
Omega CB Matrix Switcher


This document describes the operation and command set for the Omega CB matrix switcher.


Omega CB has 2 types of matrix switching output cards.

The DV-0 is a RGB video/digital audio output card. The 3 channel (RGB) video portion can route up to 32 inputs. The digital audio portion can route up to 64 inputs.

The DA-0 is a digital audio only output card and is capable up to 64 input

Both cards have 32 outputs. Up to 5 cards in any combination may be cascaded to provide 160 outputs. Each card has an address switch, which can be set 0-4. Cards can also be slave cards (respond to commands but do not send feedback). Slave addresses 8,9,A,B,C correspond to 0,1,2,3,4. With the 6-slot chassis size limiting output cards to a maximum of five with one input card, 256 zones are possible with 8 cards.

Address 0 or 8 = outputs 1-32

Address 1 or 9 = outputs 33-64

Address 2 or A = outputs 65-96

Address 3 or B = outputs 97-128

Address 4 or C= outputs 129-160

All cards have their previously selected input (or off) stored in non-volatile memory. After the system has been powered down or there has been a power failure, the system will restore all previous selections after power up.


The Omega CB Matrix switcher is serial data controlled. Data connection is made either by the ADA Bus or D-sub 9 connectors on the rear of the chassis. Baud rate is fixed at 19200 baud. Data format is 8N1, flow control none (asynchronous). The data buffer is a maximum of 1280 characters. This will buffer 106 commands.

All commands and responses are 12 ASCII characters beginning with ` (accent grave) and ending with a carriage return (0D hex or 13 decimal). Carriage return is referred to as <cr> in this document for command descriptions. Letter characters are always upper case. For commands, the second character is either S for the command to “set” or G for the command to “get”. A set command performs the intended function and returns an acknowledge response to tell you what it did. A get command only returns an acknowledge to tell you the current status for that command type. The second character for an acknowledge response is always the letter A.

A typical command to set audio and video in output/zone 1 to input 2 would be as follows:


response would be `AAD002R001<cr>


Video and audio may be switched together or individually. This being the case there are always separate responses for audio and video. Audio/video commands (AV) will always return 2 responses. An audio only command (AD) will only return an audio response. A video only command (VD) will only return a video response.

Commands can also be global, affecting the entire system. A global command will have a G in place of the R indicating it is global. A typical command to set all audio and video outputs off would be as follows:


response would be`AAD000G000<cr>



Description of all commands and responses


This command sets both the audio and video outputs to a specified input or off. When using this combined command only one of the 32 inputs or off are available. The addition audio inputs 33-64 are not accessible with this command.

*NOTE: DA-O cards (audio only) will only respond with feedback for audio to this command.

`SAV002R001<cr>Set output/zone 1 to input 2 for audio and video

`AAD002R001<cr>response for audio

`AVD002R001<cr>response for video

`SAV000R001<cr>turn off audio and video for output/zone 1

`AAD000R001<cr>response for audio

`AVD000R001<cr>response for video


`AAD000G000<cr>when all audio outputs are off

`AVD000G000<cr>when all video outputs are off

`GAV000R001<cr>get status of output/zone 1

`AAD002R001<cr>response for audio

`AVD002R001<cr>response for video


`AAD000G000<cr>when all audio outputs are off

`AVD000G000<cr>when all video outputs are off

`SAV000G000<cr>set all audio and video outputs off

`AAD000G000<cr>all audio outputs are off

`AVD000G000<cr>all video outputs are off

`GAV000G000<cr>get status of audio and video outputs

`AAD000G000<cr>all audio outputs are off

`AVD000G000<cr>all video outputs are off


`AAUDONG000<cr>one or more audio outputs are on

`AVIDONG000<cr>one or more video outputs are on


This command sets only the audio outputs to a specified input or off. Up to 64 inputs are available (second DA-I audio input card required with jumpers set to B)

`SAD002R001<cr>Set output/zone 1 to input 2 for audio

`AAD002R001<cr>response for audio

`SAD000R001<cr>turn off audio for output/zone 1

`AAD000R001<cr>response for audio


`AAD000G000<cr>when all audio outputs are off

`GAD000R001<cr>get status for audio of output/zone 1

`AAD002R001<cr>response for audio


`AAD000G000<cr>when all audio outputs are off

`SAD000G000<cr>set all audio outputs off

`AAD000G000<cr>all audio outputs are off

`GAD000G000<cr>get status of audio and video outputs

`AAD000G000<cr>all audio outputs are off


`AAUDONG000<cr>one or more audio outputs are on


This command sets only the audio outputs to a specified input or off. Up to 64 inputs are available (second DA-I audio input card required with jumpers set to B)

