To increase the income by growing of onion production in150 acre land in Dahod District.

G. K. Bera, U. A. Dod & Dr. R. Dubey

BAIF-GRISERV Office Vadodara

INTRODUCTION:Onion [ Allium cepa ] family Alliaceae is one of the most important commercial vegetables. It is grown in western, northern as well as in southern India. Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar are Major onion growing states in India.

India stands 2nd position in Onion production after China in the World. In India, Gujarat stands 2nd position in Onion cultivation after Maharashtra state. The productivity of Onion is 12580kg/Ha all over the India while In Gujarat state, the productivity is highest [ 22120 kg/ha ] .

Onion is a cool season crop. However it can be grown under a wide range of climatic conditions. It grows well under mild climate without extreme heat or cold or excessive rainfall. In areas where average annual rainfall exceeds 75-100 cm in the monsoon periods, it can be grown only as a summer crop.

The ideal temperature requirement of the onion crop is 12.8-21 C for growth development and 15.5-25 C for bulb development. Very low temperature in the early stages favors bolting, where as sudden rise in temperature favour early maturity in Rabi, resulting in small –sized bulbs.

Onion can be grown on all type of soils. However, Goradu, and medium black soils are best for its successful production. Good drainage, weeds free plots and presence of organic matter favor production of good crop. It cannot be grown in alkaline or low-lying marshy lands. The optimum pH is 5.8-6.5.

Dahod district is a part of Eastern Hilly Region and is sub-divided into two sub-Micro regions namely, Mahi Plain and Forested and Scrub zone on the basis of topography.Previously this district was adjoining with Panchmahals district. This is one of the tribal district of Gujarat. Major tribal communities in this block are Damor, Bariya, Suvar, Mal, Valvi, Pargi, Bhagora, Katara and Chandana. In this district less agriculture & milk production, negligible industrial facilities to maintain the mankind. Targeted marginal and small farmers constitute around 70% of the population. Most of the farmers have average 1-3 acre land holding.

Agriculture practices of district are totally depending on rain for which peoples of the area migrate from one place to another places. Population of district is 1636443 out of this 72.26% is backward. There are 7 blocks and in that 996 villages are present in dahod district.

Material and Methods:

It has worked on 15 villages in Limkheda and Fatepura talukas in Dahod district under two clusters of onion belt have been identified for implementing the programs. For this meetings were arranged and list of interested, experienced farmers was prepared with the help of Sarpanch in each villages. Information regarding this project was given in all villages through making of individual contact and close meeting with farmers. After that interested farmers those who want to come forward contacted regularly on phone. Information was given to them that as compare to other vegetables they will get better income after onion cultivation and benefits.


Light Red (Pillipatti) used variety of onion seed from Jindal seed co, has identified for commercial production of onion for all selected farmers.


Rabi Season : Nursery: August-September & transplanting in Oct- Nov


For this deep ploughing is essential with farm yard manure.

Farmers are preparing a small part of their field and sowing of seeds is done.

After sowing it is covered with leaves of palas & teak due to this seeds will not flow with the water.

Regular supply of water helps to germinate the seeds within 7 to 8 days and when the germination of seeds is seen covered leaves of palas & tick removed from field.

Manually wedding in nursery area should be done

Seedlings are ready to transplant after 25-30 days.

Farmers are purchasing seedlings from market at the rate of Rs 15 to 20/- per kg.

Few farmers are preparing small onion beds for their own consumption.


Farmers and his family should be interested in preparation of nursery

There should be proper irrigation facility at farmer’s door.

There should be facility for roads.

Farmer should be ready to sign consent letter for onion nursery preparation


Preparation of nursery for onion is to done very carefully and it is done by the experienced persons only. Onion seedlings are very sensitive to fungus so development of nursery is not possible at each beneficiary level because it is very difficult to reach the technology and also facilitate in the supervision.Every nursery has prepared in group.


Before seedling plots are prepared in such a manner that 8 – 10 carts of farm yard manure is mixed with soil and sprayed in a designed plot with raised border for storing water.

For irrigation purpose half feet furrow is kept between two beds.

The distance between two plants is 3-4 inches.

Before seedling DAP fertilizer & organic fertilizer is applied in field.

After seedling implantation in dry field water is poured at the base.

Second irrigation is done 3-4 days after plantation of seedlings later on at 10-15 days interval.


Before distribution of saplings measurement of land was taken in consideration.

Care was taken that every farmer will get 100kg saplings for ½ acre of land so that every farmer will be benefited.

Provision was made that weighing of saplings should be done at every nursery.

