The Power of Words Essay

In this essay, students will analyze the cause and effect of powerful words. After listening/reading two speeches- one from Adolf Hitler, the other from Winston Churchill- students will explore how the power of words had either a positive or negative effect on society during World War II.

Cause and Effect Essay

A cause and effect essay analyzes the reasons for- and/or the consequences of- an action, event, or decision.

Student Objectives:

Students will

● Read and analyze texts closely for the underlying concepts and ideas.

● Identify words that bring passion to a text.

● Draw conclusions about the power of words and how they influence others in positive or

negative ways.

●Evaluate the influence powerful figures had in WWII through their speeches and writing tactics.

●Use the Hitler/Churchill speech activity done in class as a reference.

Option One:

Choose either Winston Churchill’s speech OR Adolf Hitler’s speech to analyze. If you choose Churchill, describe his positive influence on the public. If you choose Hitler, evaluate the negative consequences his words created.

Option Two:

Compare Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler’s speeches. What tactics do they use to manipulate emotions? Who was more effective in either a positive or a negative way?

Keep the following questions in mind for BOTH prompts:

  1. What was the cause and effect of their words?
  2. How did it impact society at the time?
  3. What was the effect of their words politically, socially, economically, and morally?
  4. How were soldiers affected?
  5. How did their writing abilities help achieve their goals?
  6. How are the quotes you chose manipulative?

The Power of Words Essay Checklist

_____ MLA format, Times New Roman, 12pt font, double spaced

_____ 600-900 words

_____ 3-5 body paragraphs (a total of 5-7 paragraphs including the introduction and conclusion)

_____ Select at least THREE quotes to analyze closely in your body paragraphs.

_____ You must have at least TWO outside sources that help prove the effect of their words politically, socially, economically, or morally. The outside sources must be listed on your Works Cited page as a reference point for information you discuss your essay, and/or you can use quotes from these outside sources.

_____ Works Cited page

_____ Rough Draft attached to Final Draft