Images of Greatness Biography Project

Family Information and Overview

*If you have ANY questions about these requirements, please contact

Mrs. Wojciechowski at or for further information please see my classroom website at:

Please keep this guide for your reference through the project.


*Images of Greatness (IOG) is an investigative unit designed to help

students develop study habits and learning skills as well as understand human

characteristics that have the power to change. This project will require depth

of research and thought.

*The time allotment for IOG is approximately Eight weeks. Skills to support

the required research and completion of other work requirements will be taught

in class. However, much of the research and additional tasks will require

additional support from home.

*Each student will select a famous, eminent person in whom s/he is

interested. These persons may be men and women from any field and time

period. The person chosen must be someone the student believes has made an important and positive contribution to society.

*By completing extensive research, students will become experts on the

chosen person. The activities they complete and the products they create will

help them demonstrate and convey the knowledge they have gained.

While more than one student may wish to choose the same person to

study, the class as a whole will most benefit from learning about a wide variety

of eminent figures. Therefore, whenever possible, it is preferred that each

student choose a different subject to study. Since each student is responsible for

his/her own independent study, team projects will not be allowed.


§ Students will become more aware of personalities that have the power to

affect change.

§ Students will learn how other people use their gifts and talents to benefit


§ Students will improve their research skills by utilizing both primary and

secondary resources in writing biographies.

§ Students will demonstrate knowledge of the people they are researching

by assuming the voice of their subjects in an oral presentation before an


§ Students will utilize multiple intelligences by choosing a creative display

from a product menu.

§ Students will gain understanding of and will practice and demonstrate

skills, concepts, and attitudes related to lifelong learning.

Project Requirements

§ Research, record notes, and study about the life of a selected eminent


§ Write a 5-paragraph biography of that person, including a bibliography

§ Plan and prepare a costume that “suggests” that person (does not have

to be elaborate)

§ Plan and present a short oral presentation of that person “in character”

before an audience

Point Values

§  Research worksheet—50 classwork pts

§  5 paragraph biography—100 writing pts

§  Oral presentation and costume-75 project pts


Dates: January 9th-March 10th, 2017

January 9th-10th

Introduction to the project. Select a person to research. Have a biography or autobiography in class by the 17th of January.

January 17thth--Proposal Due—Reliable resources, plagiarism definitions, and online research of biography information

Dates: January 31st- Continue research and begin working on rough draft essay.

Dates: February 7th-Continue working on rough draft essay

Dates: February 14th-Continue working on rough draft essay

Dates: February 21st-Rough draft due/bibliography page in class

Dates: February 28th- Bibliography/final draft

Dates: March 10th-Final draft and all components due today

Dates: March 13th-Begin in class presentations

*Please note: Students should be reading their chosen biographies for approximately 30 minutes a day the first two weeks. Time will not be allotted in class unless the student has finished their apportioned work for the class period; student may use their DSS/Homeroom time to read have no other work to complete or the reading must be done AT HOME.

Research person inside and outside of class

Take notes about person’s history for report

ONGOING IN CLASS: Compose 5-paragraph report rough draft essay using the ChromeBooks given above dates. While essays may be saved online using GoogleDocs, use of a flash drive may be wise to avoid loss of work.

Date: February 21st

Rough draft of biography due at the end of class. Students are expected to review their papers and make necessary edits/modifications. Adult support in editing the rough draft at home is suggested and appreciated.

Suggested format of the five-paragraph report:

q Title page (MLA Format)





q Introduction paragraph (paragraph #1 minimum: 5 sentences): Why this person is important

q Early life paragraph (paragraph #2 minimum: 6-8 sentences): Family background, important childhood experiences, family life (2 quotes are required)

q Education paragraph (paragraph #3 minimum: 6-8 sentences): Early education, higher education, important/significant events (2 quotes are required)

q Accomplishments paragraph (paragraph #4 minimum: 6-8 sentences): Important events, challenges, career information (2 quotes are required)

q Conclusion paragraph (paragraph #5 minimum: 4 sentences): Why this person is remembered as a creative producer, a change agent, or a positive contributor to society.

q Works Cited Page (on a separate page)

Be certain to use for correct MLA formatting.

Dates: Monday, March 13th, 2017

Outside of class:

Continue to practice/polish oral presentation.

Gather costume and prepare anything else necessary for the presentation.

In class:

Practice presentation in front of a peer support group

Date: Tuesday, March 14th, 2017

FINAL PROJECT DUE. In class presentations.

Some TIPS before students begin IOG…

Students may need some help to decide whose biography they will research

and write.

They will need to learn enough about the person initially to make a wise choice.

Students will be spending a good deal of time on this person, so his/her life

should be intriguing.

Students will want to see if there is enough good information readily available

(school/public library, internet) on the person BEFORE they make their choices

and begin.

The Research Process

To help organize the information, students may utilize their interactive student notebook (ISN).

Students need to use a MINIMUM of four sources to gather information.

AT LEAST one source must be a book. No Wikipedia.

Research Requirements

Books: Find and read printed books in the library that are devoted to the

person. As you read, make notes on information in the various categories you

have chosen to research.

Electronic Encyclopedia: Do a keyword search (not a topic search) for the

person and read more than the main introductory article. See where the person

is mentioned in other articles. Summarize key findings and record them on note


Internet: Visit sites on the Internet. As a starting point, sites are linked from the

Biomaker website

Speech Format

During the presentation day, students will prepare for an in-character presentation wearing a costume.

To prepare for the interactive speech, students should write three juicy questions on a note card (to be passed out to the audience) and be able to answer each question (student may use note cards for support in answering the questions).

The speech should include:

ü Three pre-formed questions (from audience) and answers (from student)

ü Students should be in-character and speak in first person as the subject of

their study

ü The speech should be a summary of their essay. Students may utilize a significant quote and a short explanation of it as an opening or introduction to their speech.