Individual Student FBA / BIP Template

Functional Behavior Assessment / Behavior Intervention Plan

Student Name: Referred by: Date:

The Competing Behavior Pathway

List all team members involved in building the intervention plan: ______


1. Brainstorm possible elements of behavior support [Make problem behavior irrelevant, inefficient and ineffective] 2. Select strategies that are contextually appropriate for final plan and list them below. Try to have one or more strategies for each section. Multiple stakeholders should share in implementing the strategies (i.e. not just the classroom teacher).

Setting Event Strategies / Antecedent Strategies / Teaching/Instructional Strategies / Consequence Strategies

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IL-PBIS Network 2009. Adapted from R. Horner March, 2008, C. Anderson, July 2007 from Todd, Horner, Sugai, & Colvin, 1999, Educational and Community Supports. University of Oregon, Revised 11.09 Buffalo Public Schools

FBA/BIP Template Rev. 09.6.11, Illinois PBIS Network

Behavior Intervention Plan Specifics

1.  Strategies to prevent problem behavior from occurring

a.  Modifications to setting event

b.  Modifications to trigger/antecedent

2.  Strategies to teach new behaviors

a.  Teach the replacement behavior

b.  Teach the desired behavior

3.  Strategies to reinforce appropriate (replacement and desired) behavior

a.  Steps to reward during initial instruction and skill building (what you will do now)

b.  Steps to reward appropriate behavior over time — to maintain new skills

4.  Steps to minimize rewards for problem behavior

5.  Disciplinary consequences for problem behavior, if needed / appropriate:

6.  Safety procedures/Crisis Plan (if needed): Steps to ensure the safety of all in a dangerous situation

Practices for Implementation

1.  Target date to begin implementation:

2.  Getting the intervention plan started (what materials/resources are needed? what training is needed?):

3.  Process for communicating and partnering with other district/school stakeholders and team members (who, what, when):

4.  Process for communicating and partnering with families, community members and stakeholders (who, what, when):

5.  Others who need to be informed (Who else might intervention impact?):

6.  Plan for notifying substitutes of intervention:

Evaluation, Review and Adaptation

1.  How will we know if the plan is being implemented? (What information will be collected, by whom, how summarized, and when reviewed?)

2.  How will we know if the plan is being successful? (What student outcomes will be monitored, by whom, how summarized, and when reviewed?)

*Only report on relevant items below / Baseline data: / 2nd reporting period: / 3rd reporting period: / 4th reporting period:
% Daily Progress Report points (DPR) for period
Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) (total # for period)
Suspensions (total # of ISS & OSS for period)
% Attendance for period
Tardies (total # for period)
Grades/literacy scores

a) Target goal for use of replacement behavior (i.e. 70% DPR points & no further ODRs):

IL-PBIS Network 2009. Adapted from R. Horner March, 2008, C. Anderson, July 2007 from Todd, Horner, Sugai, & Colvin, 1999, Educational and Community Supports. University of Oregon, Revised 11.09 Buffalo Public Schools

FBA/BIP Template Rev. 09.6.11, Illinois PBIS Network