Policy Policy or

Number Regulation

0. Concept and Roles in Instruction………………………… 6000 P

A. Goals and Objectives of the Instructional Program….. 6010 P

1. Elementary and Secondary

A.  Schedules

(1) School Calendar…………………………………. 6111 P

(2) School Day………………………………………. 6112 P

(3) Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness………… 6114 P

(a) Fire Emergency……………………………… 6114.1 P / R

(b) Safe Schools………………………………… 6114.7 P / R

(4) Ceremonies and Observances…………………… 6115 P / R

B.  Objectives of the Instructional Program

(1) Nondiscrimination……………………………… 6121 P

(2) Equal Educational Opportunity………………… 6121.1 P

C.  Curriculum………………………………………….. 6140 P

(1) Curriculum Design / Development

(a) Separation of Church and State 6141.2 P

(b) Religion & Religious Accommodations 6141.22 P / R

(i) Bilingual-Bicultural Education……… 6141.31 P

(ii) Computer Literacy…………………… 6141.32 P

(iii) Computer/Information Technology Proficiency 6141.33 P

(2)  Subject Fields

(a) Family Life and Sex Education…………. 6142.1 P

(b) Reading / Language Arts………………… 6142.2 P

(3) Controversial Issues ………………………… 6144 P

(a) Exemption from Instruction…………….. 6144.1 P

(4) Extra-Class Activities……………………….. 6145 P

(a) Enrichment Activities…………………… 6145.1 P

(b) Publications……………………………… 6145.3 P / R

(c ) Organizations / Associations……………. 6145.5 P (d) Activity Funds Management……………. 6145.8 P

Graduation Requirements

(a) Grading System…………………………. 6146.1 P

(b) Statewide Proficiency/Mastery Examinations 6146.2 P

D.  Instructional Arrangement

(1) Class Size……………………………………. 6151 P

(2) Field Trips and Community Service………… 6153 P / R

(3) Homework / Make-up Work………………… 6154

(4) Use of Computers in Instruction……………. 6156 P

(5) Acceptable Use Policy……………………… 6157 P

(6) Internet Safety Filtering Policy……………… 6157.1 P

(7) Individualized Education Program/Special Ed. Program 6159 P / R



Policy Policy or

Number Regulation

E.  Instructional Services

(1) Equipment, Books & Materials: Provision/Selection 6161 P / R

(a) Evaluation of Instructional Materials……………… 6161.1 / R

(b) Care of Instructional Materials……………………. 6161.2 P / R

(c) Overdue Damaged or Lost Instructional Materials 6161.3 / R

(2) Instructional Resources for Teachers

(a) Surveys of Students – Student Privacy…………….. 6162.51 P

(a) Use of Copying Devices…………………………… 6162.6 P / R

(b) Backup Copies of Copyrighted Computer Software.. 6162.7 / R

(3) Live Animals in the Classroom…………………… 6163.3 P /

(4) Individual Services & Diagnostic Counseling… ….6164 P /

(a)  Health Services

(i) Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol………………………. 6164.11 P /

(ii) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

(AIDS) Educational Exemption……………….. 6164.12 P /

(b) Guidance Services………………………………6164.2 P /

(c ) Identification of Special Needs & Abilities…….6164.4 P /

F.  Curriculum Extensions

(1) Special Education…………………………………….. 6171 P / R

(a) Programs and Services……………………………. 6171.1 / R

(b) Title I Parent Involvement……………………….. 6172.4 P / R

(c) Bethany Parent Involvement Compact…………… 6172.41 P

G. Evaluation of the Instructional Program……………… 6180 P /

(1) Evaluation of Special Education Program………… 6181 P /

(2) Adult Continuing Education……………………… 6200 P /

(updated 1/14/09)



Concept and Roles in Instruction

The Board of Education sees a major responsibility to provide equipment, materials of instruction and such other facilitating action as may be required to best meet the needs of the professional staff and thus the community’s goals.