At the time of distribution other farmers those who were not involved in project also came to take benefit when we enquired about it they told us that we are relatives of beneficiary because at that time rate of sapling in market was 25-30Rs/kg.

We also take care that beneficiary should not sold those sapling in market. To avoid that regularly we checked it

Result and Discussion:


11 members committee was formed in each village.

Sr. No. / Name of Village / Name of Village Committee / Name of President &
1 / Navagam / Navyuvak kisan Samitee, Navagam / Mr. Rathod Shankarabhai Fatubhai
2 / Bordi Sarkari / New Ekta Kisan Krishi Samitee , Bordi Sarkari / Mr. Rose Bhavsing Bhabarbhai
Mr. Rathod Garvarbhai Punjabhai
3 / Dhamarda / Hariyali Kisan Samitee, Dhamarda / Mr, Bhabor Raimalbhai Nathubhai
Mr. Parmar Jesingbhai Bhartabhai
4 / Kharoda / Jay Ranchod Kisan Samitee, Kharoda / Mr. Damor Mukeshbhai Nathubhai
Mr. Ninama Navalsing Punjabhai
5 / Kharedi / Kharadi Kisan Krishi Samitee, Kharedi / Mr. Parmar Makansing Nathabhai
Mr. Mantrirmar Pratapbhai Ratnabhai
6 / Bhativada / Bhativada Krishi Vikas Samitee, Bhativada / Mr. Meda Dineshbhai Medalbhai
Mr. Sangada Krishnabhai Somla


Sr. No / Name Of Village / No. Of Beneficiary / Area Covered (Acre) / Production (quintal)
1 / Kharedi / 55 / 10.2 / 4756
2 / Dhamerda / 53 / 10.2 / 5236
3 / Rajpur / 23 / 2.21 / 876
4 / Navagam / 54 / 10.8 / 7027
5 / Bordi-Sarkari / 18 / 3.6 / 2519
6 / Kharoda / 23 / 3.28 / 2308
7 / Mandvav / 8 / 1.6 / 1333
8 / Ranapur / 8 / 1.6 / 883
9 / Bhativada / 23 / 4.17 / 3885
Total / 265 / 47.66 / 28823



Sr. No. / Organization Level
(Material Expenditure) / Sr. No / Farmers Level
(Labor Expense)
1 / DAP 1Bag (50kg) / Rs.522/- / 1 / Rent for Land / Rs. 1200/-
2 / Preparation of Seed Bed / Rs. 1200/-
3 / FYM (2 Trolies) / Rs 1600/-
4 / Labor Charge for Wedding / Rs 2000/-
2 / Pesticides / Rs 500/- / 5 / Labor Charges for Insecticide Spraying / Rs 300/-
6 / Labor Charges for Irrigation / Rs 1200/-
7 / Removal of Saplings / Rs 500/-
Total Expenditure / Rs 1022/- / Total Expenditure / Rs 8000/-
SR. No / Name Of Village / No. Of Beneficieries / Total Production (Quintal) / Market Rate/ Quintal / Total Amount Received After Selling Onion (RS) (3x4) / Total Income Per Farmer (RS) (5/2) / Cost required for cultivation of Onion per Farmer / Net Profit For One Farmer in respective village (RS) (6-7)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
1 / Khaedi / 55 / 4756 / 700 / 3329200 / 60530.90909 / 8409 / 52121.909
2 / Dhamerda / 53 / 5236 / 700 / 3665200 / 69154.71698 / 8409 / 60745.717
3 / Rajpur / 23 / 876 / 700 / 613200 / 26660.86957 / 8409 / 18251.87
4 / Navagam / 54 / 7027 / 700 / 4918900 / 91090.74074 / 8409 / 82681.741
5 / Bordi-Sarkari / 18 / 2519 / 700 / 1763300 / 97961.11111 / 8409 / 89552.111
6 / Kharoda / 23 / 2308 / 700 / 1615600 / 70243.47826 / 8409 / 61834.478
7 / Mandvav / 8 / 1333 / 700 / 933100 / 116637.5 / 8409 / 108228.5
8 / Ranpapur / 8 / 883 / 700 / 618100 / 77262.5 / 8409 / 68853.5
9 / Bhativada / 23 / 3885 / 700 / 2719500 / 118239.1304 / 8409 / 109830.13
TOTAL / 265 / 28823 / 20176100 / 2228385


On the basis of above table every farmers has gain the profit and farmers are ready for growing of such type of cash crops in their limited resources of land. Every farmers have accumulate the net income Rs. 67693.00 from their ½ acre land.