From Fighting Hunger to Beating Homelessness, Catholic Charities 1000+ Volunteers Take Service to a Whole New Level

By Sally O’Dwyer, Catholic Charities Vice President of Community Services


“Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved without that collective spark of enthusiasm.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

In order to serve more than 35,000 people a year, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington (CCDA) survives and thrives only through the generosity and involvement of the community.

Throughout the year, nearly 1,000 volunteers join the 120 staff members in various positions ranging from English as a Second Languages teachers to Christ House on Wheels food delivery drivers.

Catholic Charities’ volunteers are enthusiasm personified. Our volunteers believe in Catholic Charities’ Mission:

“Catholic Charities seeks to implement the Church’s mission of social justice in the Diocese of Arlington in ways that strengthen individuals, families, and communities. Catholic Charities extends its services and resources to all in need; convenes the Catholic community to fulfill the Church’s mission of social justice; and advocates for social justice and seeks to empower others to do the same.”

Volunteers come to CCDA to put the Gospel in action, to give back to the community, and simply reach out to their brothers and sisters in need. Catholic Charities seeks to match volunteers’ talents with a wide range of opportunities to serve.

Volunteers serve many critical functions. If you call us, you may be greeted by one of our many volunteer receptionists. Most of our receptionists work one shift per week at our Glebe Road office and our Emergency Assistance programs in Alexandria and Leesburg.

The evening meal at Christ House in Alexandria is organized, cooked and served by a small army of more than 150 volunteers. Parish groups purchase ingredients, prepare and serve the food to about 70 people each night. Volunteers also work as dinner greeters welcoming all those in need of a hearty, hot meal.

Thanks to our evening meal volunteers, CCDA provides about 20,000 meals to the hungry 365 days a year – including during the area’s infamous Smowmageddon!

350 well-trained volunteers are English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers at our Hogar Immigrant Services campus in Falls Church and at a number of parishes. These volunteers teach about 3,000 students each year. Volunteers teach citizenship classes and make our monthly naturalization workshops possible. Our volunteers help permanent alien residents apply for citizenship. At each workshop, between 30 and 60 applicants are assisted, thanks to our volunteers and immigration attorneys.

At our St. Martin de Porres Senior Center, volunteers serve in many important roles. They help prepare and serve breakfast and lunch, and they also provide staff support and help educate and entertain about 50 seniors daily. Volunteers grow a vegetable garden so that seniors can enjoy the garden and its fresh produce. Volunteers call Bingo games and offer friendship to seniors who are so often the victims of loneliness and isolation.

Our food pantries at Christ House, Loaves and Fishes (Front Royal) and in Leesburg depend heavily on volunteers. Volunteers hold food drives, stock the pantry, pack food, and make Christ House on Wheels (CHOW) deliveries to pantries in rural counties.

At Christ House and St. Margaret of Cortona Transitional Housing, volunteers serve in a number of roles. Volunteers provide child care at St. Margaret while the parents attend Life Skills classes. At Christ House, volunteers serve as mentors, helping residents achieve self-sufficiency. Our Thrift Shop at Christ House is staffed by volunteers who accept and sort donations, stock the Thrift Shop shelves, and serve customers.

Volunteers with Migration and Refugee Services “welcome the stranger” by helping newcomers become self-sufficient in their new home after arrival in the United States. They help adult refugees learn essential life skills like how to use public transportation, how to pay their bills and shop for necessities. Some volunteers focus on providing information to families about American culture as well as engaging refugees in uniquely “American” experiences that help refugees better understand their new surroundings.

Two CCDA programs are entirely volunteer-operated. A devoted volunteer runs our Car Ministry providing used cars and other donated equipment to the disabled. Volunteers are also mentoring the unemployed through our Christians Are Networking (CAN) Jobs Ministry. Each Thursday, they provide career counseling, one-on-one mentoring and expert speakers. Through prayer and Christian fellowship, job seekers are reminded that God has a place for everyone in His plan.

CCDA management directly benefits from volunteers. Several of our program directors are supported by volunteer leadership coaches. Administrative support, such as data management, communications and program management tools, is provided by volunteers. We have a task force staffed by volunteers who are helping CCDA manage the Parish Liaison Network (PLN). The PLN is all-volunteer – each volunteer serves as a liaison in their parish and works to improve collaboration between CCDA and parishes to better serve those in need.

Volunteers are also helping our vice president for development in grant writing. They have helped research and apply to a number of foundations to support the agency.

Every year, a volunteer committee works tirelessly to host the fabulous CCDA Ball. The Ball is the agency’s biggest fundraising event. The ladies of the Ball Committee are strong, dedicated women who bring new ideas to the Ball while diligently keeping costs down to ensure the maximum funds raised go to families and individuals in need. The Ball has become a well-oiled machine in its 30-year history!

Catholic Charities is a great place for those interested in a career in non-profit work to learn and gain experience. Many interns work at CCDA in our counseling programs. The interns are students working towards their master’s degree in counseling, as well as externs earning hours towards their state license.

And we cannot forget our board of directors – completely volunteer – that serves to guide the agency to ensure that our programs stay true to our mission and remain effective.

Volunteers are changing lives at CCDA. Volunteers tell us that their experience working with us has changed their lives as well.

If you are interested in volunteering, please go to our website and fill out an application letting us know your interests and availability. Whether you have just a few hours or more to regularly volunteer, CCDA needs you!

“Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give up. So then, while we have the opportunity, let us do good to all...”

Galatians 6:9