TBay Training Room

1 November 2014 7 pm


Micheal Kelly / Chairperson
James O’Sullivan / Secretary
Ronan Breen
John O’Leary
Micheal O’Sullivan
Martin Cullinane
Mary O’Sullivan
Peter Cullen
Jono Moore
Anthony Widger
Grace O’Sullivan
Hugh O’Brien


Tony O’Hanlon

1. Opening of Meeting (welcome all members)

Micheal Kelly opened the meeting and welcomed all members to the AGM of TBay surf club 2014.

2. Apologies (committee not present)

Micheal Kelly noted those not present who had provided apologies.

Tony O’Hanlon, Brian gordon

3. Log of those Present

All of the names of those present was recorded.

4. Presentation of Annual Activities (what happened over the year)

Ronan Breen provided a presentation on all of the clubs activities over the past year. Highlights included:

·  Most active club in country and Largest surf Club nationally

·  The new extension – though it was noted that there is no further room for development in the future

·  The winter league of ~172 children

·  BBQs of which one provided funding to send TBay members to the Azores for the junior Europeans

o  Ireland finished #5 above England and Wales

·  The summer camps

·  The masters classes provided through Hugh and Grace

·  Smart TV installed for contest viewing and training

·  First Irish surf club to be mentioned on the ASP tour

5. Presentation of Treasurer’s report (financials)

Micheal Kelly the treasurer presented the accounts for the club which is limited by guarantee i.e. directors cannot benefit financially.

Auditor – Mark Kennedy

Solicitor – Dobbin and McCoy

Discussed P&L in brief for 2013:

·  Sponsorship given out €3.5 k of which €2.5 k to R&E fund

·  Texting service cost €680

·  Building €109 k (total overall €138 k) – still to finish ramp and solar

·  Overall very little in difference between Income and Expenditure 2013

WLP grant of €90,000 acknowledged and Thanked WLP for their Support

Thanked members who provided loans of €60 K of which club owes €40 k at present.

€6-7 k currently in the AIB Current Account of which €2-3 is for ongoing training costs. ISA Dues of 2,800 recently paid for current year

Specific tanks to:

·  All coaches who give so much of their time for free.

·  Members and supporters for all the help throughout the year

·  All the staff and Management of TBay

·  Waterford Leader Partnership for their Grant assistance and support.

·  Those members who provided loans for the extension of surf Club

·  David Smyth – architect for Extension of Surf Club who’s contribution also Saved the Surf Club over €10,000 in Fees and Planning Costs

·  James O’Sullivan was thanked for his all his input into the Application for funding which included market research and detailed Analysis of all aspects of the project.

·  Dooleys Fish n Chips– sponsors selected for 2014 and 2015

·  All parents and helpers

·  The leaguers themselves

·  All who represented us in competitions at national and International Level

·  All directors and committee members

·  Irish Surfing (Governing Body Of Surfing in Ireland)

The New Committee is as follows:

James Hassey

Gary Butler

Nick McCarthy

Ronan Breen

Jono Moore

Hugh O’Brien

Pat Hartley

Grace O’Sullivan

Anthony Widger

Martin Cullinane

Micheal Kelly

John O’Leary

Pat Cunningham

James O’Sullivan

Dave Smyth

Duke Kenny

It was made clear that the committee is casual on most occasions and open therefore any member is free to attend committee meetings. All of the committee were voted in unanimously.

Consideration will be given to having junior members on the committee.

6. Election of New Executive

Richie Hannigan will be asked to resign from the current executive. Ronan Breen and Micheal Kelly resigned and sought immediate re-election.

Those elected were:

Micheal Kelly

Ronan Breen

Jono Moore

Dave Smyth

Nick McCarthy

Micheal Kelly noted he intends to stand down as director in the coming two years. But will continue assisting at grassroots level

7. Determination of Annual Membership Fee

No change in fees proposed though inclusion of students into junior category.

8. Notice/s of Motion (set out the competitions, BBQs etc)

·  Continue with 2 ISA events per annum

·  May consider more master classes

·  The club requires a full time employee but not affordable at present.

It was noted that this is the reason a lot more development work is not undertaken. Members were asked to appreciate this

·  John O’Leary presented the concept of U8 parent assisted, U10 and U12 competition similar to the Australia model. This concept to be finalised and sent to the ISA for approval.

9. Urgent general business

10. AOB

The following was raised under AOB though is considered more appropriate for the next committee meeting:

·  Micheal O’Sullivan raise the concept of a buy & sell notice board

·  Rubble on the beach needs to be addressed by the council

·  Martin Cullinane and Grace O’Sullivan remain child welfare officers

·  All coaches vetting is up to date

·  The waiting list for the league was discussed

·  An overview of the state of affairs of the ISA was given

·  The legends event will be considered for 2015

·  Masters party on the 22nd November decided.