DARU Update

31 January 2011



New DARU Online Events Calendar

DARU is pleased to announce the addition of an Events Calendar feature on our website. The Events Calendar provides a centralised repository for all events relevant to the Disability Advocacy sector such as:

  • Professional development opportunities
  • Member meeting dates and AGMs for disability advocacy agencies and networks
  • Conferences
  • Forums and consultations

As well as being a useful resource, the Events Calendar can also assist when planning events to ensure that dates don’t clash with other events, maximising potential participation. Searching events is easy too as you can list events by date, agency, title and date, with just one click.

Visit the new DARU Events Calendar at

You can contribute an event by clicking the Add an Event to the calendar link and completing the online form. All fields have help notes, making it quick and simple to fill in. We look forward to hearing about your events in 2011.

DARU 2011 Workshop Series

DARU will once again be offering workshops during 2011. As in past years, this offers Disability Advocates an opportunity to step back, reflect on work practices, network and be challenged.

All sessions are provided by highly qualified, experienced facilitators and consultants with a good understanding of the disability advocacy sector.

Two of the 2010 workshops are being offered again due to their popularity. If you missed out last time don’t miss this 2nd opportunity! This year’s workshops are:

  • Navigating through the Legal System
  • To Stand Beside
  • Cross Cultural Awareness & Communication
  • Resilience in the Workplace
  • Doing I.T Better

For more information and to download a registration form, visit or contact DARU by phone on 9639 5807 or email .


Government Department Shuffle

The Office for Disability transferred to the Department of Human Services on 1 January 2011. The Office for Disability will be located in the Industry Workforce and Strategy Division at DHS but will remain at 1 Spring street until alternate accommodation is sourced closer to DHS.

Michael Cromie has been appointed to the role of Manager, Capacity Building which has the portfolio responsibility for the Advocacy Program. Fofi Christou who was acting in the Manager's role has resumed her previous role as Senior Project Officer role within the Capacity Building team in the Office.

VDAN Welcomes a new Administration/Project Officer and Online Presence

Heather Renton joins VDAN in the role of Administration/Project officer. She can be contacted via email

Heather previously worked for Banyule City Council at The Centre Ivanhoe since 2002, initially as an events coordinator, but for the last few years managed a number of special projects, assisted with the sales & marketing, and looked after their website. Recently, she decided to follow her passion in disability advocacy. Her voluntary work includes admin for parent support & fundraising at Villa Maria E.C.I.S. where her daughter Becky attends.

VDAN has launched their new website which can now be viewed at


Rett Syndrome Girl's Dad 'Asked about Euthanasia' Before She Drowned

Amy Dale, AAP, 10 January, 2011

Months before a sick two-year-old girl drowned in an inflatable pool, her father asked authorities about euthanasia, an inquest has been told. A post-mortem examination found that the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, drowned on December 3, 2007, in the front yard of her home at Curl Curl on Sydney's northern beaches.

In the months before her death, she had been diagnosed with Rett Syndrome, a neurological condition that occurs almost exclusively in girls and results in a deterioration in speech, balance and co-ordination.

In his opening to Deputy State Coroner Scott Mitchell, counsel assisting the inquest Steven Kelly said the parents had been "shocked" by their daughter's condition and upset that it had ruined their "idyllic" Northern Beaches lifestyle.

To read the full article, visit

2011: A Big Year for Disability Reform

Senator Mitch Fifield, ABC Disability, 12 Jan 2011

In his article published on Ramp Up last week, Todd Winther expressed the understandable frustration and disappointment many people with disability and their carers feel towards government inaction on disability policy. It's true, no government in Australia has covered itself in glory when it comes to disability policy. And the challenge before the current government is to take action to match its fine words.

However, I cannot agree with Mr Winther's contention that "no politician in Federal parliament has a genuine interest in disability policy." I acknowledge his frustration, but many of my parliamentary colleagues have a strong interest in disability policy and recognise the need for urgent and wide-reaching reform.

My Liberal colleague Senator Sue Boyce has a strong interest and family experience of disability and a vast knowledge of the area. Senator Jan McLucas, the Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers has a long standing interest in the portfolio as does Greens Senator Rachel Siewert.

As for myself, I not only have a genuine interest in disability policy, I am motivated by the desire to achieve serious reform. That is why, after the election last year, I asked Tony Abbott for two things. Firstly, I asked Tony to elevate the portfolio to ministerial rank. Secondly, I asked him to allow me to continue in the portfolio. Some are surprised when I say this. It seems that Mr Winther is right when he states that wanting to stay in the disabilities and carers portfolio is not traditionally equated with political ambition. However, I believe that there are serious gaps in Australia's system of support for people with disability and their families, and that some continuity is needed.

Two areas in which I am determined to make a difference are education and workforce participation. For many Australians, including those with disability, education is a great enabler. A good education can mean the difference between a fulfilling life of work or a lifetime struggling on the disability support pension. But not only are the levels of support for students with disability in Australia inadequate, choice is sparse for parents when it comes to the support their child receives.

