Sept. 13, 2012
Diocesan Convention registrations due by Sept. 21
The 153rd annual Diocesan Convention is set for Oct. 19-20 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel and Maner Conference Center in Topeka. The theme for this year’s event is “Walking by Faith,” based on 2 Corinthians 5:7.
- Registration deadline is Sept. 21. After that date all registrations must pay a $25 per person late fee.
- Find it online. All information related to Diocesan Convention is on the diocesan website at including the registration form and convention book.
- Exhibitors are welcome.Parish groups are invited to have booths in the popular exhibit hall. The cost is $40 for non-profit groups and $60 for commercial entities. Forms with more information are on the convention website.
- Clergy spouse luncheon. All spouses of Diocese of Kansas clergy are invited to lunch on Friday, Oct. 19 during convention. The speaker will be Dee Price, wife of the bishop of Bath and Wells in the Church of England; Bishop Peter Price is the convention’s keynote speaker. Spouses who register and attend convention as visitors have the cost of their meal included in their fee. For those wishing to attend just this lunch, the cost is $15. Lunch-only reservations can be made with Convention Coordinator Michele Moss at or (800) 473-3563.
- Thursday Evensong and chili supper. Come to Grace Cathedral the evening before convention for Evensong at 6:30 pm., and then stay for a free chili supper and tour the recently remodeled Bethany Place Conference Center. Participants also will have the chance to help support the purchase of furnishings for the conference center. Because the evening has a Western theme, those attending are encouraged to dress in jeans, boots and cowboy hats.
Pre-convention convocation meetings continue this Saturday
Delegates and clergy in the northern convocations should note their pre-convention meetings this Saturday, Sept. 22:
9 a.m., Northeast Convocation, Bishop Seabury Academy, 4120 Clinton Parkway, Lawrence
1 p.m., Northwest Convocation, Grace Cathedral, Great Hall, 701 SW 8th Ave., Topeka
Delegates and clergy should bring with them their 2012 Convention book mailed to in early September.
Is your church really welcoming? Find out on Oct. 6
The diocesan Congregational Development Commission is sponsoring a workshop to help congregations answer the question: “The Episcopal Church welcomes you. Or do we?”
It will take place Saturday, Oct. 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the lower level of Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave. in Topeka. The cost to attend is $10 and includes lunch.
Leading the event will be the Rev. Scott Gunn, executive director of Forward Movement, a ministry of the Episcopal Church known widely for its flagship publication Forward Day by Day.
Gunn said he wants to help churches “practice our slogan” of welcome. “Nearly every Episcopal congregation describes itself as ‘friendly’ and ‘welcoming,’ but evidence suggests otherwise,” he said. “St. Benedict said, ‘Let all guests be welcomed as Christ.’ Do we live up to that high standard?”
He said that during the workshop participants will explore ways to determine how welcoming their church is to first-time guests and will learn strategies for getting people to visit in the first place.
Gunn will share stories of his own visits to churches of all sizes and shapes, and he’ll encourage conversation among the participants. Together they will look at the why (theology of hospitality) and the how (real world techniques). Focusing on the very first visit, participants also will look at the whole process of incorporating new members.
To register, contact Michele Moss at r (800) 473-3563.
St. Christopher’s, Wichita, plans 60th anniversary celebration
Members, former members and friends of St. Christopher’s in Wichita are invited to a special celebration on Sunday, Oct. 14 to mark the parish’s 60th anniversary.
Reservations to attend a catered breakfast followed by speakers and a Choral Eucharist can be made by email or by calling (316) 684-2031.
Safeguarding God’s Children workshop scheduled for Wichita
A Safeguarding God’s Children workshop designed to ensure a safe environment in churches will take place on Saturday, Oct. 6 at St. John’s, 402 North Topeka St., Wichita, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Registrations are due by Oct. 1. To sign up, email information for those attending or call the office at (316) at 262-0897.
This training is required for all those who work regularly with children and youth in the Episcopal Church, but it is encouraged for others who are in leadership positions in parishes. The goal is to provide parish environments for children that are free from sexual abuse.
The diocesan safe church policy, which describes the workshop and who is required to take it, is on the website at
Applications for youth missioner position are due this Saturday
People interested in applying for the position of youth missioner for the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas have until this Saturday,Sept. 15 to submit their application. A description of the responsibilities and other information about the position are on the diocesan website at
The position previously was held by Chad Senuta, who moved from the diocese last December. Since then Michael Funston has been serving as interim youth missioner.
The Youth Missioner Search Committee hopes to conduct interviews with finalists later this fall, with the bishop making an appointment by the end of the year.
