Ofsted
Continue to develop the qualifications and sector areas we wish to deliver within / Failure to recruit required number of apprenticeships to fulfil ESFA contract
Other training providers, colleges and City region groups

Communication strategies