The Board of Education supports a continuing program of in-service education involving both the certified and non-certified staff, as well as members of the community at large, to keep them abreast of current needs of the students.

Policy adopted: September 9, 1991


Bethany, Connecticut



Goals and Objectives of the Instructional Program

The Bethany Community School shall provide an educational program that will enable each child to develop his/her abilities to their fullest potential, that will stimulate each child to seek and find joy in learning and pleasure in creating, and that will nurture in each child a secure and positive sense of self.

The Board will encourage and foster instructional programs that are creative, imaginative and flexible and that recognize the individuality and worth of each child.

One of the major emphases of the instructional programs shall be the guidance of children toward learning the basic skills necessary for them to progress at their own optimum rate. The school program shall also provide opportunity for learning more than basic skills alone; it must also teach children how to learn and how to develop in them the capacity to educate themselves.

The Board of Education establishes the following goals for instructional program:

1.  To instill in students basic skills as well as the knowledge, attitudes and habits that will allow them to adopt, adapt and utilize these skills in the ever-changing environment;

2.  To provide an educational program that challenges each student yet minimizes failure. Everyone willing to make the effort to work and learn should be able to achieve a certain measure of success;

3.  To develop an educational program that is comprehensive and involves input from all groups within the school community, especially administrators, staff, parents and students;

4.  To create a learning process that emphasizes human worth and incorporates real and relevant experiences that students may identify with and learn from easily; and

5.  To provide educational opportunities for students to interact with students and leaders from other racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds in order to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation which may involve providing such opportunities with students from other communities.

The Board shall provide for a school environment in which such programs may flourish.


Bethany, Connecticut



Goals and Objectives of the Instructional Program (continued)

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

10-4a Educational interests of state defined, as amended by PA 97-290, An Act Enhancing Educational Choices and Opportunities.

10-220 Duties of Boards of Education.

Policy adopted: September 9, 1991

Policy revised: November 17, 1998


Bethany, Connecticut



School Calendar

The school calendar shall show the beginning and ending dates of school, legal and local holidays, meeting days, number of teaching days, vacation periods, and other pertinent dates.

At its regular March meeting, the Board shall adopt the school calendar for the ensuing year which shall as nearly coincide with the calendar for the region (Bethany, Orange, Woodbridge) as possible.

The Superintendent shall recommend to the Board of Education in advance of the March meeting, a school calendar that will meet the requirements of the law as well as the needs of the community, students, and personnel.

The Board of Education may declare a holiday for Bethany Community School when good reason exists.

School sessions shall be maintained for a minimum of 180 days during each year in accordance with state requirements.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General statutes

1 –4 Days designated as legal holidays

State Board of Education Regulations

10-76d-3 Length of school day and year.

Policy adopted: September 9, 1991


Bethany, Connecticut



School Day

Each school day, including days shortened for staff in-service activities, parent conferences or other activities, must meet the statutory requirement of providing at least four hours of actual school work for students. In kindergarten, however, a continuous session of two and one-half hours may be considered as a school day. Any school session of at least two hours, but less than four hours of actual school work, may be counted as a half day.

In the event of dismissal of school because of weather conditions, completion of the regular morning session may be considered a school day. In kindergarten, a continuous two-hour session may be considered a school day where school is dismissed because of weather conditions or a scheduled early closing.

Number of School Days

The district must by law provide in each school year no less than 180 days of actual school sessions for kindergarten through grade 8, and 900 hours of actual school work for grades 1 through 8. No more than 78 hours of actual school work in any school day may be counted toward the total required for the school year. Graduation shall not be held until `80 days and 900 hours of actual school work are completed.

Length of School Day: Special Education

Unless otherwise specified in a child’s individualized education program, the minimum day and year for children requiring special education and related services shall be the same as that for children in the regular education program.

