JMSW Advanced Internship Evaluation

Evaluation Period: From ______to______(dates) Semester: Fall 20___ Spring 20 ___

Student: ______Field Instructor: ______

Faculty Field Liaison: ______


Please check one of the following:

O / This intern has excelled in field internship by performing above expectations for advanced level students.
O / This intern has met the expectations of the advanced field internship.
O / This intern has met the expectations of the advanced field internship, with reservations (comments required).
O / This intern has not met expectations of the advanced field internship (comments required).


Please attach a summary on this student’s performance in field.

Signature of Field Instructor______

Agency ______Date ______

The following section should be completed by the intern

My field instructor has discussed this evaluation with me, and I have received a copy. My agreement or disagreement follows:

O I agree with the evaluation

O I do not agree with evaluation

Intern’s Signature ______Date ______

If the intern disagrees with the evaluation she/he should state that disagreement in writing and submit a copy to both the agency supervisor and the faculty liaison. The student, agency field supervisor, and faculty liaison should discuss student disagreements with the evaluation.

Instructions for Rating Interns on the Practice Behaviors:

The 10 competencies listed in the form are those established by the Council on Social Work Education). Under each competency statement are advanced practice behaviors that are associated with that competency for the JMSW Program. These are also the practice behaviors on the JMSW Advanced Internship Learning Agreement, which should be consulted in relation to this evaluation. Please rate each practice behavior using a rating scale of Excellent to Poor/Failing (Excellent performance, Good performance, Average performance, Marginal performance, Poor/Failing performance, or Not Demonstrated/No Opportunity to Demonstrate [ND or NO]).Please include an explanation in the Comments section if the NO or ND rating is used.

A field instructor’s additional comments about the rating of each practice behavior can be made in the far right column as indicated. Please be sure to indicate those areas in which you think the intern is particularly strong and those areas that need improvement. Please be as specific as possible, using brief phrases that best describe the student’s strengths, limitations, work flow, successes, stumbling blocks, etc.

This evaluation is intended to give students feedback about their performance. The field instructor’s rating of these practice behaviors will assist the JMSW faculty liaison in assigning a grade of ”Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory” (per UNCG Graduate Bulletin) or “Pass” or “Fail” (per NCA&SU Graduate Catalog) for this course. This grade will be based on the field liaison’s overall evaluation of the student’s performance in the internship in conjunction with the field instructor’s evaluation of the intern’s performance in the internship.



Competency EP 2.1.1.: Intern identifies as a professional social worker and conducts himself/herself accordingly. / Excellent
5 / Good
4 / Average
3 / Marginal
2 / Poor/
1 / ND or NO
(please provide explanation) / Comments
(1) / Integrate social work knowledge, values, & skills related to clinical practice.
(2) / Demonstrate professional use of self in clinical practice.
(3) / Modify clinical practice based on supervision
(4) / Understand & identify professional strengths, limitations, & challenges.
Competency EP 2.1.2.: Intern applies social work ethical principles to guide his or her professional practice.
(5) / Integrate ethical decision-making skills to issues specific to clinical social work practice.
(6) / Employ strategies of ethical reasoning to address the use of technology in clinical practice & its impact on peoples’ rights.
(7) / Recognize & manage personal biases as they affect the therapeutic relationship in the service of peoples’ well-being.
Competency EP 2.1.3.: Intern applies critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments. / Excellent
5 / Good
4 / Average
3 / Marginal
2 / Poor/
1 / ND or NO
(please provide explanation) / Comments
(8) / Engage in reflective practice.
(9) / Evaluate the strengths & weaknesses of multiple theoretical perspectives & differentially apply them to peoples’ situations & cultural context.
(10) / Communicate professional judgments to other social workers and to professionals from other disciplines, in both verbal & written formats.
Competency EP 2.1.4.: Intern engages diversity and difference in practice.
(11) / Research & apply knowledge of diverse populations to enhance peoples’ well-being.
(12) / Identify & use practitioner/client difference from the strengths perspective.
(13) / Work effectively with diverse populations.
Competency EP 2.1.5.: Intern advances human rights and social and economic justice. / Excellent
5 / Good
4 / Average
3 / Marginal
2 / Poor/ Failing
1 / ND or NO
(please provide explanation) / Comments
(14) / Use knowledge of the effects of oppression, discrimination, and historical trauma on client & client systems to guide treatment planning & intervention.
Competency EP 2.1.6.: Intern engages in research-informed practice and practice-informed research.
(15) / Use best practice (evidence-based or evidence-informed) in multi-culturally responsive clinical practice.
(16) / Participate in the generation of new clinical knowledge, through research & practice.
(17) / Use research methodology to evaluate multicultural clinical practice effectiveness and/or outcomes.
Competency EP 2.1.7.: Intern applies knowledge of human behavior and the social environment.
(18) / Use bio-psycho-social-spiritual theories and diagnostic classification systems in formulation of comprehensive assessments.
Competency EP 2.1.7.: Intern applies knowledge of human behavior and the social environment. (cont’d) / Excellent
5 / Good
4 / Average
3 / Marginal2 / Poor/ Failing
1 / ND or NO
(please provide explanation) / Comments
(19) / Consult with other professionals, as needed, to confirm assessment/diagnosis & to monitor treatment progress.
Competency EP 2.1.8.: Intern engages in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services.
(20) / Communicate to stakeholders the implications of policies and policy change in the lives of people.
(21) / Advocate with and inform administrators & legislators to influence policies that affect people & their services.
(22) / Educate and support people & practitioners on how to advocate for their own interests & advanced social & economic well-being.
Competency EP 2.1.9.: Intern responds to contexts that shape practice.
(23) / Assess the environment & context in which people interact.
Competency EP 2.1.9.: Intern responds to contexts that shape practice. (cont’d) / Excellent
5 / Good
4 / Average
3 / Marginal2 / Poor/ Failing
1 / ND or NO
(please provide explanation) / Comments
(24) / Work collaboratively with others to identify strategies for effecting systematic changes to improve social & economic well-being.
Competency EP 2.1.10.: Intern engages, assesses, intervenes and evaluates with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
EP 2.1.10. (a)
(25) / Identify & articulate people’s strengths & vulnerabilities.
(26) / Develop a culturally responsive therapeutic relationship that safeguards for counter transference.
(27) / Establish a therapeutic relationship that recognizes power differentials & encourages people to be equal participants in the establishment of goals & expected outcomes.
EP 2.1.10. (b)
Assessment / Excellent
5 / Good
4 / Average
3 / Marginal
2 / Poor/ Failing
1 / ND or NO
(please provide explanation) / Comments
(28) / Use multiculturally responsive multi-dimensional bio-psycho-social-spiritual assessment tools
(29) / Assess peoples’ readiness for change.
(30) / Assess people’s coping strategies to reinforce & improve functioning & quality of life.
(31) / Select & modify appropriate intervention strategies based on continuous clinical assessment.
(32) / Use culturally responsive differential and appropriate diagnosis.
EP 2.1.10.(c)
(33) / Critically evaluate, select, and apply best practice, including culturally responsive best practices including evidence-based and evidence-informed interventions.
(34) / Use appropriate clinical techniques for a range of presenting concerns as identified in the assessment.
EP 2.1.10.(c)
Intervention (cont’d) / Excellent
5 / Good
4 / Average
3 / Marginal
2 / Poor/ Failing
1 / ND or NO
(please provide explanation) / Comments
(35) / Collaborate with other professionals to coordinate interventions.
EP 2.1.10. (d)
(36) / Evaluate & adjust interventions to achieve intended outcomes using culturally responsive evaluation tools.

