Application to Foster a Peace for Paws Ohio Pet


Name of dog/ cat to Foster:

Your name and phone number:

Your DOB: ______

Spouse’s/domestic partner’s name & phone number:

Is your spouse and/or domestic partner in agreement with this Foster?

Your address with city, state & zip code:

E-mail address:

Why do you want to Foster this pet?

Experience with this particular breed?

What size pet suits you and/or your family?

What age pet suits you and/or your family?

Do you have breed preferences, if so what breed(s)?

Have you ever owned a cat or dog?

If yes, for how long?

Have you ever given up a pet?

If yes, why?

Please list the name, breed or type, sex, age of any pets living in your household:

Are these animals spayed/neutered? ______

Do you currently breed or have you previously bred dogs?

Please provide the names and telephone numbers of THREE REFERENCES, including your veterinarian and, if applicable, your landlord or property manager. Other references could include a friend, neighbor, employer, relative, etc.

After submitting this application, please contact your veterinarian to let them know that they may release your pet's medical history to a Peace for Paws Ohio member.

Due to the high volume of applications received, those without complete reference information as outlined above WILL NOT receive a response.

Veterinarian for current and/or former pets (if none, enter "n/a")

Veterinarian phone number (if no vet reference, enter "n/a")

Landlord/Property manager
Landlord, property manager, or homeowners' association name (if none, enter "n/a")

Landlord, PM, or HA phone number (if no vet reference, enter "n/a")

Personal reference #1
Personal reference name

Relationship to applicant

Personal reference phone number

Personal reference #2
Personal reference name

Relationship to applicant

Personal reference phone number

Do you have children? If so please list their names and ages:

Who will be responsible for the dog's daily care?

Do you live in a city, a suburb or rural area?

_____ City _____ Suburb _____ Rural

Do you own your home or rent?

If renting, are pets allowed?

Does your place of residence have breed restrictions? ______

Do you currently have renters or home owners insurance? If yes, does your insurance cover “bully breeds”? (American Staffordshire terrier, Boxer, Boston terrier, Bulldog, Bullmastiff, Olde English Bulldogge) ______

How long have you lived at this residence?

Do you have a fenced in yard?

If yes, what are the approximate dimensions?

Will your pet live inside the home or outside and why?

Please describe the location where the pet will be when no one is home:

On average, how long will this pet be alone?

On a typical day, how much exercise will your pet get & how?

If your dog is a puppy, how do you plan to housetrain him/her?

Have you considered the damage that a puppy/ kitten can do? (Soiling, biting, scratching, chewing, etc.)?

Have you ever taken a pet through formal obedience classes or consulted a pet behaviorist? _____ Would it be considered? _____

Are you financially prepared to deal with the cost of providing food, toys and treats for pet? ______

Are you aware that you are making up to a 1 month to 2 yr commitment?

For what reasons would you be willing to relinquish this pet?

Bigger than expected _____

Too expensive to keep _____
Soiled carpeting _____

Chews on furniture _____

Moved to an apartment that won't take pets _____

Family member proved allergic _____

Barks and disturbs neighbors _____

What would happen if a family member or friend were to develop pet allergies?

Would you be willing to let us visit you at home during or after the Fostering takes place?

Please tell us where you heard about Peace for Paws Ohio rescue:

Did you know the top 5 reasons for pets being abandoned at shelters are:

1.  Didn't realize the work and expense involved in raising a pet.

2.  Didn't know Fido would get so big, slobber so much, nip the kids, cost money, bark a lot, steal food, etc.

3.  Don't know how to prevent or fix behavior problems.

4.  Person became divorced, sick, injured or death.

5.  Had to move to an apartment or house that doesn't allow dogs.

Do you foresee any of these being a problem in your future?

All of the information that I have provided above is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Should a dog or cat be placed with me, it will reside in my home as a pet. I agree to provide the dog or cat with adequate food, water, shelter, affection, and medical care.

Applicant’s Printed Name:

Applicant’s Signature:

Please note that your application will not be processed if any information is missing. You are also giving permission for us to verify the information you have supplied and to contact current and past veterinarians, if applicable. Filling out an application does not guarantee approval, and Peace for Paws Ohio reserves the right to deny any application at our discretion. It is our goal to place animals where we feel they would best thrive, not necessarily in the order the applications are received. We are an all-volunteer organization, so please allow seven to ten days for processing. If you have further questions about the status of your application after this time has passed, please feel free to contact us at .

Thank you for taking the time to complete this application.

Version 12/29/11