Youth news
Fall Fun Fest 2012: Sept. 22-23, St. Margaret's, Lawrence. Start the year off right with the first diocesan youth event of the school year. For youth in grades 6-12.There will be live music and fun games, including an inflatable obstacle course, sumo wrestling and moonwalk soccer. There are opportunities to make friends with youth from all over thediocese and learn about Christian spirituality. You still can register even though the official deadline has passed. Just contact Interim Youth Missioner Michael Funston at or (785) 231-8785 and let her know you are coming to the event. Information is online at
Youth participation at Diocesan Convention: Oct. 19-20, Capitol Plaza Hotel, Topeka. Youth in grades 8-12 are invited to participate as pages and visitors. There will be overnight accommodations for youth in Topeka on Oct. 18 and 19. Contact Interim Youth Missioner Michael Funston at or (785) 231-8785 for more details and registration. The registration deadlineis Sept. 21. Registration forms are available at
Happening #87: Nov. 16-18, Good Shepherd, Wichita. For youth in grades 9-12. Happening is an eventbyyouthforyouth. It's a weekend retreat, focusing on Jesus and what he taught. There will be games, music, great food and a chance to talk with peers aboutthings that really matter. Registrations are already available here:
Youth calendar now available: Want to see when youth events will be taking place in the coming school year? It’s all on the online calendar at
Anti-racism workshops scheduled for December 2012 and April 2013
Two workshops designed to help people explore issues of racism in society and themselves have been scheduled by the diocese.
They will take place on Saturday, Dec. 1 and Saturday, April 13, 2013. Both will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Bethany Place Conference Center in Topeka. The trainer will be Shannon Mahan, director of the Episcopal Wichita Area Refugee Ministry.
By action of General Convention, this training is required for everyone in leadership positions throughout the Episcopal Church, all clergy, those employed by the church, and those elected or appointed to any church office.
To sign up, send your name, congregation and contact information to Michele Moss at or call (800) 473-3563.
Upcoming KSM classes
A variety of classes offered by the Kansas School for Ministry still may have room for students who want to enrich their own spiritual life by extensive study on one of these topics:
Oct. 13-14: Pentateuch and Histories (Dr. Melissa Tubbs Loya), Gospel Traditions (Dr. David May) and Liturgics (the Very Rev. Benjamin Thomas)
Nov. 10-11: Prophets and Writings (Dr. Melissa Tubbs Loya), Pauline Epistles (the Rev. Richard McCandless) and Ecclesiology (Dr. Don Compier)
Dec. 8-9: Diakonia (the Ven. Charles Pearce) and Presbyterate (the Rev. Kelley Lackey)
The cost to attend is $100 per course for non-ordination students. Fees cover tuition, overnight accommodations in the Bethany Place Conference Center (starting later this fall, after renovations), and four meals. The cost of books and other materials are not included.
Those wanting to enroll or who need more information should contact KSM Coordinator the Rev. Andrew Grosso at or (913) 367-3171.
KSM Convocation planned for Sept. 15: The annual convocation marking the start of the Kansas School for Ministry year is set for Saturday, Sept. 15 at Grace Cathedral, Topeka. It will begin with Evensong at 5:30 p.m., followed by a community dinnerfor students, faculty and their families. Preacher for the event is the Rev. George Wiley, professor emeritus of Religion at Baker University in Baldwin.
Presidential candidates address issues of U.S. poverty in new videos
Circle of Protection, an ecumenical alliance of Christian leaders of which Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is an original member, has released videos from the presidential candidates that can be utilized by groups and congregations to discuss the pervasive issue of poverty in the United States.
Both videos are available at
The Episcopal Church, as a member of the National Council of Churches and the Circle of Protection, encourages the use of the two videos – one from each of the presidential candidates – in congregational discussion groups and adult forums as an opportunity for congregations to talk about poverty and how it is woven into the discussions of the upcoming national election.
Webinar planned to help parishes with their budgeting process
From the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes: Yes, there is a way to plan for the funds your church will need for a new roof, heating and air conditioning, parking lot repaving, and other cyclical replacement costs. AND, you can fit these costs into your annual budget!
CEEP is hosting a webinar on the subject on Thursday, Sept. 20, for administrators, wardens and anyone else in the church budgeting process. To register or for more information, visit
Clergy news
The Rev. Joe Alfordhas been appointed the priest in charge at St. Martin’s, Edwardsville, beginning Oct. 1. Alford previously served the diocese as chaplain at the University of Kansas from 1989 to 2005.
Anniversaries of ordinations
Congratulations go to these people as they celebrate the anniversaries of their ordination in the next two weeks:
Sept. 15: The Rev. Kevin Schmidt, St. Thomas’, Overland Park (11 years)
Sept. 16: The Rev. Ron Reed, retired (40 years)
Sept. 21: The Rev. David Kent, retired (49 years); the Rev. David With, licensed (49 years)
Sept. 26: Deacon Don Chubb, Grace Cathedral, Topeka (36 years)
Sept. 27: Deacon Patty Minx, St. Paul’s, Kansas City (9 years)
Next DioLog
The next edition of DioLog will be sent to subscribers on Thursday, Sept. 27. Information to be included should be sent to Melodie Woerman, diocesan director of communications, at , no later than Tuesday, Sept. 25.
DioLog is a publication of the Office of Communications of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas.
Parishes are free to excerpt anything printed in DioLog; attributionthat material is reprinted fromDioLogis appreciated. Feel free to copy this and make it available to parishioners in whatever way is most useful.