To read the full response from the Shadow Minister for Disabilities and Carers, visit

To read Todd Winther’s article on Ramp Up, visit

Members of the Not-for-profit Sector Reform Council Announced

Minister for Social Inclusion, the Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, has announced the composition of the Australian Government's Not-for-Profit Sector Reform Council (the Council).

The Council fulfils an important election promise and demonstrates the Government's ongoing commitment to the not-for-profit sector. The Council is made up of eminent figures from the not-for-profit sector. To help drive the Government's plans to reform the sector, the Council will examine the scope of a national one-stop-shop regulator, provide advice on streamlining tendering and contracting processes for Government-funded not-for-profits, consider harmonisation of federal, state and territory lawson fundraising and support the implementation of the National Compact: working together.

Full membership of the Council includes:

  • Linda Lavarch - Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies (Chair)
  • Anne Robinson - Prolegis Lawyers (Deputy Chair)
  • Glenn Appleyard - Australian Accounting Standards Board
  • Ken Baker - National Disability Services
  • Sandy Blackburn-Wright - Westpac, Community Development
  • Kasy Chambers - Anglicare
  • Michael Coleman - KPMG / Planet Ark
  • David Crosbie - Community Council for Australia
  • Cassandra Goldie - Australian Council of Social Service
  • Suzie Haslehurst - Magabala Books Aboriginal Corporation
  • Evelyn O'Loughlin - Volunteering SA and NT
  • Frank Quinlan - Catholic Social Services Australia

For more information, including The Council's Terms of Reference, visit the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet's website at

A Review of the Disability Standards for Education

The Hon Peter Garrett MP, Minister for School Education, is undertaking a review of the Disability Standards for Education. The review is due to conclude during 2011.

In reviewing the effectiveness of the Standards, the Review will consider whether the Standards:

  • have provided clarity and specificity for education and training providers and for students with disability and their families in relation to their rights and requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  • have assisted people with disability to access and participate in education and training opportunities on the same basis as those without disability
  • have assisted in eliminating discrimination (including harassment and victimisation) of people with disability in education and training
  • have promoted recognition and acceptance in the community of the principle that people with disability have the same fundamental rights as the rest of the community
  • are compatible with Australia’s current education and training system.

A discussion paper will be released in January 2011 to promote discussion and consideration of the issues and assist in providing submissions to the review.

For more information, visit


It’s Time for NDIS Supporters to Hit the Streets!

When: / Thursday 10 February 2011, 12:30pm
Where: / Geelong Waterfront, foot of Cunningham Pier, Geelong.

NDIS supporters in Victoria are encouraged to join a rally in support of the NDIS. The rally has been timed to coincide with the popular Having a Say conference for people with a disability and will feature speakers with a disability from the conference as well as NDIS Campaign Director John Della Bosca.

Everyone is encouraged to wear red to show their support and bring along their own placard or sign – a chance to be creative as you like! Organisers would like the event to be as colourful as possible.

Those who attend will be given a free campaign teeshirt or badge to show their support.

For more information about the rally, contact Kirsten Deane, National Disability and Carer Alliance, by email or Jacqui Pierce, Karingal NDIS Coordinator, or download the rally flyer from


Victorian Transport Minister's Address to VCOSS Accessibility Forum – Available Online

On 10 December 2010, VCOSS convened a forum on accessible transport in Victoria: Free to Move. The incoming Minister for Public Transport, The Honourable Terry Mulder MLA, gave his first official address as Minister for Public Transport at the Forum. For those who were unable to attend the forum, you can view an online video of the Ministers address and question and answer session on YouTube or download a transcript of his speech by visiting

VCOSS will produce a summary paper of the forum compiling the feedback received and will facilitate an Accessible Transport Working Group to progress the issue, and will be compiling a larger report on accessible transport in the coming months.

For more information, contact Llewellyn Reynders at VCOSS, Transport and Disadvantage Policy Analyst, on phone 03 9654 5050, mobile 0449 553 396 or email .

Strengthening Community Organisation E-News

The Strengthening Community Organisations monthly e-Newsletter is brought to you by the Community Development branch of the City of Melbourne. It is targeted towards not-for-profit community organisations and provides information on Council programs and projects, training opportunities, funding opportunities, conferences and other relevant information that will benefit the community sector.

In this issue:

  • Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation
  • Active Club Grants
  • Funding for women
  • Settlement Grants
  • Volunteer Engagement Project
  • Work Placement Project
  • Hub Melbourne - Open House
  • Market in Carlton – Sunday 6 February
  • Centre for Cultural Ethnicity and Health (CEH)
  • Social connections – why they’re important
  • Information Technology (IT) projects

To read this e-bulletin online and to subscribe, visit

Senate Community Affairs Committee - Government Response - Funding and Operation of the CSTDA

The Government Response to its former References inquiry into the Funding and Operation of the Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreementis available via the following link:

Free Law Help Resources

Find the right services for your clients and help them take action to solve their legal problems with these practical resources, improved and updated by the Victorian Law Foundation for 2011. Resources include:

  • 2011 Law Help Directory – your comprehensive listing of free and low-cost legal services in Victoria.
  • 2011 Law Help Guide (Need Legal Help?) – a handy 8-page easy-to-understand brochure that offers your clients a place to start when looking for legal help.

