Educational Technology Grant Program
November 21, 2011 ETGP Grant Proposal information sent to
schools through Leadership Team Packet
December 12, 2011 ETGP Grant Proposals due via electronic
submission by 5:00 P.M. EST (Completely signed Teacher Commitment form sent to Marti Fortier as an email attachment)
December 13-16, 2011 Proposals reviewed by ETGP committee
December 19, 2011 Notification of Awards communicated via email
to grant recipients and principals
January 6, 2012 Equipment bundles delivered to schools
January 9-20, 2012 Training and technical support provided (as
February 20, 2012 Mid-Term progress survey sent to awardees
February 24, 2012 Mid-Term progress survey is due
April 30, 2012 Final project report template sent to awardees
May 18, 2012 Final project reports due
Brevard Public Schools
Educational Technology Grant Program Instructions
Brevard’s Educational Technology Grant Program (ETGP) was established in 2007 to support innovative teachers focused on improving teaching and learning. Through a competitive application process, proposals that deliberately leverage educational technology to promote student engagement and academic achievement are funded.
This year, ETGP proposals will be centered on instructional outcomes aided by mobile devices, social learning, and student engagement. Interested parties are invited to apply for one of the following packages: (Only one of each bundle will be awarded)
1. 25-pack iPod Touch with Charging Cart
2. 10-pack iPad2 Bundle
3. 5-pack iPad2 Bundle, 32-pack MimioVote (clickers), MimioTeach Interactive White Board System
4. 25-pack Nook Color, 1 Nook Tablet
5. Laptop Bundle (8-pack)
Who may apply?
Any BPS teacher or group of teachers may apply. Non-instructional personnel (i.e. Technology
Specialists) may apply as a co-applicant with an instructional staff member. A school may submit no more than three proposals for consideration. The school principal and technology specialist must read, approve, and sign Teacher Commitment form.
How many ETGP awards may a school receive?
Are there conditions for accepting an ETGP award?
Yes. Participating teachers will be expected to attend at least two days of professional development and satisfy all other reporting requirements. Failure to complete grant activities may result in the forfeiture of technology.
When is the proposal due?
The deadline is Monday, December 12, 2011. All grant proposals must be submitted electronically (via Google Docs) by the deadline date or the proposal will not be considered.
How will proposals be reviewed?
Proposals will be reviewed by an ETGP review committee utilizing the attached ETGP Scoring Rubric. Applicants should use the ETGP Scoring Rubric as a guide in preparing the proposal. To prevent any conflict of interest, this will be a blind/anonymous proposal review.
If my proposal is funded, when will I receive my technology bundle?
A timeline of various grant-related activities and milestones follows on a subsequent page. We intend to distribute all technology bundles no later than the first week of January to allow recipients a full semester for implementation.
Who can I contact for assistance?
Questions related to the ETGP program should be directed to Marti Fortier, Educational Technology
Integrator at
Brevard Public Schools
Educational Technology Grant Program
Proposal Information Sheet
The Educational Technology Grant Program is intact for the 2011/2012 school year. All BPS Instructional staff are eligible to apply. Only one of each bundle below will be awarded.
This form is provided as a template for your proposal.
Do NOT submit this form for your ETGP Grant. All grant proposals must be submitted electronically through the Google Docs Form link on the ETGP website.
DEADLINE: Monday, December 12, 2011 by 5:00 P.M.
Name of Applicant(s):
Project Title:
School Name:
Project bundle that aligns to your proposal:
_____ 1. 25-pack iPod Touch with Charging Cart
_____ 2. 10-pack iPad2 Bundle
_____ 3. 5-pack iPad2 Bundle, 32-pack MimioVote (clickers), MimioTeach Interactive White Board System
_____ 4. 25-pack Nook Color, 1 Nook Tablet
_____ 5. Laptop Bundle (8-pack)
Brevard Public Schools
Educational Technology Grant Program
Project Rationale
Explain your project proposal. (500 word limit)
Describe how mobile devices will be used routinely in conjunction with social learning platforms to enable communication and collaboration. (500 word limit)
Project Alignment
Your proposal should be tied to the District Strategic Plan, School Improvement Plan and Technology Plan goals. Activities are supported by research and aligned to specific NGSSS. (500 word limit)
Project Implementation
Include significant details together with a timeline including appropriate milestones. (500 word limit)
Project Assessment/Evaluation
Describe how you will measure the project effectiveness. (500 word limit)
Project Deliverable
What type of project will you and your students complete such as a document, video, website or some other type of published material?
Brevard Public Schools
Educational Technology Grant Program
I certify the information in this proposal is original, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. Acceptance of any grant money signifies my willingness to:
1) Implement the project as submitted and approved.
