Khallandra Coley

Fukuoka JHS

Textbook-Specific Lessons

“I want to go to…” Speech Contest (Hi, Friends 2 Ch 5)

Class time needed for lesson:About 30-35 minutes for the contest. Students should complete the worksheets in the English class prior to this one.

Class size taught:Approximately 30-35 students

Target audience:6th grade ES students

Objective:To have students practice saying “I want to (verb)” phrases and country names.

目的:“I want to (verb)”の表現と、国名を練習する( Hi Friend 2, Chapter 5 より)

Materials: Worksheet, pencils, kids

Procedure:Have students fill out the worksheet one lesson in advance. Give them the option of writing in either English or Japanese (some kids will take on the challenge of writing in English, while others will stick to Japanese). It’s a good idea to take up the papers and check them, then return them to the HRT. On the day of the speech contest, have the HRT give back the worksheets, and then have the students get into their lunch groups. You and the JTE can take a few minutes to go around and answer questions/help with pronunciation and spelling so that students can have a bit of practice time.

Once everyone is ready, the students will present their speeches within their groups. After everyone has presented, each group should pick one student who they felt had the best speech (most will probably just pick the funniest one). Have the chosen students go to the front of the class to present their speeches to everyone. Then have the class vote (by raising their hands) on the student they felt had the best speech. It’s a good idea to stand with the students, since some may struggle with certain words and might need your help. Or they could be nervous and the moral support would benefit them.

Where Do You Want To Go?




Let’s go to (国名)______

In (国名)______

You can (できること)______

You can (できること)______

I (やりたいこと)______

Let’s go to(国名)______