21st Century Standards Profile

Engineering and Technical

Course Title: Digital Electronics WVEIS Code 2462

Student’s Name______


Course Description: Digital Electronics is a component of the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) pre-engineering curriculum. This is a course in applied logic that encompasses the application of electronic circuits and devices. Computer simulation software is used to design and test digital circuitry prior to the actual construction of circuits and devices. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and participate in laboratory activities to develop an understanding of course concepts. Safety instruction is integrated into all activities. Students are encouraged to become active members of the Technology Student Association (TSA), which is an integral component of the program and provides curricular opportunities that enhance student achievement. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools and content standards and objectives.

Level of Competence:

·  Above Mastery: The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed standard. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed.

·  Mastery: The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet standard. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective and the student can work independently.

·  Partial Mastery: The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions. Performance needs further development and supervision.

Content Standards and Objectives / Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery / Date / Comments
Standard 1: Safety
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.DE.1.1 / recognize hazards in the lab and know locations of the safety equipment and how to use it.
ET.O.DE.1.2 / research the causes and dangers from electric shock and explain methods to prevent it.
ET.O.DE.1.3 / assess the many factors, including
environment concerns, that must be
taken into account when designing an electronic circuit and be familiar with precautionary measures.
Standard 2: Basic Electron Theory
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.DE.2.1 / characterize the parts of the atom.
ET.O.DE.2.2 / compare the relationship of quantum energy required to strip away electrons from atoms to being classified as an insulator or conductor.
ET.O.DE.2.3 / apply Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws to closed loops.
ET.O.DE.2.4 / differentiate between direct and alternating current.
ET.O.DE.2.5 / re-write any number using conventional prefix definitions.
ET.O.DE.2.6 / draw and label the parts of a simple circuit.
ET.O.DE.2.7 / build and test a variety of series and parallel circuits, using simulation software and proto-boards, to prove the accuracy of Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws
ET.O.DE.2.8 / utilize electrical meters to determine voltage, resistance and current in simple circuits.
ET.O.DE.2.9 / calculate the resistance, current and voltage in a circuit using Ohm’s Law.
Standard 3: Resistance
Objectives / Students will
ET.O.DE.3.1 / determine the material makeup of resistors and how they are used in circuit design.
ET.O.DE.3.2 / recognize the symbols associated with resistors.
ET.O.DE.3.3 / use lab equipment to measure resistor values in order to compare measured and rated values.
ET.O.DE.3.4 / calculate the tolerance levels of various
resistors to determine if the measured
value is within specifications.
Standard 4: Capacitance
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.DE.4.1 / examine the component parts of a capacitor and examine how a capacitor holds a static charge.
ET.O.DE.4.2 / use the units of measurement for capacitors correctly.
ET.O.DE.4.3 / calculate the value of capacitors mathematically and through the use of instrumentation.
ET.O.DE.4.4 / examine different types of capacitors
and their voltage polarity requirements.
Standard 5: Analog and Digital Waveforms
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.DE.5.1 / draw a digital waveform and identify the anatomy of the waveform.
ET.O.DE.5.2 / differentiate between digital and analog signals when given the waveforms.
ET.O.DE.5.3 / wire and assess a free-running clock circuits using a 555 timer.
ET.O.DE.5.4 / calculate the output frequency of a
clock circuit using observations and the
Standard 6: Number Systems
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.DE.6.1 / examine numerical place value.
ET.O.DE.6.2 / use mathematical symbols to represent different bases.
ET.O.DE.6.3 / demonstrate the relationship of binary and hexadecimal to bits and bytes of information used in computers.
ET.O.DE.6.4 / convert values from one number
system to another.
Standard 7: Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.DE.7.1 / use schematics and symbolic algebra to represent digital gates in the creation of solutions to design problems.
ET.O.DE.7.2 / recognize the name, symbol, and function and create the truth table and Boolean expression for the basic logic gates.
ET.O.DE.7.3 / apply logic to design and create, using gates, solutions to problems.
ET.O.DE.7.4 / recognize the relationship between the Boolean expression, logic diagram, and truth table.
ET.O.DE.7.5 / create Boolean Expressions, logic circuit diagrams or truth tables from information provided in the solution of design problems.
