OGI SPARK 2015Disruptive Innovations Competition

Program Guidelines


With the SPARK 2015 program, the Ontario Genomics Institute (OGI) seeks to provide investigators with catalytic funding which will enable them to undertake novel, high-impact, highly-innovative and/or early-stage projects in the genomicsciences[1]with a focus ondisruptive innovations.

The intent ofSPARK 2015 Disruptive Innovationsis toinitiate disruptive innovations in the genomics1 spacewhich can eventually be transferred to those who have the ability to translate and use it.SPARK 2015is intended to encourage collaboration betweendifferent fields and disciplinesand will likely appealto those who embrace the inter-disciplinary approach.

The SPARK grants are intended for projects where funding would otherwise be difficult to obtain due to the early-stage or innovative nature of the project. Outcomes of such projects should enable the applicant the opportunity to achieve follow-on investment or funding for further research or development which in thelong term has potential benefits for Ontario.

Program Description:

The overall goal of the SPARK 2015 program is to catalyze new research directions and increase the competitiveness of Ontario research and its life sciences sector.The major objective of the SPARK program is to support the development of disruptive innovationsusing genomics. Disruptive innovations can come in the form of a new technology or the use of an existing technology to: displace a currently-used technology or to transform or create a new market.

To maximize the potential benefits for Ontario,the SPARK program will be open to projects at early/feasibility stages of development of the proposed innovation.There must be a plan which explains the potential next steps (i.e. follow-on investment or funding, how the research could be transferred, disseminated, potentially used, and/or applied to realize the benefits). Proposals are encouraged that expandon how those outcomescouldenable further development/efforts that will eventually lead to disruptive impacts to Ontario. Projects should address major hurdles or present opportunities that will push genomics in new directions, initiate collaborations, broadly benefit the scientific community and in the long term create opportunities for expansionthat will benefit Ontario.

OGI will provide individual awards of up to $25,000 to be used for short-duration (3-6 months) research projects.OGI may fund up to four (4) research projects in this competition. Funded research must be performed in Ontario (Principal Investigator (PI) must be at an academic or research institution for eligibility) and should focus on discrete, unique and innovativeprojects relevant to genomic sciences. Applicants must ensure that projects funded through the SPARK program are novel, independent of current funding or are incremental to previously funded projects. If applicants receive funding for the proposed research after submitting their SPARK application, they must inform OGI as soon as they have received official notice of this funding (i.e. Notice of Award).

Application Process:

All proposalsare required to provide details such as: who is applying, what they are planning to do, expected result(s) and approximate timeline. This will allow OGI to screen for eligibility (see Proposal Eligibility below). Eligibleapplications must address the evaluation criteria established for SPARK 2015 (see Evaluation Criteria below).

Applicants are required to submit the completed Application Form (including a high level budget), which will present their idea, describe how they plan toassessits feasibility and justify its potential to be disruptive. Applicants should also describe the eventual plans for uptake by users.

All applications should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file and must use the supplied application template (SPARK Program Application 2015) which contains the following:

Scientific Summary:

  • Participant and project information, as well as a brief scientific summary describing the proposed research, its innovative nature, how it would be disruptiveand anticipated outcomes for Ontario.

Research Proposal:

  • A maximum of three(3) pages (plus one(1) page or figures and tables) describing the research idea, that demonstrates:
  1. goals and expected result(s)within the 3-6 month timeline of the proposed genomics research
  2. how the research fits within the guidelinesof SPARK 2015 and the disruptive innovation focus of the program
  3. the proposed research and methodologies
  4. expected outcomes of the research, and how it could ultimately create a new genomic-based technology, displace an existing technology, disrupt an existing market or create a new marketthat could eventually benefit Ontario
  5. the ability to immediately commence the project once funding is provided, that the project is independent of current funding or incremental to previously funded projects, and the probability of being funded by another agency.

Background of Applicant(s):

  • Half (1/2) page description of the applicant(s) background and qualifications.List up to three(3) publications, if applicable, that support the applicants’ ability to meet their proposed objectives. A link to the applicants’ LinkedIn profileor faculty webpage can also be provided. Note: it is not necessary for the applicant(s) to have performed research in thisarea before. However, applicant(s) must demonstrate their capability to meet the proposed goal(s) and, where possible, demonstrate atrack record of the applicant(s) in bringing forward innovative ideas.

Future Plans:

  • A brief half (1/2) pagedescription of future research, outcomes, potential funding plans, and the long-term potentialimpact following successful completion of this initial research program.

