December 1, 2008

7:30 P.M.

The meeting was called to order by Bruce Nowak, with the following trustees answering to roll call: Ralph Bowley, Mike French, Al Lehr, Linda Lehr, Laura Schaefer and Mike Todd. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

A motion was made by Mike Todd to approve the November 17th minutes after the two changes that were made by Laura Schaefer in the Park Section (from the name Gene to Jamie and a grant for $25K to $20K) and the one change from Linda Lehr (from a name Meyer to Pat Netemeyer) under Old Business. Laura Schaefer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS AND COMPUTERS: Ralph Bowley asked if there were any comments concerning the bills that were presented. Bowley stated that he had reviewed the bills and made a motion to pay the bills. The motion was seconded by Mike Todd. The motion carried unanimously.

PERSONNEL: Linda Lehr stated that there was information on health insurance for the Village employees provided to the Board in their folders to compare rates. She is still waiting for some additional information.


SEWER: Al Lehr stated that the new sewer plant is progressing. The blacktop is done. Al Lehr reported that there was a pay request for November from Followell Construction for $199,012.28. Al Lehr made a motion to approve the pay request for $199,012.28. Randy Burk stated that there was a balance of roughly $616,600 to go. Linda Lehr seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

WATER: Al Lehr stated that all is fine with the water plant. Part of the water line on Rt. 163 will have to be relocated before the construction starts. Randy Burk stated we have to get going on that now. They will start in the spring of 2009. If we can’t get easements, they agreed to put the lines under the new sidewalks. The relocation is required from Bonnie Walters’ property to Cozy Acres. This will fall under this budget year. Burk stated that they opened bids in November and he did not know who the low contractor was. Burk stated this will be good for the Village. Linda Lehr asked Randy to find out where it will start.

Randy Burk reported on the water line project on Rt. 158 that is on the state right-of-way. That is from Kossuth to Beil Road. They have asked for cost estimates.

Randy Burk stated that the Urbana water line is ready and has passed the inspection.

REFUSE: Al Lehr stated that there were a few misses but they did come back to pick them up.

STREETS, ALLEYS AND SIDEWALKS: Mike Todd reported that the leaf pickup was going well.

PUBLIC BLDGS, MAINT. & EQUIP.: Mike Todd stated that there was an accident with one of the trucks. We are going out to get bids to fix the truck. It should be under $1.5K. Todd stated that a Library Board member contacted the office and asked what our intentions were with the Village Hall building. He has not heard any more on the subject. Todd stated that they are working on the police station trying to find more room; maybe an addition in next year’s budget.

CABLE SERVICES AND CELL TOWERS: Linda Lehr reported that the Charter Communications issue is still pending on trying to get the cable connected at the Primary Center.

ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Mike French reported on the following:

Resolution for Meeting Dates for 2009. Mike French made a motion that we accept the Resolution for the meeting dates as proposed. Ralph Bowley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Resolution that is a Letter of Understanding from the State of Illinois for Highway 158. The distance was approximately 2,594 feet west of Centreville Road in Monroe County to approximately 41 feet east of M&O station Road within the Village corporate limits. Additional information regarding surface removal, pavement types and specific entrances were included in the packet. The anticipated letting date is March 6, 2009. Mike French made a motion to accept the Resolution that is the Letter of Understanding from the State of Illinois for Rt.158 as presented. Laura Schaefer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance #1022 for the annual tax levy upon real estate situated within the corporate limits of the Village of Millstadt. The amount of taxation was $500,500.00 and is in direct correlation with the categories provided in the Ordinance. The Ordinance is for the fiscal year of May 1, 2009 through April 30, 2010. Mike French made a motion to accept Ordinance #1022 as proposed. Ralph Bowley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

ANNEXATIONS: Tracy Holmes stated that Mike Flynn is working on the agreements for Kropp Road. There have been no new contacts.

PARKS, POOL AND RECREATION: Laura Schaefer reported that Randy Burk will ask Tracy Holmes to go out for bids for the tree removal from the Metro East Park Department Grant that we received.

