Tapestry Public Charter School

Board Meeting Minutes, 8/18/14, 7:00 pm

4046 Chamblee Tucker Rd, Atlanta, GA 30340

Attendees: Amy, Greta, Tonna, Devon, David, Ashley, Ann, Dana, Amanda, Barbara, Suzanne, Mike

Guests: Kelly Christopher, Christina Robinson, Marjorie, Greg Martyn, Moritz

1.  Tonna opened the meeting at 7:02pm and welcomed everyone. Devon read the meeting protocol as a reminder. Tonna suggested that we have an agenda item for public comment at the next meeting.

2.  Minutes from 8/4 called meeting: Greta made a motion to approve, Amy seconded, all approved. Devon made a motion to approve the executive session minutes. Greta seconded, all approved.

3.  Reports

A.  Nominations –Devon has agreed to chair the nominations committee. Devon made a motion to approve Kelly Christopher and Christina Robinson as staff representatives on the Board. Greta seconded, all approved. Devon will create a target list for nominations in terms of needs. Devon expressed that we would like someone with commercial real estate experience and someone with finance experience to backfill Mike. Terms are two years except for founding board. July 1 is start of the term. We are staffing for a total of (up to) 15 Board members, per the bylaws.

B.  Technology: (Moritz; Kevin) Devon and Tonna reported.

·  Projectors are starting to get used. Some staff need more training. Projector whiteboards slated to arrive this or next week, which will optimize projector setup and stylus usage for annotations. Chromebooks handed out, kids excited. Some connectivity issues due to limited number of possible Wi-Fi connections (~200). Remedy is in progress (tonight). Might need to change Wi-Fi password to get unwanted users off the network. Kindles are here, need to be set up and administered. Amazon has poor communication, but we'll work it out this week. iPads are here. Need to be set up (hopefully tonight or tomorrow). Inventory for Chromebooks will be tracked by Greg in a spreadsheet and with support from teachers.

Amanda reported that some are having WIFI connectivity issues. Moritz will change the WIFI password and teachers will connect students individually and inventory chrome books.

C.  Finance (Business Manager Greg Martyn; David; Amanda, et al) The Board welcomed Greg to his new role.

·  Greg reported ~100k in the operating account. He has been working to get payroll up and running with Paychex.

·  About 10% of our students’ have free/reduced lunch, and about 50% of students purchasing are in this category. All students should fill out paperwork for eligibility since we may qualify Title 1 funding. Greg has been working to determine eligibility. We are about $100/month in the red on lunches.

·  Suzanne proposed that the caterer be asked not to serve pork, and Greg agreed to communicate this.

·  35% have paid technology fee, and we have targeted ~60% to pay.

·  David mentioned that we need to install QuickBooks. The server is not intended to house QuickBooks, and so we will install QB on Greg’s computer.

·  For Finance policies, David proposed that the policy be a living document with any proposed changes to be brought to the board.

·  Devon made a motion to approve the draft finance policy, Suzanne seconded, all approved.

·  Amanda reported that there is some uncertainty about the procedure for confirming enrollment levels (and therefore funding levels) with Dekalb County. Devon suggested that we send a proactive email confirming full enrollment to justify expected funding.

D.  HR/Benefits/Fingerprinting (Amy). Greg reported that we are close to completing enrollment for benefits with Bill Jarvis.

·  Amy summarized the fingerprinting procedures that all Board will need to comply with. Volunteers who will be spending a significant amount of time with students will need to be fingerprinted. Volunteers should not be left alone with students. Tonna asked that all Board members comply before the next board meeting.

·  Greta mentioned mandated reporter training that all Board members should also obtain. Amanda will send out the information on this.

·  Greg will communicate the process with the staff and ask that they comply within 2 weeks or let Amanda know if not.

E.  Policies - (Greta; Amanda)

·  Devon made a motion to approve the policies. Greta mentioned that she will make minor typo corrections. Suzanne asked if students could be allowed to wear headgear. She also questioned the no-cleavage restriction. We would propose that there is consistency between student handbook and policies. Helmet use requirement will be added. Exceptions to headgear will be made for sensory needs, as long as it’s not distracting to others. Devon proposed that a medical note is needed for headgear and then it must not be distracting to others.

·  Ann brought up the questions she sent in email, related to pride slogans and logos. Greta clarified that these are OK as long as not demeaning, as determined by the principal.

·  Ann asked about the handling of confidential information in student files. Testing protocols are never shared/transferred. Permanent records cannot contain IEP information. Devon made a motion that the records retention policy be worked offline. Greta made a motion to approve with the exception of the records retention policy. Devon seconded, all approved.

F.  Hiring: (Tonna).

·  Tonna reported that outstanding offers made since the last meeting have been accepted. They are:

i. Shaterra Redd

ii.  JeLani Jabari

iii.  Deidra Tucker

iv.  Greg Martyn

·  Tonna indicated that we need to supplement the staffing part-time. We need to find funding for these roles. We are also needing some financial support for paras for some students. We have an outstanding ad for para support.