Budget and Justification:

  • A research budget, up to a maximum of $25,000 and a brief description of how the funds will be spent.Note: due to the short duration of these projects, it is expected that funds should be primarily spent on salaries and consumables. Institutional overhead and PI salary are not eligible expenses for this funding program.

Proposal Eligibility:

To be eligible for SPARK 2015 Disruptive Innovations, a proposal must:

  • respond to the objectives of SPARK 2015 program i.e. to support the development of disruptive innovation using genomics
  • demonstrate the need of the applicants for the requested funds, and the ability to immediately commence the project once funding is provided.

Evaluation Criteria:

To ensure that the objectives of this program are met, all applications must address the evaluation criteria established for SPARK 2015. Those proposals demonstrating the highest degree of overall fit with the criteria will be funded.

An international panel of experts from a wide range of relevant backgrounds (for example, subject matter experts, out-of-the-box thinkers, industry business development experts, etc.) will review the applications based on the evaluation criteria.Note: All panel experts will have signed a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before they receive and start to evaluate the submitted applications.

If considered eligible, project proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • the novelty and ingenuity of the research
  • the potential for the proposed research to be disruptive
  • likelihood of eventual impactof the proposed research
  • likelihood of the proposed research in facilitating follow-on investment or funding
  • how realistic is the project plan and budget.

Process and Timeline:

Step 1: Source project applicants:

  • OGI will broadly announce the fourthround of the SPARK program in April 2015
  • OGI will continue to announce this opportunity on the OGI website, information sessions and other OGI events.

Step 2: Research proposal submission:

  • OGI will accept proposals electronically on or before the application deadline (4pm on Thursday,May28th,2015)
  • please combine all relevant documents as a single PDF fileand submit electronically to d reference SPARK 2015 in the subject line of the e-mail
  • applicants will need to register and create (or update) their profile on the OGI Genomics Sector Innovation Network (G-SIN) portal (
  • OGI will provide funding decisions to applicants by July6th,2015. Feedback from the panel of experts will be provided to all applicants at a later date.

Step 3: Project startup:

  • successful applicants will be notified via a Notice of Award (NOA) which will include final conditions for disbursement of funding as required by OGI
  • a condition of funding will be that OGI is clearly acknowledged in any publications, presentations, or outreach activities stemming from this project
  • OGI and the applicants will work together to finalize any conditions required in the NOA
  • successful applicants will provide a lay summary of the project to be posted on the OGI website
  • OGI will include associated host institutions on initial press releases for approved projects
  • once all NOA conditions have been met to the satisfaction of OGI, applicants and OGI will sign an agreement for the project to define roles and responsibilities. The time between NOA and signing of the agreement shall not exceed three(3) weeks, otherwise OGI may withdraw funding.

Step 4: Project implementation:

  • the project start date will be no later than July27th, 2015 and will be specified in the signed agreement but incurred project expenses may start from date of NOA (i.e. July 6th, 2015)
  • awarded funds will be disbursed once the agreement has been signed.

Step 5: Project follow-up

  • within one (1) month of the end of the project, applicants will provide OGI with a brief final report(template to be provided by OGI at later date) which will include:
  • an updatedlay summary
  • aproject summary
  • a description of the future plans
  • on the twelve (12) month anniversary of the end of the project, the applicants will provide an update to OGI
  • beyond the 12 month anniversary of the project, applicants shall provide OGI with information about any significant grant awards, successful collaborations/partnerships, product development or commercialization that originated from the project.

Summary of Important Dates

Event / Date
Program announcement / April, 2015
Proposals due to OGI / No later than 4pm Thursday May 28th, 2015
Funding decision notification (NOA) / By Monday, July6th, 2015
Agreement Signed / No later than Monday, July27th, 2015
Start date / No later than Monday, July27th, 2015*
Final Report / One month after project ends
Anniversary Report / One year after project ends

* Note - incurred project expenses may start from date of NOA (i.e. 6th July, 2015)

Contact Information

Applications must be submitted electronically to no later than 4 pm on Thursday, May28th, 2015. Note: Please submit the application as a single PDF and reference SPARK 2015 in the subject line of the e-mail.

If you have questions about this program or would like to contact OGI to discuss the fit of your proposal idea within the focus of the SPARK 2015 program, please contact:

Elaine Corbett, Manager, Business Development and Research


For more information, please visit the SPARK program website at:

SPARK 2015 Program - GuidelinesPage 1vApril 24, 2015

[1]Genomic Sciences refer to genomics and related disciplines such as proteomics, bioinformatics and other *omics research fields. For purposes of describing OGI’s mandate it also includes related disciplines such as, epigenomics, metabolomics, metagenomics, nutrigenomics, pharmacogenomics and transcriptomics.