1.  Statement of Work (SOW) – People to Posts

The Organisational Development Planning Team (ODPT) is responsible for planning the implementation of the trial Peacetime Establishment as developed through an internal optimisation study. This plan is to be completed NLT December 2014, and be implementable by August 2015. In order to support the planning team, contractor support will be required. This SOW defines the major tasks to be delivered by a contractor who will be reporting directly to the Head of the ODPT.

Tasks are such as, but not limited to:

i.  Planning and monitoring the development of job descriptions, functional statements and other descriptive texts so that the Interim Working Structure (IWS) can stand up to Headquarters, Supreme Allied Command Transformation (HQ, SACT), National Liaison Representative (NLR) /Senior National Representative (SNR) and NATO Defense Manpower Audit Authority (NDMAA).

ii.  Assist in the development of Internal and External Communications plans.

iii.  Determine which function requires what services and develop a matrix in database/spreadsheet form so that this can be manipulated and updated throughout the duration of the project.

iv.  Produce a migration plan that allows Program of Work (POW) delivery.

v.  Maintain related project documentation accuracy and validity.

vi.  Produce briefs, spreadsheets and project files as appropriate using Microsoft products that will be provided by the JWC.

vii. Assist the ODPT in other areas as required within the remit of applicable JWC staff orders.

2.  Level of Effort

In order to meet the requirements of this contract, the SUPPLIER will provide an individual for 90 Consecutive days.

·  The contractor will report to, and be directed by Mr. Garry Hargreaves who is fulfilling the role as the Head of the ODPT. He/she is obligated to fulfill his/her duties as described under Clause 1 of this Contract commencing No Later Than 03 November 2014

·  Working hours is estimated to 37.5 hours (exclusive of lunch) per week and will be conducted from a shared office location with 3 other ODPT members. Office hours will be 0730 – 1530.

3.  Required Qualifications

In order to meet the timelines and quality of product the contractor must have:

i.  Detailed understanding of the current and IWS structures and functions of JWC.

ii.  Be able to obtain, by start of contract, a valid and active NATO Personnel Security Clearance Certificate valid for, up to and including, NATO Secret

iii.  Experience of JWC POW

iv.  The ability to work unsupervised whilst delivering quality products and driving forward the implementation planning.

4.  Procurement Policy

Suppliers awarded this contract, developing job descriptions and functional statements, shall be excluded from bidding on future contracts in which the SOW includes, partially or in full, these job descriptions and functionalities.