·  Dana reported that we believe funding for paras will come through from Dekalb per IEP’s. We would hire the paras vs having some come over. Dana emphasized the need to begin recruiting for these paras now.

·  In addition, Ashley proposed that we have a para per grade level, and one for PE.

·  Devon moved that we have an early release on Wednesdays to allow teachers some planning time. Day will end at 1:30 pm beginning next week. Ashley seconded, all approved.

·  In addition, Tonna explained that we need additional daily planning time for teachers. We could provide for that by hiring part-time staff, such as art and drama teachers and/or special ed teachers.

·  Tonna explained that our co-teaching model requires collaborative work time that is not currently available.

·  Devon explained that we have $30k in “flexible funds”, assuming no additional fund raising.

·  Devon proposed that early release Wednesdays be approved. Amanda suggested that we could release at 1:30pm on Wednesdays and still meet core requirements. We would charge $20 for after care for the two hours. Students already paying for after care would not have to pay additional money. After care staff need to stay under 19 hours/week. Tonna noted that it should be $15/day to stay in line with what we are currently charging.

·  Ashley proposed that having a para per grade level will enable teachers that same planning time, and will come funded assuming the paras are indicated in the IEP.

·  Christina suggested that both types of paras would be helpful. She reported that co-teaching is not currently happening, because the Sped teachers are taken away by individual student needs. They need more hands to help.

·  The general need is for paras and also additional planning time.

·  Tonna will meet with a subset of the hiring committee to discuss next steps.

G.  Principal’s Report Amanda reported the following

·  We need more volunteers especially during lunch time.

·  Suzanne proposed that we leverage students to help deliver/track lunches.

·  Additional custodial support is needed. The church janitors only vacuum hallways. We can ask students to take turns vacuuming the room at the end of the day.

·  The A/C isn’t working properly. Amanda talked to Dr J about the A/C. Devon will call George about the A/C. One side of the building is very warm.

·  During Sept 15-17, a production company will be parking trailers near the dumpsters. Dana asked that we clarify whether we can refuse to allow this parking, since it may impact PE time.

·  There is a book drive tomorrow morning and afternoon. We will need boxes which Devon will provide.

·  Amanda will put a wish list together since parents have asked what they can help with. Moritz will post this online.

·  We need a strategic action plan, per the county, that Elisa is available to help with. This will take some time and Amanda has not had time to work on this. Devon will create a starting point via a Google doc.

·  Greg will set up an account with Office Depot or another local store.

·  Kelly and Christina reported that the teachers are engaged and supportive, despite the level of appeals that they have sent. They are concerned that co-teaching is not happening. They are concerned about extreme behaviors from some students. They are exhausted and do not have enough break time during the day. They are working evenings.

·  Devon explained that Discovery Ed is our foundation so that there will be no text books. Discovery Ed is paid for. Tonna suggested that when Amanda feels it is appropriate, DE should return to school to support teachers. Teachers would like books for reading. The free content available on the Kindles is not very good. Devon said that we need feedback from the staff on what additional content is needed. We have budgeted $4k for library resources.

·  Tonna stressed that the board is accessible and that we are all in this together.

H.  Grants (Suzanne; Devon; Tonna)

·  Suzanne reported that we have been invited to submit a proposal to the Dobbs foundation for a FT director of development position.

·  Devon provided an update on the implementation grant. We have drawn $361k on the implementation grant via the line of credit. We should have our first check by end of the month and free up some funds.

·  Suzanne reported that we will need to pay for gardening supplies which may need to come from operating funds.

I.  Fundraising (Suzanne; Dana)

·  Dana reported that we will need to recharge our fundraising in a significant way. Committee will meet this weekend.

·  Suzanne will work on another fundraising letter. She is trying to figure out how to leverage the significant artistic connections that the school has for fundraising.

·  The AJC piece went live online today. The piece misrepresented some comments from Tonna and Devon. However, overall the tone is positive.

J.  Partnerships – (Dana; Tonna) Dana reported that she is working with Agnes Scott on some PE or other support for internships, etc.

·  Dana offered to join the partnership committee.

4.  Ongoing Business

A.  Afterschool program (Greta) Greta left early so we did not receive a report on this.

5.  Board Comments/Announcements

·  Suzanne will make a sign in/sign out board. Devon will get lanyards for visitor passes.

·  Ashley proposed that we need a policy on how much parents can be around the school to observe, etc. Tonna will draft a policy.

·  Tonna will coordinate volunteers with Amy. Needs include:

§  Carpool

§  Lunch

§  PE

·  Dana made a motion to adjourn at 9:19pm, Amy seconded, all approved.

6.  Next Meeting: Monday, September 15, 2014, 7:00 pm