• Soccer is the most popular athletic sport played in the world today.
  • A team usually consists of three forwards, three mid-field players, four backline defenders, and one goalkeeper. Forwards are the main line of attack. Midfield players tend to be the powerhouse of the team and the Defenders should work well together and should play safely by clearing the ball away from their own area, and not risk dribbling or passing toward their own goal. Goalkeepers must try to stop the opposing team from scoring.
  • The ball is moved along the field by dribbling, passing, heading, and trapping.
  • The game begins with a coin toss, the winning team gets its choice of kicking off or selecting which goal to defend. On the kickoff, the ball must travel forward about 1 yard, and the kicker cannot touch it again until another player has kicked it. The defensive team must be 10 yards away from the kicker. After each score, the team not winning the point gets to kick off. Both teams must be onside at the kickoff.
  • When the ball goes out of bounds on the sideline, it is put into play with a throw-in from the spot where it crossed the line. All opponents are to be 10 yards back at the time of the throw.
  • If the ball is caused to go out of bounds on the end line by the attacking team, a goal kick is awarded. The ball is placed in the goal area and kicked beyond the area by a defending player, who may not touch the ball twice in succession.
  • If the defensive team causes the ball to go out of bounds over the end line, a corner kick is awarded. The ball is placed 1 yard from the corner of the field and kicked into the field of play by an attacking player. The 10 yard restriction also applies to defensive players.
  • Personal fouls involving unnecessary roughness are penalized: Tripping, striking, charging, holding, pushing, and jumping an opponent intentionally is forbidden.
  • It is a foul for any player, except the goalkeeper, to handle the ball with their hands or arms. After the ball has left his/her possession, the goalkeeper may not pick it up again until another player has touched it.

Definitions of Rules and Terms
Kickoff- putting the ball in play with a forward kick at center circle
Goal- a point scored by forcing the ball across the opponent's goal line
Free Kick- on a foul or violation, the ball is given to the offensive team at the spot of the foul. The defensive team must be at least 10 yards from the ball. There are 2 types, direct and indirect free kick
Direct Free Kick- the ball may be kicked directly into the goal and is awarded for the following fouls- hand ball, holding, pushing, charging, tripping
Indirect Free Kick- the ball must be touched by another player before a goal can be scored.
Penalty Kick- awarded when a foul is committed by the defensive team inside of the penalty area. The kick is taken from the penalty mark.
Goal Kick- when the ball is last touched by the attacking team goes over the endline, the ball is placed on the nearest edge of the goal area and kicked by the defensive team.
Corner Kick- if the ball is last touched by the defensive team last and it goes over the end line, the ball is placed on the nearest corner and kicked by the attacking team.
Throw-In- When a team knocks the ball over the touch line a throw-in is awarded. The ball is held behind the head and thrown in with both hands. Both feet must remain on the ground until the ball is released.
Dribbling- advancing the ball using your feet
Heading- directing the ball using your head
Trapping- stopping and controlling the ball using parts of the body
Tackling- a defensive method of sliding to take the ball away

Terms and Field Markings
Goal Keeper: may use hands, punt, or throw the ball while in the penalty area
Fullbacks: defensive players in front of the goal keeper
Halfbacks: play both offense and defense in the middle of the field
Forwards: press the attack to score goals