Please fill the registration form, scan it and send it by e-mail to .

Please write “Registration Fee” as the subject of the e-mail. It can also be faxed to +387 33 250 725


All participants including authors, session chairpersons, special session authors and organizers of special sessions are expected to register for the conference. The registration fees are as shown on the next page. Attention! At least one author must register.

TobepublishedintheICAT 2015ConferenceProceedingsandIEEE Xplore®,at least oneauthorofanacceptedpaperisrequiredtoregisterforthe conferenceand thepapermustbepresented at theconference. Registrationfees mustbepaidpriortouploadingthefinalIEEE formatted,IEEE PDF eXpress checked IEEE Xplore®-compatible PDF(s) versionof thepaper. Forauthors withmultipleacceptedpapers,onefull registrationis validforupto2 papers. If youhavemore than 2papers,asecondregistrationwillberequired.Themaximumnumberofpages per paperissix(6).Youmaypurchaseupto two (2)extrapagesper paper at acost of € 50perpage. Acceptedandpresentedpapers willbepublishedin theIEEE ICAT2015ConferenceProceedings andsubmitted to IEEE Xplore®.

*First/Personal Name
Middle Name
IEEE/ACM Membership Number
FirstPaper Number
Second Paper Number (if any)
*Zip/Postal Code
*Primary Contact Number
Fax Number
Mobile Phone
*E-Mail address
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Number
Special needs for presentation
First/Personal Name
Middle Name
* Indicates required fields that must be completed
REGISTRATION FEES: / Early Registration
(Until October 15, 2015) / Late Registration
(After October 15, 2015) / Quantity / Amount
IEEE Member / €200 / €250
Non-IEEE Member / €250 / € 300
Student, IEEE Member / €100 / € 150
Student / €150 / € 200
Extra Page (up to 2) / €50 / € 50
Extra Proceedings on CD / €10 / € 10
Extra Conference Dinner / €50 / € 50
Accompanying person / €120 / € 120
Total to be paid
The registration fee includes:
  • Applicable VAT
  • Conference attendance and the right to present two papers (one paper for student registration fee)
  • Conference material (the book of abstracts and the conference memory stick)
  • Access to all technical sessions
  • Welcome Reception
  • Conference Dinner
  • 3 Lunches
  • Coffee breaks

All refund/cancellation requests must be provided via email to (or in writing to theaddress at the bottom of the form) and received by September 30, 2015. There will be an administrative feeof €50 deducted from each refund.
The sender must pay all appropriate wire transfer charges in addition to the registration fee. To ensure proper credit to your registration please specify in wire transfer the following:
1 – Conference name (ICAT-2015)
2 – Registrant’s name
Please fax the wire transfer receipt to +38733250725 or scan it and e-mail to . Payment will not be cleared until it is actually received by ICAT-2015. This process may take some time so please start it early.
Account Name: Elektrotehnički fakultet u Sarajevu
Address:Zmaja od Bosne bb
Zip code :71000
Bank name:Raiffeisen Bank dd Bosnia and Herzegovina
IBAN Code: BA391611000001184525
Swift Code:RZBABA2S
Purpose of payment:Registration fee for ICAT-2015 from {Your Name}
Bank transfer fees are participant’s responsibility. Please note that if, due to any bank commissions or expenses, the amount received is less than the amount that has to be paid, the difference will be requested from the participant.Please DO NOT submit a registration formwithout proof of payment attached.