
Renaissance Art Biography Paper

You must write a biography paper on the Renaissance artist that you choose for this project. The paper should be minimum 1 page in length and should cover the following information: background, work and life of your chosen Renaissance artist, analyze artwork and influences motivating your artist. Be sure to use other search engines and/or written sources to glean important information about the person you have chosen. Get as much biographical information as you can.

Some questions/considerations you may want to examine:

  • What medium(s) did the artist choose and use in his/her work? Did your artist paint (oil, tempera, etc.), carve sculpture, bas relief, etc.?
  • What subjects are explored by the artist?
  • Does the art change over time?
  • Where did your artist do his/her work?
  • What other artists may have influenced him/her?
  • What personal, financial, or interpersonal factors may have influenced the artist.

You will need to include a bibliography with your work containing at least 3-5 solid sources for your research.

Remember, projects are 20% of your grade, so you’ll want to pay careful attention to the attached rubric.

World History
Renaissance Art Paper Rubric
Name: ______ / Teacher: Mrs.Heinrich
Date : ______ / Title of Work: ______
Criteria / Points
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Information / Little effort toward research apparent, artist info is sketchy. No bibliography included / Some research is apparent, but student cites 3 or fewer sources / Good research is apparent and at least 3 resources cited / Wide range of sources apparent. Extensive background achieved / ____
Analysis / Student merely states facts from sources, no artistic or historical analysis present / Student provides some elaboration, but little analysis apparent / Student makes a basic connection between art, artist and historical trends / Student analysis of artwork, artist, and time period is astute and creative / ____
Writing / Paper is poorly organized and riddled with spelling and punctuation errors / Paper is poorly organized but with few spelling and punctuation errors / Paper is well organized with few spelling/ punctuation errors / Paper is designed with forethought to organization and carefully edited / ____
Artist / Paper contains little or no background information on the artist / Paper has some sketchy background information on the artist / Artist well understood by writer, basic historical connections to artist’s life and times achieved / Student knows the artist well, explains various artistic influences, interpersonal, etc. / ____
Total----> / ____
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