To order a copy, email or download free from the Foundation’s website at


VCOSS Clearinghouse Registrations Now Open

The VCOSS Clearinghouse 2011 Rural and Regional Training Program is now open for registrations. The program will deliver 40 face to face training sessions across the state for staff and volunteers from the Victorian community sector.

The program includes:

  • Roles, Responsibilities, Liabilities & Protections of Committees and Board Members presented by PilchConnect
  • Grant Writing presented by Philanthropy Australia
  • Strategic Planning presented by Matrix on Board
  • Disagreements, disputes and all-out war: Strategies for dealing with conflict in boards and committees presented by Pathways Australia
  • Making sense of financial statements presented by Matrix on Board
  • Getting to Know Philanthropy coordinated by Philanthropy Australia

Cost: $40 per participant or $20 for VCOSS members

Fees can be waived for organisations unable to pay.

For session details and to register online, visit For more information or to receive the calendar in an alternative format, contact phone (03) 9654 5050.

Internal Auditor Training

When: / Tuesday 15 March OR Wednesday 30 March, 9:45am for a 10:00am start to 4:00pm
Where: / Blue Room, 1st Floor, Multicultural Hub, 506 Elizabeth St. Melbourne
Register: / Download the flyer and registration form at

DARU is offering this one day workshop which has been tailored specifically for the Disability Advocacy Sector and will be delivered by David Smith from SAI Global.

The NDAP QA System focuses on continuous improvement and development of advocacy agencies’ quality management systems in the context of human rights policy framework.

The implementation of the NDAP QA System will require disability advocacy agencies to undertake an audit to ensure consumers receive skilled and effective advocacy, Disability Advocacy Standards are demonstrated and agencies are compliant.

Areas covered will include both theoretical and practical aspects of auditing processes:

  • How to plan and prepare internal audits
  • How to carry out an audit
  • How to report audit results
  • How to conduct follow up activities

On successful completion of this course and assessment, workshop participants will receive a Statement of Attainment for BSB AUD402B Participate in a Quality Audit and RABQSA AU Management Systems Auditing

For more information, phone DARU on 9639 5807 or email .

Disability Inclusive Development Workshop

When: / 1 – 3 March 2011
Where: / CBM Australia, 56 Rutland Road, Box Hill
Register: / Download the flyer with registration information from There is no cost for attendance for selected participants, however places are limited.

This workshop seeks to engage with Australian-based Disabled People's Organisations (DPOs) and individuals with disabilities in disability inclusive development processes, to increase their capacity and understanding on disability inclusive development and practical ways to engage with, empower and support overseas DPOs.

The workshop is being facilitated by the CBM-Nossal Partnership for Disability Inclusive Development, PWD Australia and the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO), with support from AusAID.

For more information, contact Kathryn James on phone 8843 4453 or email .

Self-advocacy Training for People with Disabilities in the City of Greater Dandenong

When: / 2 consecutive Tuesdays, 1 & 8 March 2011 from 10:30am-3:00pm
Where: / Dandenong, details advised on registration
Register: / Contact Katrina Newman by 16 February on 9791 4870 or email . Places available are limited to 12 participants.

The Disability Resources Centre will be running a self-advocacy training course for people with disabilities living in the outer southeast of Melbourne. The course will be facilitated by people with expertise in advocacy.

The topics will include:

  • Learn to be more assertive
  • Understanding your rights
  • How to write an effective self-advocacy letter
  • How to make a complaint using the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)

This is a unique opportunity to gain skills and knowledge to make positive changes for yourself.

For more information, download the flyer and registration form at

Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission’s 2011 Training Calendar

With the new Equal Opportunity Act 2010 coming into effect on 1 August 2011, the Commissionhas scheduled a number of free briefings, in regional centres and in Melbourne, to help prepare for implementation.

For those of you already well acquainted with equal opportunity legislation, an implementation workshop has been developed to consider your current practice and identify opportunities to become more proactive around equal opportunity.

For training details and to register online, visit

For a hard copy of the calendar, email .

Social Policy Courses at Melbourne University

The Brotherhood of St Laurence in partnership with the University of Melbourne, have key research staff teaching several social policy courses at the university in 2011.

Master of Social Policy 2011

  • Special topic: Ageing, society and social policy

The Master of Social Policy curriculum reflects cutting-edge theory in a number of professional development fields. Graduates will be equipped with the skills necessary for advanced community sector management and policy making.

Specialist Certificate in Social Policy (Social Inclusion) subjects

  • Social inclusion policy and practice
  • Social inclusion and the politics of recognition

These are available for study towards masters degrees offered by the University of Melbourne, and can also be taken as stand-alone subjects for professional development.