Seventh Workshop of the Regional Collaborative Public Software Mechanism
Bahamas, February 22nd and 23th, 2018
I) Objective
To incorporate the countries of the Caribbean area into the Regional Collaborative Public Software Mechanism that is implementing by the e-Government Network of Latin America and the Caribbean (Red GEALC), with the support of the Regional Public Goods Initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank (BID). For that, the main advances obtained in the first stage of the project (2014-2017) will be presented: interoperability, automation of public services, electronic signature, natural disaster management.
II) Participants
Countries: Bahamas, Barbados, El Salvador, Guyana, Jamaica, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela.
Red Gealc: Roberto López, Manager.
IADB: Alexandre Veyrat and Inga Carey
III) Draft Program
February 22nd
9.00 a 9:30 / Accreditation of the participants9:30 a 10:00 /
Opening table
- Authority of Bahamas.
- Irvin Halman General Administrator of the Governmental Innovation Authority, Panama, President of Red Gealc. (Virtual way)
- Alexandre Veyrat, Specialist, IADB.
10:00 a 11:00 / All on the same page
- Round of presentation of participants
- Model and regional public software platform - Roberto López (Red Gealc Manager).
11:00 a 11:30 / Coffee break
11:30 a 12:30 / Experiences of adaptation and co creation: LAT public software (I)
- Tenoli-LAT: Interoperability – Eric Ramírez. Director of electronic government, General Directorate of State Transformation. Technical and Planning Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic (El Salvador).
- SIMPLE-LAT: automation of procedures. Participant to be confirmed. Agency of electronic government and society of information and knowledge (Agesic), Uruguay.
12:30 a 14:00 / Lunch
14:00 a 15:00 / Experiences of adaptation and co creation: LAT public software (II)
- SINMA-LAT: Natural disaster management – Anabel Broce. Director of Architecture and Systems, AIG, Panama.
- Murachi-LAT: electronic signature. Kenny Ossa. President of the National Information Technology Center (CNTI), Venezuela.
15:00 a 16:00 / Expectations
Caribbean countries delegations
Moderator: Carol Roach, Acting Director of Information Technology, Ministry of Finance (Bahamas).
February 23th
9:00 a 10:00 / Towards a new regional public goods projectModerator: Roberto López (Red Gealc Manager).
10:00 a 10:45 / Topic 1
Electronic signature (Moderator: Venezuela).
10:45 a 11:15 / Coffee break
11:15 a 12:00 / Topic 2
Automation of services (Moderator: Uruguay).
12:00 a 12:45 / Topic 3
Natural disaster management (Moderator: Panama).
12:45 a 14:15 / Lunch
14:15 a 15:00 / Topic 4
Interoperability (Moderator: El Salvador).
15:00 a 16:30 / Road map
Commitments to the future
16:30 a 17:00 / Closing
- Authority of Bahamas.
- Representative of Panama, country president of Red Gealc.
- Miguel Porrúa, leading specialist in e-government, IDB. (Virtual way)