Name of childminder / Date of visit
Date of birth / Time of visit
Address / Postcode
Postcode / Telephone
Email address / Mobile
Partner’s name / No of children

Categories in this checklist (click to go straight to the section)

·  Child Protection

·  Suitable People

·  Staff qualifications, training, support and skills

·  Key Person

·  Staff: child Ratios

·  Health

·  Managing behaviour

·  Safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment

·  Equal Opportunities

·  Information and records

·  Learning and Development

Actions from visit

Child Protection

Questions / Notes
1. / What does safeguarding children mean?
2 / Name 5 types of abuse. What are the possible signs/symptoms of child abuse or neglect?
3 / What would you do if you had safeguarding concerns about a child you cared for? Who should you contact/share this information with?
4. / What would you do if you had safeguarding concerns about someone else living in your home or who works with children?
5. / How will you ensure your safeguarding knowledge remains current and relevant?
6. / What other signs could possibly identify CP concerns?

Suitable People

Questions / Notes
7 / When employing an assistant, how would you ensure they are suitable?
8 / How will you ensure children are never left alone with adults who have not been cleared/vetted, such as visitors to your home?
9. / What precautions would you consider when taking/being prescribed medication?

Staff qualifications, training, support and skills

Questions / Notes
10 / How would you ensure assistants or
co-minders are fully aware of practices, processes and their role and responsibilities and their ongoing competency?
11 / Pre-registration course completed? / Yes / No
Date completed
12 / Paediatric first aid course completed? / Yes / No
Date and provider?
Certificate received? / Yes / No
13 / Assistants First Aid? / Yes / No

Key Person

Questions / Notes
13 / What information would you need to gather from parents/carers to ensure children’s care is tailored to meet their individual needs?
14 / How might you support parents and/or carers in guiding their child’s development at home?

Staff: child Ratios

Questions / Notes
15 / How many children can you care for? Consider space/measurements, own children
16 / If you are a employing an assistant, what are the requirements regarding leaving them in sole charge of children?
17 / Knows and understands the number and ages of children he/she can mind
Confirmed these are:
18 / Has a copy of the Ofsted ‘the numbers and ages of children that CMs on the early years and childcare register may care for’ doc


Questions / Notes
19 / How will you prevent the spread of infection in your home?
20 / What steps would you take if a child was
taken ill in your care? What would you do if a child arrived with an injury or an infection?
21 / What would you do if parents asked you to give medication to their child
22 / What food and drink do you intend to provide?
23 / How will you know children’s specific dietary requirements, preferences and allergies? How will you ensure you meet these?
24 / How will you ensure children have accessible water at all times?
25 / What is the requirement regarding notification of food poisoning?
26 / What actions will you take if a child has an accident in your care?
27 / What is the requirement regarding notification of serious accident, illness or injury to, or death of, a child in your care?

Managing behaviour

Questions / Notes
28 / What strategies will you be using to manage children’s behaviour?
29 / Do you understand the regulation regarding corporal punishment?

Safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment

Questions / Notes
30 / What should be covered in the risk assessment?
31 / How will you make sure your home is secure and children cannot leave unsupervised?
32 / How do you aim to prevent a fire on your premises?
33 / What plans do you have to ensure children’s safety in the event of a fire, or any other situation that requires the immediate evacuation of the premises?
34 / How will you ensure you maintain a smoke-free environment? What messages about smoking do you need to give to children?
35 / How will you adapt your premises to make them suitable for children with disabilities?
36 / What can children gain from outdoor activities and how will this feature in your routine? What would prevent children playing outside?
37 / Where will children relax, play quietly or sleep?
38 / How will you manage children’s safety when they are sleeping?
39 / How will you manage nappy changing sleeping and toileting hygienically?
40 / How will you ensure children are collected by authorised adults only?
41 / Do you understand the requirements re PLI?
42 / How will you assess risks and keep children safe when they are away from you premises e.g. on outings?
43 / How will you keep children safe when travelling by car?

Equal Opportunities

Questions / Notes
44 / How do you intend to support children with special educational needs or disabilities?
45 / How will you promote and value diversity? What activities will you carry out with children to help them appreciate value and respect other cultures, religions, backgrounds etc?

Information and records

Questions / Notes
46 / How would you enable regular two way flow of information with parents/carers and CMs?
47 / How would you enable regular two way flow of information with other settings children attend?
48 / Where will you store children’s files and records?
49 / What information do you need to gather about children you care for?
50 / What information will you provide for parents/carers?
51 / How will you manage complaints?
52 / How will you ensure parents know how to make a complaint?
53 / How will you ensure parents are aware of the outcome of your inspection?
54 / What information must you have in place regarding people who may work with you?
55 / What will you record about children’s attendances?
56 / Where will you display your certificate?
57 / What would you need to consider if caring for children overnight?
58 / When must you notify Ofsted?

Learning and Development

Questions / Notes
59 / Name the 7 areas of learning
60 / Which three areas are particularly critical for children to be able to learn and build relationships? What are these called?
61 / For each of the seven areas of learning and development, give an example of a play activity for a very young child and a four year old that would support their learning and development
62 / How will you find out the individual needs, interests, and starting points of children when they begin their time with you?
63 / How will you know that children are progressing in their learning and development and how will you use this knowledge to plan for further development?
64 / How will you ensure all the children continue to be challenged, interested and excited about the activities you plan?
65 / How will you involve parents and what will you share with them?
66 / What arrangements will you put in place to develop and provide a written assessment of children’s progress between the ages of two and three?
67 / What will you do to help children be ready for school?
68 / How will you evaluate the success of the activities you plan for the children?
69 / What would you do if a child’s progress in any prime area gives cause for concern?
70 / How will you support children whose home language is not English?
71 / How do you intend to use your home for childminding?

Checklist for policies, procedures and other documents

Yes / No / Comments
Risk Assessment completed
Outings Risk Assessments in place/discussed
Emergency evacuation plan in place
Policies and procedures
Allegation of abuse against a childminder/ member of family
Uncollected child
Lost child
Medicine administration
Equal opps/inclusion
No Smoking
Mobile phone/camera policy
Other documents
System for recording any safeguarding concerns
Sample menu
Complaints record form
Typical day plan
Documentation checklist
Emergency treatment consent
Medication permission form
Starting points information
Sample obs/assessment forms
Learning journeys/profiles discussed
First aid Booked

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Early Years and Childcare Improvement Team (EYCIT) CM Pre-registration checklist for childminders