/ NJLA Executive Board Meeting
Cherry Hill Public Library
March 16, 2010

Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:10am by Susan Briant.

2. Roll Call

Members present: Jayne Beline, Susan Briant, Ingrid Bruck, Joe DaRold, Cindy Czesak, Keith McCoy, Cheryl O’Connor, Bill Paullin, Leah Wagner, Nancy Weiner

Members absent: Nicole Cooke, Heidi Cramer, Trevor Dawes, Mary Romance, Patriciia Vasilik,

Staff: Pat Tumulty

Guests: Norma Blake, Brett Bonfield, Dan O’Connor

3. Adoption of the Agenda

Susan noted that Norma Blake would give her report first; Ingrid Bruck added an item about the Technical Services Committee. Cindy Czesak moved to adopt the agenda as revised; Joe DaRold seconded. Agenda as revised adopted.

4. Minutes

Cindy Czesak moved to approve the minutes; Cheryl O’Connor seconded. Minutes approved unanimously.

5. Financial Report –Keith McCoy

  • Keith noted that we are 2/3 of the way through the fiscal year and we are in good shape. While we derive most of the budget from membership dues, the Conference also factors into the budget and Keith is a bit nervous about the Conference. Keith noted that for Sponsor totals are at $14k which is $2k below last year and that 19 exhibitor booths remain available. On a more positive note, since we are going green by not printing the program, we are saving$3k.
  • The Investment Committee met and discussed the account balances with Bank of America which are nearing the FDIC limit of 250k. The Investment Committee reviewed their options for relocating some of the funds to a different institution and brings a recommendation to the Executive Board.
  • The Investment Committee recommends opening an online account with Amboy Direct and moving $30k into a money market account. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Keith also reported the Investment Committee also met with financial advisor Howard Parker and they are working on an Investment Policy. A draft of the policy should be available for the May meeting.
  • Establishing a charitable gift annuity program is more complicated than originally thought and the announcement of the program will not made at the Conference. Keith expects to introduce the program in May or June.
  • Susan noted that the report would be filed for audit.

6. Reports

President-Susan Briant

  • Susan reported that only 671 people signed up to be Library Champions, falling short of the goal of 10k. The campaign is ongoing and Susan suggested that we continue to encourage people to sign up.
  • Susan noted that the Conference Committee is working hard and announced that a Technology “Petting Zoo” will debut at the Conference.
  • Marketing Fair: Pending Library Board approval, the fair will be held June 10 at the TomsRiver branch of the Ocean County Library system.
  • New Home Committee: Susan reported the Committee is set to look at a few different properties.
  • Susan reported that the Newsletter & Publications Committee met last week to discuss content of upcoming issues of the Newsletter which will transition to an electronic format. The spring 2010 issue is the last print copy of the Newsletter and it contains a tribute to longtime editor Jane Crocker.
  • Susan reported that Mary Fran Daley requested that NJLA endorse her application to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills Professional Development Affiliate Program. Mary Fran is well known to Susan and Pat and she is an Emerging Leader. Mary Fran is willing to pay for the program at no cost to NJLA and she has also volunteered to do workshops for NJLA. The Board unanimously agreed to endorse her participation.
  • Task Force on Sponsorships: Susan noted that the work of this Task Force would begin next year but is seeking volunteers. Cindy Czesak and Keith McCoy volunteered to serve.

Executive Director – Patricia Tumulty

  • Pat announced that the Literacy Volunteers of New Jerseyand local literacy volunteer programs will be holding their fundraisers at area Barnes &Noble stores on March 19 and 20, 2010. Sales at any store in the country will benefit Literacy Volunteers on these days when purchasers use the voucher or voucher code.
  • Pat reported on her recent testimony before the Budget Committee in which she outlined the effects of current and future budget cuts on libraries.
  • Pat also reported that there are rumors that a bill reintroducing the 1/6 mill funding for libraries will be reintroduced.
  • Pat also reported another bill, S1738, was recently introduced by Sen. Brian Stack (also mayor of Union City)which seeks to allow mayors to appoint certain municipal employees and officers to library boards. Public Policy will take a look at this bill.
  • Karen Avenick has coordinated a program for the NJ Library TrusteeAssociation, “Beyond Library Law: An Overview of New Jersey Law for Library Boards/County Library Commissions”. Beth Hinsdale-Piller of Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer will be the featured speaker. More than 80 people have signed up for the program which is scheduled for March 20th.

ALACouncilor – Cindy Czesak

  • Cindy provided copies of her Chapter Councilor’s Midwinter report that she had shared verbally at the last meeting.
  • Cindy reminded everyone to cast their ballots during the ALA election.
  • Cindy announced that National Legislative Day is being held on Tuesday, June 29. The Council will meet that day from 7:00am-10:00am so Councilors may participate. Cindy noted it would be more effective if users of libraries rather than librarians participated.
  • Cindy also noted that the Council passed a resolution regarding the dratted ALA Event Planner.
  • Cindy will also be working with Nicole Cooked to garner additional support for the Spectrum Initiative.

7. Committees and Sections

Personnel Administration Subcommittee-Susan Briant

  • 2010 Salary GuideStatement
  • On behalf of the PAC Subcommittee, Susan reviewed the statement regarding the minimum salary guide. A few editorial suggestions/corrections were madeand it was noted that dates should be included on the CPI tables. Susan will ask the PAC Subcommittee to make the requested changes.
  • The recommendation from the Committee to adopt the Salary Guide Statement, with revisions, was passed unanimously.