ET.O.DE.7.6 / select the Sum-of-Products or the Product-of-Sums form of a Boolean Expression.
ET.O.DE.7.7 / apply the rules of Boolean algebra to logic diagrams and truth tables to minimize the circuit size necessary to solve a design problem.
ET.O.DE.7.8 / use DeMorgan’s Theorem to simplify a negated expression and to convert a SOP to a POS and visa versa in order to save resources in the production of circuits.
ET.O.DE.7.9 / formulate and employ a Karnaugh Map to reduce Boolean expressions and logic circuits to their simplest forms.
ET.O.DE.7.10 / create circuits to solve a problem using NAND or NOR gates to replicate all logic functions.
ET.O.DE.7.11 / make comparisons with standard
combinational logic solutions to
determine amount of resource
Standard 8: Circuit Design, Binary Addition and Subtraction
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.DE.8.1 / restate and simplify a digital design problem as part of the systematic approach to solving a problem.
ET.O.DE.8.2 / design, construct, build, troubleshoot and evaluate a solution to a design problem.
ET.O.DE.8.3 / present an oral report presenting a solution and evaluation of a design problem.
ET.O.DE.8.4 / discover the code to create numbers on a seven segment display by experimentation.
ET.O.DE.8.5 / design a circuit to control a seven segment display with a decimal to BCD encoder and a display driver.
ET.O.DE.8.6 / control the flow of data by utilizing Multiplexers and Demultiplexers.
ET.O.DE.8.7 / design and implement combinational logic circuits using reprogrammable logic devices.
ET.O.DE.8.8 / create PLD logic files that define combinational circuit designs using Boolean expressions.
ET.O.DE.8.9 / use logic compiler software to create
JEDEC files for programming PLDs.
ET.O.DE.8.10 / create and prove the truth table for both half and full adders.
ET.O.DE 8.11 / design, construct and test adder circuits
using both discrete gates and MSI
Standard 9: Introduction to Sequential Logic
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.DE.9.1 / construct and test simple latches and flip-flops from discrete gates.
ET.O.DE.9.2 / interpret, design, draw and evaluate circuits using the logic symbols for latches and flip-flops.
ET.O.DE.9.3 / interpret waveform diagrams from circuits then construct and compare them with combinational waveforms.
ET.O.DE 9.4 / compare and contrast operation of synchronous with asynchronous flip-flop circuits.
ET.O.DE.9.5 / create and interpret timing diagrams and truth tables for J-K Flip-Flops.
ET.O.DE.9.6 / select the appropriate types of triggers used by latches and flip-flops and use one in the design of a circuit.
ET.O.DE.9.7 / analyze timing diagrams that reflect triggering to identify distinguishing characteristics.
ET.O.DE.9.8 / conduct experiments with clock pulse width to determine the effect on the accuracy of data transmission.
Standard 10: Shift Registers and Counters
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.DE.10.1 / conduct experiments to determine the basic principles of how shift registers work.
ET.O.DE.10.2 / evaluate the use of shift registers in product design and the speeds at which those products run.
ET.O.DE.10.3 / create a circuit using discrete flip-flops to discover the operation and characteristics of asynchronous counters.
ET.O.DE.10.4 / design, simulate, build and test Mod counters using discrete gates.
ET.O.DE.10.5 / design, simulate, build and test synchronous and asynchronous Mod counters using an integrated counter chip (MSI).
Standard 11: Families and Specifications
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.DE.11.1 / interpret the graphs, charts and written materials contained in a data sheet.
ET.O.DE.11.2 / use an oscilloscope to observe and measure propagation delay in a digital circuit.
ET.O.DE.11.3 / define, calculate and measure noise margin, drive capabilities, fan-out and propagation delay.
ET.O.DE.11.4 / examine safety precautions for handling
CMOS chips.
Standard 12: Microprocessors
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.DE.12.1 / formulate a flow chartto correctly apply basic programming concepts in planning a project.
ET.O.DE.12.2 / create a program, using correct syntax, to evaluate data and make decisions based on information gathered from the environment using external digital and analog sensors.
ET.O.DE.12.3 / create an interface to inspect, evaluate and manage program parameters in a microprocessor during the operation of a program.
ET.O.DE.12.4 / create a program in correct syntax allowing a microprocessor to evaluate external data in order to operate motors and other devices to control the external environment.
ET.O.DE.12.5 / select, size and implement interface devices to control external devices.
ET.O.DE.12.6 / create programming to control the
position of stepper motors.
Standard 13: Student Organization Participation
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.DE.13.1 / assess the purpose and goals of student organizations.
ET.O.DE.13.2 / demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities such as meetings, programs, projects and competitions.
ET.O.DE.13.3 / evaluate the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student, professional and civic organizations as an adult.

Profile Summary


Student’s Signature______Date______


Instructor’s Signature______Date______