Permission Slip/Emergency Medical Form

I, ______, give my permission for my child______,

(Name of Parent/Guardian) (Student’s Name)

to attend the activity (activities) checked below.

In consideration of the above child being allowed to participate in the above field trip, on behalf of my child, my spouse and myself, I hereby assume all the risks in connection with the field trip and I further release, discharge, and/or otherwise indemnify the Diocese of Cleveland, the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese, St. Vincent Elementary School, St. Vincent de Paul Church, employees and volunteers from all claims, judgments, liability by or behalf of my child, myself, and my In the event of an accident or injury, or damage due to the child’s participation in the field trip including all risks connected therewith, whether foreseen or unforeseen. Furthermore, I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to provide adequate health insurance for my child. By signing this form, I declare that I am the legal parent/guardian of the minor child listed above and I am authorized to grant such permission.

I fully understand what is involved in the above field trip/event, and I understand that I have had the opportunity to call the teacher or adult in charge and ask for additional information if necessary.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Please check events:

Middle School and High School Youth Ministry

November and December 2015 Calendar


_____3 - Crafts for the Nursing Home

Scullen Room right after school. Come helps us make a treat for our Catholic friends at the Merriman and Hickory Ridge. Have parents pick you up at 4:30 pm. Can’t make until later, no problem… come when you can. I will have snacks to share.

_____6 - Cav’s Game

The Cav’s are playing the 76’s and the game starts at 7:30. Van leaves the parking lot at 6:00 so you may want to come a few minutes earlier. Twenty five students will get to greet the Cavs at ½ time as they come back onto the court! Only 14 tickets remain. Tickets are $39 each and they need to be made out to Mrs. Dies

_____13 - Giving Tree Set-Up

Meet Mrs. Dies in the church after school and help her set-up the Giving Tree. Have parents pick you up when we are done… approx. 4:30. Have practice? No problem, stay as long as you can!

_____19- Christ Child Boutique Help or Saint Vincent de Paul Craft Show

Help Christ Child load the truck! Meet at St. Vincent at 3:30, travel to Cuyahoga Falls, load the truck and return by 5:30. Only 4 are needed. Mr. Downey is in charge. He will need help on Friday, November 20th from 6:00 to 9:00 and on Saturday from 8:00 – 4:00… in 2 hour intervals. Sign-up sheets will be provided by Mr. Downey!

_____ Christ Child set-up

_____ Craft Show set-up and show (Be sure to sign up on Mr. Downey’s sheets!)

_____25 –Salvation Army – Ringing of the Bells

Yes, I know it is the day before Thanksgiving, but what better way to help than to ring bells at Acme #1 on West Market Street by the railroad crossing from 4:00 to 9:00? Please let me know which shift you are able to work… _____4:00 – 6:30 or

_____ 6:30 - 9:00. Or both!

_____30 – Middle School and High School Regular Meeting

Let’s plan December and January events! And yes, I know some of you have the day off, so…bring your ideas to share. ALL ARE WELCOMED… EVEN IF YOU HAVE NEVER COME BEFORE!

Open gym from 5:00 – 6:30. I’ll provide the gym; you provide board games, movies, etc. A short meeting will take place sometime during this period. Be sure to bring ideas for service projects, Christmas ideas, etc. We can even have pizza after Mass.


_____1- Crafts for the Nursing Home

Scullen Room from 3:00 – 4:30. Come helps us make a treat for our Catholic friends at the Merriman and Hickory Ridge. Have parents pick you up at 4:30 pm. Can’t make it right at 3:00? No problem; come when you can!

_____8- Giving Tree Wrap-Up and Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Join us in the rectory from 3:00 – 5:00 as we organize the gifts from the Giving Tree. We need to get them ready for distribution. Come when you can and stay as long as you can. I’ll bring the hot chocolate…you bring the Christmas music and movies. If you have not gone to Mass already, stay and we will go together at 5:30.

Ellen Dies

Youth Ministry

St. Vincent: (330)535-3135 ext. 101

See emergency information on back.

Emergency Information

Name of student: ______Age: ______

Name of parent or guardian: ______

Address: ______

Phone Number: ______Cell Phone: ______

Emergency Contact Name and Number if parent/guardian cannot be reached:


List any medications: ______

List any Allergies: ______

List any emergency instructions: ______

Please fill in either Part I (consent) or Part II (refusal of consent)

Part I – To Grant Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment:

In the event that reasonable attempts to contact me have been unsuccessful, I hereby give

my consent for emergency medical treatment to be administered to my child.

Signature of parent/guardian: ______Date: ______

Part II – To Refuse Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment:

I do not give my consent for emergency medical treatment of my child.

Signature of parent/ guardian: ______Date: ______

Please call Ellen Dies for questions or for additional information

St. Vincent – (330)535-3135 ext. 101; Home – 330-864-5484