“Tongue”, “Language”- Glossary

Webster’s Dictionary

Glos.so.la.li.a – An ecstatic or apparently ecstatic utterance of unintelligible speechlike sounds, viewed by some as a manifestation of deep religious experience.

The Greek word  “glossa” means both “tongue” and “language”; as is also true in English, tongue can mean the organ or the language.

The Bible makes it clear when it should be “tongue” and when it should be “language”. Whenever  (glossa) is in the Greek text with the article [the], it should always be translated “the tongue” or “the tongues”. Further; whenever  (glossa) is in the singular with the word s, (pas) [“all’ or “every”], it too is “tongue”. All other cased,  (glossa) should be “language”.

The King James translates  (glossa) tongues fifty (50) times all tongues with no differentiation between tongues and languages.

King JamesConsistant Translation

1. Mark 7:33his tonguethe tongue of-him

2. Mark 7:35his tongue was loosedthe tongue of-him

3. Mark 16:17they shall speak with new tonguesthey-will-speak with-new-

quality languages

4 Luke 1:64his tonguethe tongue of-him

5. Luke 16:24my tonguethe tongue of-him

6. Acts 2:3tongues like as of firetongues as-if of-fire

7. Acts 2:4speak with other tongues as thespeaking in-different languages

Spirit gave them utteranceaccording as the Spirit was-giving

to-them to-be-uttering-forth-sound

8. Acts 2:6every man heard them speak ineach one, was-hearing in (his) own

his own languagedialect()

9. Acts 2:8hear we every man in our each of-us in (his) own dialect


10.Acts 2:11speak in our tonguesspeaking in the our tongues

11.Acts 2:26my tongue was gladthe tongue of-me

12.Acts 10:45speak with tonguesspeaking with-languages

13.Acts 19:6they spake with tongues, andthey-were both speaking in

prophesiedlanguages and they-were


14.Rom 3:13with their tongues they havewith the tongues of-them they-dealt-

used deceittreacherously

15.Rom14:11every tongue shall confess to Godevery tongue will-acknowledge to-

the God

16.Phil.2:11every tongue should confess thatevery tongue might-acknowledge

Jesus Christ is Lordthat Jesus Messiah is Jehovah

17.Jam.1:26and bridleth not his tonguenot leading-by-a-bridle his


18.Jam.3:5the tongue is a little memberthe tongue is a little member

19.Jam.3:6the tongue is a firethe tongue (is) fire

20.Jam.3:8 the tongue can no man tamethe tongue not-one of-man can


21.1Pet.3:10Let him refrain his tongueLet-him-cease the tongue of-him

from evilfrom bad

22.1Joh.3:18neither in tongueneither with the tongue

23.Rev.5:9and tongueand language

24.Rev.10:11and tonguesand languages

25.Rev.7:9and tonguesand languages

26.Rev.11:9and tonguesand languages

27.Rev.13:7and tonguesand languages

28.Rev.14:6and tonguesand languages

29.Rev.16:10their tonguesthe tongues of-them

30.Rev.17:15and tonguesand languages

31.1Cor.12:10to another divers kinds of tonguesto-ones different kinds of-languages

32.1Cor.12:10to another the interpretation but to-another translation

of tonguesof-languages

33.1Cor.12:28diversities of tongueskinds of languages

34.1Cor.12:30do all speak with tonguesnot() all speaking in languages

35.1Cor.13:1Though I speak with the tonguesIf I-might-be-speaking in-the

of men and anglesthe tongues of-the MEN and of-

the angles

36.1Cor.13:8whether there be tongues, theyor languages they-will-cease-of-

shall ceasethemselves

37.1Cor.14:2he that speaketh in an unknownthe one speaking in-a-language


38.1Cor.14:4he that speaketh in an unknownthe one speaking in-a-language


39.1Cor.14:5I would that ye all spake with I-am-willing for YOU all to-be-

tonguesspeaking in-languages

40.1Cor.14:5speaketh with tonguesspeaking in-languages

41.1Cor.14:6speaking with tonguesspeaking in-languages

42.1Cor.14:9except ye utter by the tonguemight-give a distinct word through

the tongue

43.1Cor.14:13speaketh in an unknowntonguespeaking in-a-language

44.1Cor.14:14pray in an unknown tongueI-might-be-praying in-a-language

45.1Cor.14:18I speak with tongues more thanspeaking in-languages more than-

ye allall of-YOU

46.1Cor.14:19than ten thousand words in anthan ten thousand words in-a-

unknown tonguelanguage

47.1Cor.14:21In the law it is written,(Isa. 28:11)In the law it-has-been-and-is-still-

With men of other tongues and written that in different-languages

other lips will I speak unto thisand in different lips I-shall-speak

peopleto-this people

48.1Cor.14:22tongues are for a signthe tongues are with-reference-to

a sign

49.1Cor.14:23all speak with tonguesall might-be-speaking in-languages

50.1Cor.14:26hath a tonguehe-is-having a language

51.1Cor.14:27If any man speak in an unknownWhether someone is-speaking in-a-

tongue, let it be by two, or at the language according-to two or the

most by threemost three

52.Cor. 14:39speak with tonguesto-be-speaking in-languages


  1. The “language” or speech must be capable of being “translated”, 1 Cor. 12:10 and 1 Cor. 14:26 or “interpreted”, !Cor. 12:30, 1 Cor. 14:5, 1 Cor. 14:13,1 Cor. 14:26,27.
  2. The God allotted the “bestowed-favors” according to his plan for the “body”, 1 Cor.12:11, 1 Cor.12:18. The body was not made up of all tongues; therefore, all do not speak in languages, 1 Cor.12:30.
  3. Speaking in a “language” is limited to 2 or 3 in any meeting, but never without being interpreted, 1 Cor. 14:28,28. Under no conditions women, 1 Cor.14:34.
  4. The value of speaking in “tongues” uninterpreted, as opposed to teaching; is 5 words of instruction against 10,000 words in a language, 1 Cor. 14:19. Without interpretation it was “speaking into air”, 1 Cor. 14:9 and is prohibited, 1 Cor14:28.
  5. Tongues or languages will cease of their own accord and did in 70 AD when the Temple was destroyed, 1 Cor. 13:8.
  6. We learn from the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge by Schaff, Vol. 1, page 422 that the current “tongues” movement started again by a young 16 year old lady by the name of Margaret McDonald in 1830 in a Presbyterian church of the shores of the Clyde in Ireland. She had a vision.
  7. The major reason the article “the” has been left out of most English translations is because the first English translation made was from the Latin by Wilcliff in about

1250 AD. The Latin language has no definite article “the”. Latin is Satan language!! . There are 17,482 “the” in the Greek inspired text and most English translations have about half that many. In “A Grammar Of The Greek New Testament” A. T. Robinson states, “The article is associated with gesture and aids in pointing out like an index finger. It is a pointer. Whenever the Greek article occurs, the object is certainly definite. The article is never meaningless in Greek. The vital thing is to see the matter from the Greek point of view and find the reason for the use of the article”.