2) File a project report by Friday, May 18, 2012. (Note: Any awardee who does not submit a final report to Educational Technology by 5:00 on this date will be disqualified from future participation!)
3) Permit appropriate news media coverage of the project or promotion of the grant program by Brevard Public Schools Educational Technology Division.
Teacher Signature Date
Principal Signature Date
Technology Specialist Signature Date
** Instructions for submitting this form are on the ETGP Grant checklist
Proposal number: ______(Do not fill in. Educational Technology use only.)
Brevard Public Schools
Educational Technology Grant Program
I have had my principal and Technology Specialist sign and date the Teacher Commitment Form.
I have signed and dated the Teacher Commitment Form and either couriered it to Marti Fortier at ESF Pod 9, or emailed it as an attachment to Marti Fortier (). Form must arrive by 5:00 PM on Monday, Dec. 12, 2011.
I have fully completed Page 1 of the Proposal Information Sheet.
I have fully completed all sections (Project Rationale, Project Activities, Project Alignment, Project Implementation, Project Evaluation, and Project Deliverable) of the proposal packet
I have checked to make sure there is no reference to my school, my name, my school location on any of the pages following the Proposal Information Sheet
I have submitted my application electronically online through the Google Docs Form link on the ETGP website.
I have made a note in my daily planner that my Final Report Form is due in the office of Educational Technology by May 18, 2012.
PROPOSAL ELEMENT / 7 6 5 / 4 3 / 2 / 1Project Description
Please include the following:
· Project Title
· Targeted Grade(s)
· Targeted Subject(s)
· Project Rationale
· Activities (brief description) / Description is clearly organized and exceedingly well-written.
Activities appropriately describe how mobile devices will be used routinely in conjunction with Social Learning Platforms (e.g. Edmodo, Google Apps, etc.) to enable communication and collaboration among students within the context of a specified curriculum. / Description is organized and well-written.
Activities appropriately describe how mobile devices will be used in conjunction with Social Learning Platforms (e.g. Edmodo, Google Apps, etc) to enable communication or collaboration among students. / Description is organized and understandable. Mobile devices will be used primarily for independent work, but may occasionally enable either communication or collaboration.
Activities are consistent with the project rationale, but clear evidence of application to 21st century learning is absent / Description does not clearly describe activities that demonstrate collaboration and communication nor how the tools will enhance classroom curriculum goals.
Project Alignment / Proposal is explicitly tied to Strategic Plan, School Improvement Plan, and Technology Plan Goals. Activities are supported by research and aligned to specific Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS). / Proposal is explicitly tied to Strategic Plan, School Improvement Plan, or Technology Plan Goals. / Proposal is loosely or implicitly tied to Strategic Plan, School Improvement Plan, or Technology Plan Goals. / Project alignment to Strategic Plan, SIP , NGSSS or Tech Plan goals is only implied or not addressed completely.
Project Planning and Implementation / The project plan is well articulated, includes significant detail, and offers a plausible timeline with appropriate milestone activities. / The project plan lacks substantial detail, but does offer a plausible timeline with appropriate milestone activities. / A project plan and timeline is generally outlined. Project timeline includes starting and ending dates along with a few important milestones. / A project timeline is outlined. Project timeline includes starting and ending dates.
Project Assessment/ Evaluation / The evaluation plan clearly describes in detail how the effectiveness of the project will be qualitatively and quantifiably measured.
The evaluation plan identifies and addresses all components outlined in the project description.
The evaluation plan provides reflection and restructuring opportunities throughout the course of the project. / The evaluation plan clearly describes in detail how the effectiveness of the project will be qualitatively or quantifiably measured.
The evaluation plan identifies and addresses most components outlined in the project description.
The evaluation plan provides reflection and restructuring opportunities throughout the course of the project. / The evaluation plan generally describes how the effectiveness of the project will be measured.
The evaluation plan addresses project components, but not meaningfully.
The evaluation plan provides reflection opportunities throughout the course of the project. / The evaluation plan fails to adequately assess the project’s impact.
Project Deliverable
**Deliverable can be a document, video, web site, or published material of some other type. / Proposal indicates that the project leader(s) will produce a high-quality deliverable** at the conclusion of the project that includes feedback from students, parents, and the teacher(s). / Proposal indicates that the project leader(s) will produce a high-quality deliverable** at the conclusion of the project that includes feedback from students and the teacher(s). / Proposal indicates that the project leader(s) will produce a deliverable** at the conclusion of the project. / Proposal indicates that the project leader(s) will produce a deliverable, but it does not include student feedback or participation. The deliverable** is not considered a suitable representation of the project.