Laura Schaefer provided a picture of a design for playground equipment for the King’s Creek Park. She asked for comments or suggestions. Several stated that they liked the design. The design was sent to the Park Board. Schaefer stated that there was money in the budget this year for equipment. She met with Greg Haas to design the equipment since it was a difficult space. Miracle made a generous donation of $3,400. Mike French asked if Schaefer looked into the young people in the area that would be using the park. Schaefer stated that she considered the residents in Alpine that go to Elm Street since there isn’t a park there. Schaefer stated that we didn’t have a park that meets the needs of 2 year olds. She asked them to consider the age range from 2 to 12. She stated she was considering the area with young families and grandparents and this equipment would meet that range of kids. There are not many options for parking except for street parking. It would be more of a neighborhood park that you can walk or ride a bike to. The minimum depth for this equipment is 32 ft. and we have 35 ft.

Ralph Bowley asked if there were any plans for the park. Schaefer stated that it was the recommendation of the Park Board not to get rid of the rocket ship slide but to enclose the slide at least 6 ft. The original slide was made by Game Time and they do not make this equipment any more. Another company will not retrofit other’s equipment. Schaefer stated that all the equipment meets the standards. Randy Burk asked Weldon Harber if there were other grant opportunities. Weldon stated yes for $25K. He stated that as long as the first grant project was started, you can apply for this one.

CEMETERY: Don Traiteur will have the crew pick up the flowers a few days after the first of the month.

COMMUNITY CENTER: Linda Lehr stated the Community Center is close to getting a new van by the end of this week. The existing van will be traded in. The cost will be around $8K, with 40K miles. The Community Center will be closed for meals on Christmas day and the day after. The Christmas Eve meal will be a brunch cooked by the staff. The party for the center is December 18th.

PLANNING COMMISSION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Mike French reported on the Planning Commission. As a result of the Village mapping sessions with Western Illinois University, French stated that we need to update the current comprehensive plan. French stated that he had discussions with the Board concerning TWM’s participation and specially Lyndon Joost assisting with the update. The update will require a commitment from a number of the Trustees and other Village personnel. After the plan is updated, there will be a need to accept ownership of certain functions and get commitments from various Trustees to keep the plan up-to-date on an annual basis so we would not have to invest additional dollars year to year. The approximate cost was $10,800 or less. It was confirmed in an email that TWM would be willing to work with us on the compensation to stretch it out over the next several months. It was projected that the completion would be during the month of April and we would make the final payment in May. That pushes us up to the deadline at the new fiscal year. Anything that would come in before that we would have to find the funds to cover the invoices from TWM and then roll this into next year’s budget. Mike French made a motion to approve TWM’s participation in the update for the Village’s comprehensive plan. Al Lehr seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

TIF: Mike French stated that a copy was provided in the Board’s packet of the TIF report from the Joint Review and Board Meeting of November 12th. French stated that he would take any questions to Jim Kane.

BUILDING COMMISSIONER: Steve Muskopf reported the following permits:

Williams 3804 Mine Haul Rd Garage

Johnson 3314 Mill Park Court Single Family Residence

Toms 212 W. Mill Street Commercial Remodel

Schaefer 124 Gladwyn Dr. Single Family Residence


Mike Threlkeld (Bennett Lake Estates) stated that since the last meeting that he had an engineer draw up some specs for the entrances. Steve Muskopf asked that we table the vote until the next meeting to see who will be responsible for the inspection of the work being done and the right-of-ways, the Village or the county. Muskopf stated that we were dealing with a county right-of-way. Mr. Threlkeld stated that he has started by removing the mobile homes and the shed. He stated that he has perspective buyers for all the lots. Mr. Threlkeld stated that he had 60 days to get the work completed.

NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Nowak stated that the Fire Department will have their Christmas dinner this Thursday. Laura Schaefer made a motion and Mike Todd seconded the motion to pay for the Fire Department’s holiday dinner. The motion carried unanimously.

ADJOURNMENT: Ralph Bowley made a motion to adjourn the general Village Board meeting and was seconded by Laura Schaefer. The motion carried unanimously.


Janice Dreyer, Clerk Bruce Nowak, President