Finance and Office Committee

Tuesday 23 August 2016


It should be noted that this Committee has been given delegated authority

Attendees: Cllrs Penny, Allaway martin, E Elsmore, C Elsmore, Thompson, Baird, Ball, Lusty & Holloway

Mrs P Lacy

  1. Apologieswere noted from Cllrs Kay, Drury, Hale & Whittington
  1. Cllr Lusty & Ball declared personal interest in item 8
  1. There were no dispensations requests
  1. The minutes of 19 July 2016 were agreed
  1. To agree to the actions re the recommendation for Mile End crossroads By GCC Highways

Mrs Lacy expressed grave concern that GCC Highways Department had misinterpreted the evidence which they had collected regarding the crossroads. The residents who did not wish to see any more accidents firmly believed that traffic lights was not the solution. The problem of the inevitable rat run had not been answered. In the end the report did not satisfy the requirements of those for or those against the traffic lights.

It was proposed that the Council write to the Highways Department and request a comprehensive review of the information gained from their consultation

Proposed: Cllr BallSeconded Cllr Holloway

On being put to the vote the proposal was agreed unanimously

  1. To agree to the monthly payments

Councillors noted the list of payments for August 2016 presented by the Clerk. It was proposed that the payments should be approved.

Proposed: Cllr HollowaySeconded Cllr C Elsmore

On being put to the vote the proposal was agreed unanimously.

  1. To agree the petty cash payments

Councillors noted the list of petty cash payments for the month of August 2016.

It was proposed that the payments be accepted.

Proposed: Cllr PennySeconded Cllr C Elsmore

  1. To agree the grant applications

It was proposed that the application for Coleford Business Association be deferred to the next tranche as it has not been assessed by the review panel and that the following sums be granted.

Forest Bee£ 500.00

The Coleford Reading Group£ 180.00

Coleford Centre for the Frail & Elderly£ 150.00

Forest Youth Theatre£ 2500.00

Artspace Cinderford£ 1500.00

Angus Buchanan VC Memorial Ground Committee£ 2500.00

It was proposed that the grants be accepted.

Proposed: Cllr PennySeconded Cllr C Elsmore

  1. To agreeto the actions required re the walnut tree in Walnut Close in light of the parishtree audit

After considerable discussion it was sadly agreed that there was no alternative but to fell the tree in the light of the arborologist report

It was proposed that an application to fell the tree be made.

Proposed: Cllr HollowaySeconded Cllr C Elsmore

On being put to the vote the proposal was agreed unanimously.

  1. To agree to providing a maximum of £1000.00 for the gateway planting autumn andspring planting

It was proposed that a sum of £2000.00 be allocated.

Proposed: Cllr BallSeconded Cllr Holloway

On being put to the vote the proposal was agreed unanimously.

  1. To agree to issue an updated press statement re Coleford Town Council stance on Fracking in the Forest of Dean

It was proposed that a press release be sent

Proposed: Cllr BallSeconded Cllr Holloway

On being put to the vote the proposal was agreed unanimously.

  1. Councillors noted the correspondence

In Committee

  1. To agreethe appointment of the Sexton

It was proposed that the only applicant be appointed

Proposed: Cllr BallSeconded Cllr Holloway

On being put to the vote the proposal was agreed unanimously.

  1. To agree to the actions required re the appointment of the new staff members

It was proposed that the selection panel be enabled to recommend a member of staff if a suitable applicant is interviewed.

Proposed: Cllr BallSeconded Cllr Penny

On being put to the vote the proposal was agreed unanimously.