Art History Course Requirements

Ms. Hebebrand

Ms. Skoglund

Welcome! This is a yearlong course covering significant movements and trends in the arts and history from the twentieth century to the present. This course is interdisciplinary and will consider how diverse cultural and socio-economic influences have helped shape the history and the arts of twentieth century. The format of the class will include looking at art, photographs, films, videos as well as hands on projects.

Ms. Skoglund will be teaching more of the history aspect and Ms. Hebebrand will be covering the art aspect. Both classes will move along at the same pace and will have many common threads. At times both classes may meet as a whole group.

It is our goal to make this course fun, exciting and rigorous and to help you understand how art history can be a window into human thought and emotion.

Great Path Academy Attributes: Students will strive to embody the three GPA Attributes at all times:

1.)  Respect

2.)  Responsibility

3.)  Safety

Above and Beyond: We encourage you to go above and beyond in this course by making outside connections to the material we cover in class. Any images, videos, or articles that you find or activities that you do in addition to the regular course material can be turned in for extra credit. The Above and Beyond Points will be given to you on a slip of paper which you will turn in to be added to the assignment of your wish.

Art Procedures:

1.)  GPAART Wiki: You will be able to find all important information for this class on the GPAART Wiki. Images, vocabulary words, activities and assignments are all posted for you to use. If you miss a day of class, you can catch up with the material at home.

2.)  Schema Activator: You will be responsible for completing a short schema activator at the beginning of each class. The schema activator will be on my desk at the beginning of the class. You will be expected to take and complete the schema activator and to put it in the in box on my desk. You will be graded daily on your schema activator.

3.)  Homework: Homework is due at the beginning of the class. I will check that you have completed the homework at the start of class. If you were absent you MUST complete the homework assignment for the class you missed within one week.

4.)  Class Participation: To earn class participation points you must 1) be prepared with your binder, a writing utensil, and your homework 2) begin working on your schema activator before being asked by the teacher 3) participate in class. Class participation points will be kept on a chart in your binder.

5.)  Art Projects: For each unit we study you will complete one major art project. This constitutes 50% of your grade!

6.)  Binder checks: To reward your organization and effort I will conduct binder checks at certain times where I will determine if you have ALL of your handouts, notes, and schema activators.

Art Grading:

Art projects: 50%

Homework 10%

Schema Activator 15%

Participation 15%

Binder Check 10%

History Procedures:

1.)  Schema Activator Journal: You will be responsible for writing a short journal entry at the beginning of each class. The journal entry will be written on the board and your response must be AT LEAST three complete sentences. Journals will be corrected and graded at the end of each unit.

2.)  Homework: Homework is due at the beginning of the class. I will check that you have completed the homework at the START of class. If you were absent you MUST complete the homework assignment for the class you missed within one week. Homework grades add up and are a CRUCIAL element to success in this course.

3.)  Class Participation: To earn class participation points you must 1) begin writing your journal entry before being asked by the teacher 2) quality completion of class assignments 3) participation in class. Class participation points will be kept on a chart in your binder.

4.)  Absent Bin: There is absent bin in the classroom where all materials will be kept. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to retrieve the

5.)  Binder checks: To reward your organization and effort approximately at the end of each unit I will conduct binder checks, where I will determine if you have ALL of your class materials. These Binder Checks are worth a quiz grade.

6.)  Document List: Organization is key! You will keep all handouts and assignments in chronological order and will record them in your “Document List” which will be kept at the front of your binder.

History Grading:

Tests 25%

Quizzes 15%

Homework 10%

Schema Activator Journal 15%

Class Assignments 20%

Participation 15%

We look forward to working with you. New learning takes place when everybody is involved: Share your ideas and thoughts with the class. The best learning happens when we are all engaged in being open to explore new ideas and thoughts. We want you to work your hardest, challenge yourself to think about new topics you have never thought about. We promise that you will end this class with a great set of skills to help you navigate future courses at the college level.

A quick note about ourselves:

We love art, history and to learn new things. We hope to make a difference in your lives, to inspire you to look at the world with new insights and help you achieve your goals.

Don’t ever hesitate to ask questions and ask for help. Most importantly, if you don’t understand something, ask!

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______