Public Health Wales / Infection Control policy
Infection Control Policy
Policy type: Public Health Wales wide
Policy reference number:PHW27
Policy classification: Infection Control
Author:Karen Jones- Infection Prevention and Control Nurse
Policy lead: Karen Jones- Infection Prevention and Control Nurse
Executive lead: Director of Public Health Services
Date:31January 2013 / Version:V1
Publication/ Distribution:
Public Health Wales (Intranet)
Review Date: January 2015 / Approval date:31 January 2013
Approving body:Quality and Safety Committee
Purpose and Summary of Document:
This policy aims to outline the framework for the prevention and control of infection within Public Health Wales.
Intended audience:All Public Health Wales Staff Groups
Interdependencies with other policies:
All Infection Control Policies.
Standards for Health Services in Wales:Managing Risk and Health & Safety (Standard 22)
NB. This policy replaces the former Infection Control policy (Yellow 00)
Date approved: 31 January 2013 / Version: V1 / Page: 1 of 9
Public Health Wales / Infection Control policy

Policy consultation circulation list

Group/Lead / Date Circulated
Information Government Leads / 14.11.12 & 07.12.12
Partnership Forum/MDLNC / 07.12.12
Infection Control Group / 29.10.12
All Staff (six week consultation) / 16.11.12-28.12.12
Senior Management Forum / 16.11.12
Risk Management Group / 07.12.12
H&S Group / 07.12.12
Equality Impact Assessment / 16.11.12
Partnership Forum policies group / 21.11.12
Partnership Forum / Not required

Contents Page


2Policy aims and objectives



5Roles and responsibilities

6Infection Prevention and Control

7Training and/or Communication with Staff

8Monitoring and auditing

9Information Governance Statement

Appendix 1: Local Contacts for Infection Prevention and Control


It is essential that an organisational framework is in place for Infection Prevention and Control, (IPC), and individual responsibilities are specified and understood. Policies, procedures and guidelines should exist to ensure that effective action is taken to prevent and control the spread of infection.

This policy provides guidance to all those primarily involved in care provision and should be adopted, for infection prevention and control practices and procedures but can be utilised by all staff within Public Health Wales where applicable.

2Policy aims and objectives

Public Health Wales must comply with legislation and guidance on IPC and decontamination and adopt an explicit policy of zero tolerance to preventable healthcare associated infections, (HCAIs). The key is clarity of purpose, and consistent application of best practice in environmental controls, patient care and treatment.


The policy is applicable across all staff groups.


Infection and Prevention Control Group / Provide advice and support on infection control issues across services within Public Health Wales.
Nurse Consultant for WHAIP / Provide expert advice and support to the Infection Prevention and Control Group, and Infection Prevention and Control Nurse.
Lead on aspects of National Infection Prevention and Control Programme through Welsh Healthcare Associated Programme.
Infection Prevention and Control Nurse / Primary function is to provide an infection prevention and control service to an organisation in the form of policy development, surveillance of infections, teaching, training and audit. The IPCN annual work plan is approved by the Infection Control Group.
Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAI) / Infection(s) experienced by patients, (or staff), that were not present or incubating at the time the healthcare was provided to them.
Standard Infection Prevention and Control Precautions, (SICPs) / They are intended for use by all staff, in all care settings at all times for all individuals whether infection is known to be present or not, to ensure the safety of those being cared for and staff and visitors in the care environment.
Microbiology Services / Public Health Wales Microbiology services are provided from sites across Wales. They provide laboratory, clinical and scientific support that underpins communicable disease diagnosis and management.
Consultant in Communicable Disease Control CCDC: / Provide advice and support on community disease control issues, particularly to Local Health Boards (LHBs), GPs, NHS Trusts, Local Authorities and the Welsh Government
Health Protection Teams / Provide advice and support on community disease control issues, particularly to LHBs, GPs NHS trusts, Local Authorities and the Welsh Government.
Immunisation and Vaccine Preventable Disease programme / Supports Health Boards to manage immunisation services to achieve targets.
Supports Welsh Government to provide strategic direction and service development
Support service providers through training, advice, and facilitating a clinical network.

5Roles and responsibilities

5.1Chief Executive must ensure that:

  • Systems and resources are in place to facilitate implementation and compliance monitoring of infection prevention and control amongst all staff, including all agency or external contractors.

5.2Managers of all services must ensure that staff:

  • Are aware of and have access to infection prevention and control policy documents;
  • Have had instruction/education on the elements of infection prevention and control;
  • Have adequate support and resources available to implement, monitor and take corrective action to ensure compliance with infection prevention and control;
  • With health concerns or who have had an occupational exposure, are referred to the relevant agency e.g., General Practitioner or Occupational Health;
  • Undertaking Exposure Prone Procedures (EPP), have undergone the required health checks/clearance; and
  • Are responsible for including infection prevention and control as an objective in their Personal Development Plans (or equivalent).

5.3Staff providing care must ensure that they:

  • Understand and apply the principles of infection prevention and control;
  • Understand their responsibility for their own practice;
  • Maintain competence, skills and knowledge in infection prevention and control through relevant training.
  • Communicate the relevant infection prevention and control practices to colleagues, those being cared for, relatives and visitors without breaching confidentiality;
  • Have up to date occupational immunisations/health checks/clearances as appropriate;
  • Report to line managers and document any deficits in knowledge, resources, equipment and facilities or incidents that may result in transmission of infection; and
  • Do not provide direct care while at risk of potentially transmitting infectious agents to others. If in any doubt they must consult with their line manager, Occupational Health Department or Infection Prevention and Control Team (IPCT).

5.4Infection Prevention and Control Nurse must:

  • Engage with staff to develop systems and processes that lead to sustainable and reliable improvements in relation to the application of infection prevention and control measures;
  • Provide expert advice on the application of infection prevention and control measures in the care setting and on individual risk assessments as required.

6Infection Prevention and Control

Public Health Wales provides a diverse service incorporating a variety of teams and service providers. Many of the staff providing these services will have infection prevention and control responsibilities.

It is important that guidance is available to all those involved in care provision and should be adopted, for infection prevention and control practices and procedures.

Key messages for staff:

•Embed the importance of infection prevention and control into everyday practice

•Reduce variation in infection prevention and control practice and standardise care processes

•Improve the application of knowledge and skills in infection prevention and control

•Help reduce the risk of Healthcare Associated Infection (HCAI) particularly cross-infection/contamination by adhering to relevant policies.

•Adopt a culture of zero tolerance towards HCAI.

7Training and/or Communication with Staff

All staff must undergo online mandatory infection prevention and control training. Thefrequency required will depend on an assessment of training needs, and will be developed for clinical and non-clinical staff.

The annual programme will incorporate additional training sessions for clinical staff, to ensure they are kept up to date with current research, guidelines, policies and projects.

8Monitoring and auditing

Clinical areas within Public Health Wales will participate in auditing, utilising the Infection Prevention Society Quality Improvement Tools. Results to be reported to the Infection Control Group and validation of audits will be performed by the Infection Prevention and Control Nurse.

9Information Governance Statement

Thispolicy does not have any specific information governance issues other than ensuring that records are accurate, complete, held securely and accord with the Records Management Policy and Retention & Destruction Guidelines.

Appendix 1: Local Contacts for Infection Prevention and Control

Karen Jones: Infection Prevention and Control Nurse

Tel:029 2040 2473 Ext: 5623Mobile Tel: 07974 706238

Neil Wigglesworth: Nurse Consultant WHAIP

Tel: 029 2040 2473Ext: 5473Mobile Tel: 07772 162703

Date approved: 31 January 2013 / Version: V1 / Page: 1 of 9