The Care Network / Medical Staff Policy
Title: Emergency Care for Inpatients
Section: Medical Staff Services / Policy Number:
MS 0170
Key Function:
Effective Date:
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Policy Statement
The Medical Staff members of St. Joseph’s and CandlerHospitals are committed to providing patients with safe, quality care. Communication between the Medical Staff members is key to providing this care.
Entities to whom this Policy Applies
Members of the Medical Staff of St. Joseph’s and CandlerHospitals
To facilitate communication between the attending physician for inpatients needing emergency care and the physicians providing assessment and patient care in the Emergency Department.
Definition of Terms
Attending Physician – Physician who admitted the patient and who is responsible for the assessment, care and treatment of the patient.
Designee physician – On-call physician for the attending physician.
Emergency Physician - Physician on duty in the Emergency Department
- Attending physicians or their Designee physicians are responsible, at all times and circumstances, for the care and treatment of each patient in a Hospital.
- In cases of emergency when the Attending or Designee physician requests evaluation and/or treatment by the Emergency Physician, the Attending or Designee physician will discuss the patient with the Emergency Physician prior to sending a patient to the Emergency Department.
- The assessment and treatment by the Emergency Physician is a courtesy to the attending physician and is not a requirement of their service.
- Communication from physician to physician is key to the timely, safe care for the inpatient requiring the emergency assessment and treatment.
President, Candler Medical Staff
President, St. Joseph’s Medical Staff
Department Chairman, Emergency Medicine
Original Implementation Date: 11/12/2003
Effective System Date:11/12/2003
Next Review Date:
Originating Department/Committee:Medical Executive Committee
Revised: 12/2008
Former Policy Number(s):
Legal Reference:
Cross Reference:
Policy Number: MS 017Effective Date: 11/12/2003 / Page of