Application form for TAIEX Workshop

Please note:
TAIEX is willing to undertake the majority of the arrangements and costs for its workshops. However please note that in making this request for a workshop the following support must be provided by your country:
1.  Enclosure of the draft law, laws or policy statements, and/or a short written summary of the current situation regarding the sector.
2.  Liaison with participants regarding the event and submission of a complete list of participants (with their job title, full contact details & name of administration), no later than 21 calendar days before the event.
3.  Assistance to TAIEX representatives during the event.
4.  Submission of a short evaluation report of the event.
Beneficiary: / TURKEY
Date of submission: / 20.3.2006

Please complete and return to:

European Commission

Institution Building unit (TAIEX)

Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Brussels

Fax: +32-2-296 68 40


1. Contact person for administrative questions related to this event:
Title:[1] / Mr.
First Name: / Hasan
Surname: / Dursun
Ministry or Institution: / The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Department: / General Directorate of Agricultural Production and Development, Agricultural Land Evaluation Department
Function: / Head of Department
Office address (street/number/office number): / Tarim ve Koyisleri Bakanligi Eskisehir Yolu Lodumlu
Post code: / 06100
City: / ANKARA
Office Tel: / 0090312 2868720
Office Fax:
E-mail: / ,
2. Workshop details:
Proposed subject of workshop: / The general principles and requirements of Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) and Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS)
Preferred date of event (indicate calendar week number): / 13-16 June, 2006 (24th week )
Expected number of participants: / 30
Target audience:
(specify if Ministries, institutions, sub-national authorities,
professional associations or other) / Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs-senior and junior officials (15)
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs – Provincial Directorates (10)
Related Inst. (5)
Is accommodation required?
(applies only to journey of 200km and above) / Yes No
Is interpretation required? / Yes No
If yes, between which languages? / Between: / English / and / Turkish
Does your administration have suitable conference facilities available? / Yes No
If yes, are these facilities free of charge? / Yes No
Conference venue address:
(street, number, office number) / Ataturk Konferans Salonu Eskisehir Yolu Lodumlu
Post code: / 06100
City: / ANKARA
Office Tel.: / 00903122868720
Office Fax: / 00903122865724
E-mail: /
Agenda: Indicate specific items which should be included on the agenda and/or attach draft programme, if available
-Common Agriculture Policy
-General Principles of IACS
-General Principles of LPIS
-Council Regulation no. 1782/2003
-Paying Agency
-Animal Identification and Registration System
-Implementation of LPIS
-IACS GIS for Agriculture
Additional comments:
Explanation by giving examples is preferred for every item mentioned in Agenda.
3. Details of the relevant legislation for this event:
Sector of the Acquis
CELEX N°/Natural number: / 31782R2003
Type of legislation: / COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 1782/2003
of 29 September 2003
establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and
establishing certain support schemes for farmers and amending Regulations (EEC) No 2019/93,
(EC) No 1452/2001, (EC) No 1453/2001, (EC) No 1454/2001, (EC) 1868/94, (EC) No 1251/1999, (EC)
No 1254/1999, (EC) No 1673/2000, (EEC) No 2358/71 and (EC) No 2529/2001
Screening chapter: / Agriculture
4. Current situation:
Please describe briefly your current situation concerning the sector of the acquis communautaire indicated above and explain why the workshop is necessary now:
Although there is not directly corresponding Turkish legislation with IACS; within the extend of direct income support system for farmers. Land and farmer registry system project which started in 2001, Direct Income Support System is being implemented within frame of various degrees and communiqués.
Some arrangements in implementations such as registration of applied farmers, Identification and registration of payment entitlements, a computerized data base,farmer applications are similar to IACS’s basic components. In spite of these, lack of reference data necessary to make all the controls foreseen in the IACS, incompatibility of records with “LPIS”, lack of integration between Animal Identification and Registration System and National Farmer Registration System in MARA, lack of cross-checks based on reference parcels and GIS are differentiating points in implementation with that of IACS at European community. Land parcels are only based on cadastral records which are generally kept on paper; most of them have not been digitized yet
Some elements of IACS have been implemented in Turkey but they have not been merged into a single system yet.
Land Parcel Identification System :
Some works on land parcel identification system in Turkey have been carried out. Data obtained during these works, although are not in the exact format which that of IACS, could provide a base for establishment of the system.
From the moment IACS subject come into agenda in Turkey, specifically after this stage, all the works and conclusions were planned in the formats used in establishment of IACS, under coordination of Ministry of Agriculture a Rural Affairs
A common work ground has been formed after having received confirmation with institutions other then the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
Currently a project titled ‘’Determination and Improvement of Problematic Agricultural Land (STATIP)’’ is being implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
Due to the project, by classification of country’s agricultural lands according to the standards and country wide or local importance, usage of agricultural lands according to purpose and supervision has been aimed.
While these work, agricultural lands with their specification were determined on village base. It has been considered using of data obtained from the project may be used in formation of land parcel identification system in a great extend, especially in block formation it can be a key tool
By using 1/25000 scale original topographic maps land data obtained as a result of works carried out by basing on village boundaries, shell facilitate formation of reference land records as envisaged by IACS and obtaining parcel data.
As it is foreseen in the National Program in existing legislation, at the beginning of 2004 Standard Project Fiche preparation covering the subjects of, “Establishing Integrated Administration and Control System and Land Parcel Identification System” started in accordance with the priorities specified in national program in the context of fulfillment of commitments.
In the framework of EU – Turkey Pre-accession Financial Cooperation Programme; A project on Preparation for the Implementation of EU Common Agricultural Policy (TR 0402.08) has been prepared. The Project consists of two sub-projects;
Formation of Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) and establishment of Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) in Turkey
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs - MARA
General Directorate of Agricultural Production and Development – GDAPD
Department of Agricultural Land Evaluation –ALED
To provide support for Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in establishing the main elements of IACS according to EU norms,
To increase the capacities of beneficiaries about legal and institutional issues related to IACS and Land Parcel Identification System – LPIS in accordance with the EU legislation and applications,
To initiate the preparations for establishment of an Integrated Administration and Control System which operates in the medium term.
And to establish the elements of a system, which operates in harmony with the EU, in order to make rational agricultural plans and supports.
Technical assistance will be taken in order to determine the most appropriate legislation and methodology to establish the Land Parcel Identification System and to implement the IACS System in our country.
The sub-project also includes a pilot project. Pilot Project Implementation will be carried out including the provinces of Tekirdağ and Ağrı. ORTHOPHOTO will be established in an area of 8000 km2.
A comprehensive technical assistance will be taken related to the Pilot Project Implementation
Preparation Period : Nov. 2004 – Jan 2005
Forecast Published : March 2005
Procurement notice will be pblished : 3th of March 2006
The End of Tender Process (expected) : End of July 2006
This WORKSHOP will help for a good experience; especially before the beginning of our project. According to us, preferred date of this WORKSHOP is also reasonable.

Please note: The information contained in this form will be made available on-line to the Permanent Representation, or Mission of your country in Brussels.

All applications received directly from the Western Balkans’ administrations will be forwarded to the EU Delegation in the country concerned, and in the case of Kosovo to the EC-Liaison Office, for a preliminary evaluation.

Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 200, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium - Office: CHAR 03/149
Telephone: switchboard +32-2-296 73 07, 296 73 08, Fax: +32-2-296 68 40

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[1] Personal data contained in this document will be processed in accordance with the privacy statement of the TAIEX instrument

(see and in compliance with the Regulation (EC) N° 45/2001.