Total travel time shall not exceed one hour each way to and from a special education facility, unless parental consent and approval of the State Board of Education is obtained.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

10-16 Length of school day

10-161 Graduation Exercises

State Board of Education Regulations

10-76d-3 Length of school day and year

10-76d –11 Individualized education program

10-76d-19 Transportation

Policy adopted: September 9, 1991


Bethany, Connecticut



Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness

All employees of the school system are responsible for doing everything in their power to promote the safety of all of the students at all times.

The administration shall require the Principal to maintain procedures for fire, civil defense, and other emergencies, and to insure the maintenance of the fire alarm system and regular and emergency exits of all buildings. Following an emergency, the Principal shall report immediately to the Superintendent and the chairperson of the Board.

Fire drills are to be held at least once each school month.

First Aid and CPR

At least one person at each school site should hold current first aid and/or CPR certification.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

10-231 Fire drills.

Policy adopted: September 9, 1991


Bethany, Connecticut



Fire Emergency (Drills)

A fire drill shall be held at least once a month in each school building. A crisis response drill may be substituted for one of the required monthly school fire drills every three months. Each Building Principal shall prepare a definite fire emergency plan, and furnish to all teachers and students information as to route and manner of exit. Fire drills shall be planned in such a way as to accomplish the evacuation of school buildings in the shortest possible time and in the most efficient and orderly fashion.

Principals shall keep a record of all fire and crisis response drills held in their schools, stating the date the drill was held and the time required for evacuation of the building. They shall furnish such reports to the Superintendent or his designate as may from time to time be required.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

10-231 Fire drills. (as amended by PA 00-220)

Policy adopted: October 11, 2000


Bethany, Connecticut



Fire Emergency

In the event that fire is discovered in any of the school buildings, the fire department shall be called immediately after the signal to evacuate the building has been given.

The Principal shall hold at least one fire drill each month in which all students, teachers and other employees shall be required to leave the school building.

1.  Students must leave the building in an orderly and rapid manner and teachers are required to check to ascertain that no student remains in the building.

2.  Real emergencies often call for alternate exits to be used. Teachers must be prepared to select and direct their classes to these alternate exits in the event the designated escape route is blocked.

3.  A record shall be kept in the Principal’s office of each fire drill conducted. A copy of the record shall also be filed in the office of the Superintendent.

The principal and teachers shall recognize that the essential element in any emergency is prevention of panic. The principal and teachers shall afford students such confidence as clarity of direction and supervision can contribute.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

10-231 Fire drills.

Regulation approved: September 9, 1991


Bethany, Connecticut



Safe Schools

The Board of Education is committed to the prevention of violence against people or property in the school or at school activities, whether by students, staff or others. While committed to the protection of each person’s constitutional rights, including due process rights, the Board does not condone lawlessness. Any individual committing violent acts in or on school property will be disciplined according to applicable Board policy and regulations.

Staff members who implement this or any other Board policy will receive the full support of the Board and the administration.

The Board shall establish an advisory committee to review specific policies, regulations, plans and procedures in order to ensure a comprehensive and effective program to prevent and punish vandalism and violence occurring in the school and on district property. Simultaneously with the work of the committee, the Superintendent of Schools and the building principal shall review the practices of the school and shall submit a report to the Board including any findings and recommendations on the implementation of committee suggestions on these and other policies, regulations, plans and procedures concerning safety. Members of the advisory committee shall include a Board member, the Superintendent of Schools, appropriate school personnel, a student representative, parents, and other community representatives. All members shall be appointed by the Board.

The advisory committee shall examine the policies, regulations, plans and procedures concerning:

1.  student discipline;

2.  the maintenance of public order on school property;

3.  the banning of weapons on school property;

4.  drug and alcohol abuse;

5.  school emergency management;

6.  coordination efforts with law enforcement agencies;

7.  searches and seizures by school officials;

8.  training for staff and students in conflict resolution and violence prevention; and

9.  building security measures including procedures governing visitors to the schools and access to school buildings.


Bethany, Connecticut



Safe Schools (continued)

The advisory committee shall review these and other policies, regulations, plans, and procedures, as directed, to ensure that they are:

1.  consistent with law and regulation;