July 11, 2012

Call to Order: The NSBBC Board meeting was brought to order by President Mark Zobel at 8:15 pm at his home. Board members present: Melissa Golan, Sean Thompson, Mark Zobel, Damon Nasman, and Pamela Wood. Ex Officio members present: David Lowe and Mike Simmons. Also present: Alex Golan, Director of Coaching, and Annie Look, former member. A quorum was present.

Approval of Minutes: The Minutes for the June 20, 2012 Board Meeting were approved. Minutes shall be finalized and published on the website.

Status of NBBA Assets: Although Shawn McCord was not present, our understanding from him is that the NBBA Assets will be mostly used in paying the remaining liabilities of that organization.

Uniforms: A motion was made and seconded that the 4th, 5th, and 7th grades purchase their own reversible uniforms for an unknown cost, with no change in the player fee, with Jonathan Maltos coordinating the selection and purchase of uniforms, and with all grade levels purchasing their own uniforms by the following year (2013-14). The motion passed.

Balls: Inventory was taken and listed as set forth in the attachment to these minutes. We will need to adjust our budget to purchase additional bags, balls, and pinnies. Sean will contact his connection at Baden to see if we can get a good deal.

Fundraising: Damon reported that at the fundraising committee meeting we decided to recommend holding a Free-Throw-a-thon to raise money with each player’s goal to raise $100, with a program goal of $5,000. Whatever is raised will be spent on extra training for the players. Prizes will be awarded, such as a basketball for the highest free throws made in each grade, and an iPod shuffle for the most money raised in each grade. We are hoping to get these items donated. Damon is also looking into having t-shirts made for the event.

Sponsorship: Different levels were discussed. First, any amount of money donated will get your name on the list as a sponsor. If you donate $250 or more, you will have your logo on our website with a link to your website. Donating at a level of $500 or more gets your logo on a banner we will make and hang at all home games.

Other ideas: Mike Simmons offered that he has organized “Team Flight Nights” at restaurants where a portion of the proceeds goes to the organization.


·  We have one application in for a coach; Shawn McChord.

·  Mike Simmons is planning on applying.

·  Mike Truitt wants to coach.

·  Jonathan Maltos and Eric Nakashima are planning to coach the 4th graders.

·  Louis Wenger and Casey Wakkuri want to coach.

·  Steve Haizlip recommends a coach named Marlin, however, it looks like Steve will hire him for his staff.

·  Taylor (spring Quick Handle coach) is interested; we just need him to apply.

Right now we need to get the coaches to fill out applications. Further, we need to see the results of the survey; the input about the coaches from last year will be important. We would like to get coaches lined up by mid-August at the latest.

Alex Golan will write a coaching plan and distribute it to the executive committee for further discussion.

Coaching Clinic: It is best for Steve to run a coaches clinic in early August, but we may not have coaches lined up by then. In addition, if we are relying on an unknown 5th grade parent to coach, we won’t know who that is until September.

Website: BONZI is up and running! The next big task is to make sure that our registration process is running smoothly. We need to forward our registration form to Sean so that he can work with BONZI to create the process. We will get a chance to see it before it is up and running. It was noted that we need to make sure that the registration includes information that players will need to purchase their own AAU membership and that we are moving towards purchasing uniforms individually.

Bylaws: Mark asked that we review the bylaws and point out any potential snags or places that could use improvement. We will probably have some amendments to make at the next full membership meeting.

Next Meeting: The next board meeting will be set for early to mid-August, TBA.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 pm.

Minutes prepared by Melissa Golan

NSBBC Board Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2012 -- 1