`SVD002R001<cr>Set output/zone 1 to input 2 for video

`AVD002R001<cr>response for video

`SVD000R001<cr>turn off video for output/zone 1

`AVD000R001<cr>response for video


`AVD000G000<cr>when all video outputs are off

`GVD000R001<cr>get status for video of output/zone 1

`AVD002R001<cr>response for video


`AVD000G000<cr>when all video outputs are off

`SVD000G000<cr>set all video outputs off

`AVD000G000<cr>all video outputs are off

`GVD000G000<cr>get status of video outputs

`AVD000G000<cr>all video outputs are off


`AVIDONG000<cr>one or more video outputs are on


This command will return the status of all zones in the system. Each Audio/video card will return 64 12 character strings. Each audio only card will return 32 12 character strings.












This command will return the firmware version and type of card for all cards in the system. *NOTE cards set to a slave address will not return a response.

`GVERSNG000<cr>get firmware version for all cards in the system

`A0VIDEO1.0<cr>address 0 is a DV-O (audio/video) card version 1.0

`A1VIDEO1.0<cr>address 1 is a DV-O (audio/video) card version 1.0

`A2VIDEO1.0<cr>address 2 is a DV-O (audio/video) card version 1.0

`A3AUDIO1.0<cr>address 3 is a DA-O (audio only) card version 1.0

`A4AUDIO1.0<cr>address 4 is a DA-O (audio only) card version 1.0


The clamp commands control the DC Restore function that is part of the matrix circuitry. There is one clamp setting for each of the 4 channels of a DV-O (audio/video) card. For the DA-O only channel 4 is valid since it is the digital audio channel. Signals that have sync tips (ie composite video) need to have the clamp set to on. Any other signals may become distorted with the clamp set on.

`SCLMP1G001<cr>set clamp for channel 1 on


`SCLMP1G000<cr>set clamp for channel 1 off


`SCLMP2G001<cr>set clamp for channel 2 on


`SCLMP2G000<cr>set clamp for channel 2 off


`SCLMP3G001<cr>set clamp for channel 3 on


`SCLMP3G000<cr>set clamp for channel 3 off


`SCLMP4G001<cr>set clamp for channel 4 on


`SCLMP4G000<cr>set clamp for channel 4 off


`GCLMP1G000<cr>get status of clamp 1

`ACLMP1G000<cr>clamp 1 off


`ACLMP1G001<cr>clamp 1 on


The factory default command set all outputs off, clears all party settings and set clamps to default setting. This function is not reversible.

`SFDEFLG000<cr>set to factory default



The party command allows you to command a preset party group of audio and/or video outputs to a specific input or off.

There are 16 party groups. Audio and video must be individually set/cleared for each of the 16 party groups for each output/zone. When a party is activated it can turn on just the audio, just the video or both for that output/zone dependant on how parties were

set up.


Sets or clears audio or video into a specific party for a specific output/zone.

`SPAS01R001<cr>set audio into party group 1 for output/zone 1


`SPAC01R001<cr>clear audio from party group 1 for output/zone 1


`SPVS01R001<cr>set video into party group 1 for output/zone 1


`SPVC01R001<cr>clear video from party group 1 for output/zone 1


PC setup program showing video and audio set in party 1 for output/zone 1

`SPVS16R020<cr>set video into group 16 for output/zone 20


`SPVC16R020<cr>set video into group 16 for output/zone 20


`GPAS01R001<cr>get status of audio party group 1 for output/zone




`GPVS01R001<cr>get status of video party group 1 for output/zone





Commands audio and/or video outputs preset into any of 16 party groups to a specific input or off. Response will be audio and or video feedback from each zone as it changes. See audio/video commands.

`SPTY01G002<cr>set all audio or video included in party 1 to input 2

`AAD002R001<cr> response if only room 1 was preset to party 1

`AVD002R001<cr> for audio and video

`SPTY16G000<cr>turn off audio or video included in party 16

`AAD000R020<cr> response if only room 20 was preset to party 16

`AVD000R020<cr> for audio and video

Party selection panel on PC program