1) Welcome and Introductions / Attendees
Ian Davidson / ID / Tendring District Council (Chair)
Cllr Nick Turner / NT / Tendring District Council
Cllr Mark Platt. / MP / Tendring District Council
Cllr Delyth Miles / DM / Tendring District Council
Martyn Knappett / MBK / Tendring District Council
Ian Taylor / lT / Tendring District Council
Mike Badger / MB / Tendring District Council
James Ennos / JE / Tendring District Council
Aileen Middleton / AM / Tendring District Council
Michelle Nye-Brown / MNB / Naze Tower
Julian Novorol / JN / Hamford Water Management
Andrew Impey / AI / EWT
David Eagle / DE / Land Owner
John Lindsay / JL / Environment Agency
2) Apologies for absence / Apologies received from Cllr Mick Page
3) Notes of Last Meeting / Minutes agreed.
4) Matters Arising from the Notes of the Last Meeting / None
5) Update on Naze Education and Visitor Centre – including arrangements for formal Opening event /
- Two education officers were put in place for May, their main focus to increase awareness and publicise opportunities.
- There have been leaflet drops,questionnaire and feedback around the centre has been good from the public.
- Informal events have been considered for the public such as; ‘drop-in’s’ with activities. Curriculum needs were identified through questionnaires to then proceed with changes to the centre
- Full feedback to be given after the summer.
- Nicolas Crane from BBC’s Coast will present the opening on the 10th September at 2:00pm and letters will go to local residents.
- Parking - EWT will liaise with IT. IT to feedback to ID after meeting. EWT to circulate to whole board details of outcome from meeting today. Expecting 2000/2500
6) Practical Management Arrangements- including provisions of public toilet facilities /
- TDC have agreed to leave existing public toilets open until after the official opening on 10th September and EWT will have three external toilets open before this date.TDC Toilets will then close on October 1st.
- Exploring the option for the male block to be turned to a store and the female block to be passed to EWT.
- Management of space- de- plan done every 10 years – two thirds of the way through; IT to arrange a meetingto discuss future plans.
- Discussion on land management will be brought to the next convened meeting to be discussed between the board members.
7) Communications /
- Press releaseshave been issued regarding the summer activities which have taken place.
- EWTto liaise with Nigel Brown regarding the next press release which will be on the opening.
8) Flood and Erosion – North East Corner/North Point /
- Naze wild area- natural process continues to move Naze point corner. Further discussions have taken place with Anglian Water and DE and Mott McDonald.
- Nothing finalised yet as the survey needs to be completed –ground investigations which are key to find solution. Anglian waterinitial contribution has been reassessed and will be an increase in contribution.
- MP will have ongoing discussions with DE regarding additional small businesses of work to help ongoing issues occurring.
- Work will be completed in September
9) The Naze Tower Update /
- Concerns raised on travellers at the Naze
- IT explained a number of options addressing concerns in possible partnership work
- EWT to liaise with IT regarding the possibility forCCTV.
10) Breakwaters update /
- JE gave an update on the latest position. Currently looking to start work after season (around October).
- JE to let EWT know a bit about the equipment and process for them to publicise properly.
11) AOB /
- Beverley Gadsby is now the voting member for EWT.
- DE explainedthere is a railway line sticking out of the edge of the cliff and suggests for it to be moved and on display. Mark Platt to look into this and inform the group.
11) Dates of Next Meeting /
- Opening Saturday 10th September
- Thursday 10th November - 2:30PM Council Chamber Weeley