Procurement Plan

I.  General

1. Project information:

(a)  Country/Borrower: Myanmar

(b)  Project Implementing Agency: Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT)

2. Bank’s approvalDate of the procurement Plan

·  Original Plan : December 23 2013

·  1st Revised Plan : 09 June 2014

·  2nd Revised Plan : 10 February 2015

3.  Date of General Procurement Notice:

·  December 10, 2013

4.  Period covered by this procurement plan:

·  18 months.

II.  Goods and Works and Non-Consulting Services

1.  Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement:

Procurement Method / Contract Value Threshold (USD) / Prior Review Threshold ($’000) / Comments
1. / ICB(Goods) / >100,000 / All contracts
2. / Shopping / <100,000 / First contract / Vehicles will be procured through shopping.
3. / ICB (Non-Consulting Service) / >100,000 / All contracts
4. / Direct Contracting[1] / All contracts

2.  Procurement Packages for Goods with Methods and Time Schedule

Ref. No. / Contract
(Description) / Estimated
USD / Procurement
Method / Domestic Preference
(yes/no) / Review
by Bank
(Prior / Post) / Expected
Bid/Quotation Opening
Date / Comment
G1.3.1 / Integrated Spectrum Management and Monitoring System
(Supply & Installation Contract) / 7.8 mil. / ICB / No / Prior / September 2015
G2.2 / Funding for pilot programs (Non-Consulting Services) / 10 mil. / ICB / No / Prior / December 2015 / Output based contract
G3.1.1 / Portal Implementation, including Infrastructure Set up (Hardware and software) / 3.32 mil. / ICB / No / Prior / (O) December 2014
(R) Jun 2015
G4.1 / Office Equipment / 42,000[2] / Shopping / No / Prior / (O) July 2014
(R) September 2014 / First Shopping contract – prior review. Purchase order signed on January1 14, 2015
G4.2 / Office Furniture / 20,000 / Shopping / No / Post / (O)July 2014
(R) April 2015
G4.3 / 2 Vehicles / 160,000 / Shopping / No / Prior / (O) July 2014
(R ) Jan 2015 / One time exception, NOL already issued for shopping.
G 1.3.2 / SMS4DC software license / < 5,000 / Direct Contract with ITU / no / Prior / (O)July 2014
(R) March 2015 / Waiting for computers to be delivered. ITU has already been asked to send software and invoice
G4.4 / Office Equipment / 40,000 / Shopping / No / Post / April 2015 / For new staff who have joined PTD
G4.5 / Mapping software / 50,000 / Direct Contracting / No / Prior / May 2015
III. Selection of Consultants

1.  Prior Review Threshold: Selection decisions subject to Prior Review by Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines Selection and Employment of Consultants:

Selection Method / Prior Review Threshold (US$) / Comments
1. / Competitive Methods (Firms) – / >$50,000 / All contracts
2. / Single Source (Firms and Individuals) / All contracts (Firm)
>$10,000 (Individual) / -
3. / Individual Consultants / The first contract and all legal and fiduciary positions; and long term advisory positions

2.  Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: No short lists of consultants for services are expected to comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines. However, if a need arises during the project implementation and if it is warranted, short lists of consultants for services estimated to cost less than $50,000 equivalent per contract may be composed entirely of national consultants.

3. Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods (prior & post reviews) and Time Schedule

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Ref. No. / Description of Assignment / Estimated
Cost (USD) / Selection
Method / Review
by Bank
(Prior / Post) / Expected
Proposals Submission
Date / Comment
C1.1.1 / Long Term policy advisor for MCIT (local) / 70,000 / IC / Prior / July 2014 / 3 yrs
C1.1.2 / Long Term regulatory advisor to MCIT and PTD (Int’l) / 200,000 / IC / Prior / July 2014 / 1 yr
Contract signed
C1.1.3 / Develop law for establishment of Myanmar Telecommunications Commission / 300,000 / QCBS / Prior / March 2015 / 1 yr
C1.1.4 / Development of rules and procedures (tariffs, quality of service, standardization, type approval and others) / 300,000 / QCBS / Prior / November 2015
C1.1.5 / Long term advisor to MTC / 180,000 / IC / Prior / December 2015
C1.1.6 / Support to Appeals body / 100,000 / IC / Prior / Oct. 2015 / Fee based contract
C1.1.7 / Due diligence on additional ICT Laws / 150,000 / CQS / Prior / Sep 2015
C1.1.8 / Support on Postal Policy and Law / 100,000 / IC / Prior / August 2014 / 6 months
Contract to be signed
C 1.1.9 / Consultant for Development of Telecom Master Plan / 100,000 / IC/ SS ** / Prior / February 2015 / SSS
C1.1.10 / Local Legal Advisor to Minister / 30,000 / IC / Prior / April 2015
C1.3.1 / Spectrum Management and Implementation support (Technical and procurement) / 500,000 / QCBS / Prior / February 2015 / 3 years
C1.3.2 / Spectrum Implementation Expert Services for SMS4DC / 150,000 / IC / Prior / July 2015 / 6 months
C1.4.1 / Technical advisory and management support for corporatization of MPT / 2,000,000 / QCBS / Prior / May 2015 / 18 months
C1.4.2 / Local Legal support for MPT corporatization immediate actions / 30,000 / IC / Post / February 2015 / 5 months
C2.1 / Development of Universal Service Strategy, Universal Service Fund Manual, implementation procedures and design of pilot programs / 500,000 / QCBS / Prior / May 2015 / 4 yrs
C3.1.1 / TA for Design of portal, and font standardization / 60,000 / IC / Prior / July 2014 / 4 months
Contract Signed
C3.2.1 / eLeadership Workshop trainer / 37,500 / IC / Post / September 2015
C3.2.2 / eGovernance Capacity Building trainer / 52,500 / IC / Post / September 2015
C3.3.1 / eGovernment Delivery Unit / 1,000,000 / QCBS / Prior / May 2015
C4.1 / Procurement Specialist / 234,000 / IC / Prior / June 2014
C4.2 / Financial Management Specialist / 234,000 / IC / Prior / November 2014
C4.3 / Communications Specialist / 90,000 / IC / Prior / August 2015
C4.4 / M&E Specialist / 120,000 / IC / Prior / December 2015
C4.5 / Safeguard Specialist / 52,000 / IC / Post / September 2015
C4.6 / Translator / 42,000 / IC / Post / July 2015
C4.7 / PTD Webpage Updates / 5,000 / IC / Post / June 2015
** In the event of Sole Source Selection (SSS) , the request and SSS justification will have to be submitted for the Bank’s Prior Review

[1] In the event of Direct Contracting and Sole Source Selection (SSS) the request and SSS justification will have to be submitted for the Bank’s Prior Review

[2] Actual contract amount isMMK 125,628,000,00 (or USD 120,000 equivalent)