Publications Committee-Leah Wagner

  • Leah reported that the next issue of the newsletter will be in electronic format. Leah

also noted that long time editor Jane Crocker has been phenomenal and thanked her for her service and dedication.

  • Leah also reported that Kathy Dempsey, who brought new views to the Committee volunteered to serve as editor.
  • The Publications Committee recommends approving Kathy Dempsey as editor. The recommendation passed unanimously.

Public Policy Committee-Pat Tumulty

  • Pat reviewed the brief statement drafted by the Public Policy Committee pertaining to

the dissolution of libraries. The statement was revised to read “The NJLA position is that library service established by referendum may only be dissolved by referendum”. Pat noted the Committee will accept the change.

  • The Public Policy Committee recommends approving a brief statement on the dissolution of libraries as revised. The recommendation passed unanimously.
  • Pat briefly discussed the recent challenge of three anthologies in the collection of the RancocasValleyRegionalHigh School in MountHolly. The Intellectual Freedom subcommittee will monitor the situation and develop a plan as to what position to take.

Technical Services Committee-Ingrid Bruck

  • Ingrid noted that the Technical Services Committee has been doing a lot of great things this year and are promoting the use of technology in different ways. Ingrid was pleased to report that the Committee is doing what they have been charged to do.
  • Ingrid also reported that the TS Committee recently sponsored a hands-on workshop about using the Workflow Management System of the NJ Digital Highway. The workshop was a success, with 18 attendees.

8. New Business

Progression Standards for Information Literacy-Nancy Weiner

  • The College and University Section NJLA/ACRL User Education Committee is seeking endorsement of the recently drafted Progression Standards.
  • The NJLA Executive Board unanimously approved the endorsement.

9. Reports

New JerseyState Library – Norma Blake

  • Norma reported on a number of activities and programs. Highlights include:
  • Norma distributed copies of the New Jersey Library Champions awareness campaign for review. The billboard of Zach Parise was featured in a recent profile of Parise in Sports Illustrated.
  • The free Homework Help service has expanded to 109 communities.
  • Jonathan Lee Iverson, Ringmaster of Barnun & Bailey Circus, along with some clowns, visited Hasbrouck Heights Public Library. The event was held to reward more that 100 children for their reading accomplishments in the statewide reading program.
  • Four New Jersey libraries are working with the SWAT Team of Library Transformers. The selected libraries are Caldwell, Matawan-Aberdeen, MidlandPark and Gloucester County Library’s Glassboro Branch.
  • The State Library has teamed up with the Meadowlands to reward reading. Participants have the opportunity to win tickets to various events.
  • The State Library, NJLA and libraries throughout New Jersey will once again participate in the Pennies for Peace campaign.
  • Norma also provided an update on the Broadband Grant. The proposal was about 100 pages long and she thanked everyone for their efforts in putting the proposal together. Special thanks to Pat Tumulty who traveled to Washington with Norma.Receipt of funds from the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) will facilitate expanded resources through public libraries to the unemployed and underemployed.
  • Norma reported that she testified yesterday regarding S121, which pertains to the reduction of printing of NJ government documents. The final bill includes amendments requiring submission of copies to the State Library.
  • Norma also reported there are concerns about the budget and noted that a 25% cut in funding will also result in the loss of $4.5 million dollars in federal funding. Norma remarked that the Governor’s Budget Address was this morning and noted it will take 1-2 weeks to receive information about the budget cuts in writing and disseminate to the library community.

RutgersSchool of Communication –Dan O’Connor

  • Dan reported that Rutgers is preparing for an ALA Reaccreditation visit. In preparation, RutgersSCI will be hosting a reception at NJLA and will be seeking feedback from students, alumni and employees.
  • Dan noted that at least three new faculty members will be joining the program. Rebecca Reynolds has accepted an offer and her dissertation is titled “How do “tweens” do creative work in the classroom?.” Offers are out to two other people.
  • The online program is growing and the MLIS program will be a hybrid program and faculty will need to teach online.
  • Dan noted that there are serious concerns over the age of the curriculum and it will need to be updated.
  • Plans are underway to develop a second masters program within SCI that is more information science focused and breaks from the professional degree. It will also be interdisciplinary.
  • Dan reported that SCI is holding firm on its standards for admission, regardless of the number of applicants. Dan also noted that San JoseStateUniversity now has 3000 students in its MLS program.
  • Dan also noted that a message from Rutgers President McCormick offering early retirement incentives was recently sent to faculty. It is being offered only to faculty who have 25 years or more at the University. It is unclear as to whether this will be approved by the state.
  • Dan also reported that Marie Radford and Kay Cassell both had books published this year.

New Jersey Association of School Librarians –Nancy Weiner

  • Nancy reported she attended the March 13th meeting where the challenge to three anthologies in the collection of the RancocasValleyRegionalHigh School in MountHolly was a topic of discussion.
  • Nancy also reported that NJASL President Pat Massey is drafting a letter to the Mount Holly Board of Education and local newspaper. Pat indicated she would send copies to Pat Tumulty and Susan Briant.


There is no meeting in April. The meeting was adjourned at 12:00pm

Respectfully submitted by

Nancy Weiner, NJLA Secretary

NJLA Executive Board Meeting Minutes March 16, 2010Page 1