CVI’s BEGIN Now! Newsletter

December, 2015

From all of us at BEGIN -

We wish your family a holiday season filled with peace, joy, and blessings.

BEGIN Family Retreat

Halloween at BEGIN


BEGIN Family Retreat

September 11 - 13, 2015

Thank youto everyone who helped to make the BEGIN Family Retreat in September another great success:

The Friedman Foundation, who generously provided the funding for our Retreat.

Our Retreat partner, Camp Twin Lakes, including their staff and volunteers.

Our STARS colleague, Heather Ferro, for sharing Camp Twin Lakes with us.

Judy Byrd and Hal Simpson, who shared their expertise with Beep Kickball and Tandem Biking.

Families had funtogether as a group during the Friday night dance party and Saturday’s Beep Kickball game. And of course there was a campfire with s’mores on Saturday night! But there were also opportunities at the BEGIN Family Retreat to simply enjoy family time away from the usual weekend routine.

Perhaps one BEGIN family summed the weekend up best:

“It was an opportunity to take time out to spend time with my children in a way that is not possible at home.”


  • An outdoors group shot of all the campers and their families, plus BEGIN staff.
  • Jada on her mom’s lap in a swing.
  • Sanjana and her family dancing together in the gym. Sanjana is in her stroller.
  • Phoenix preparing to kick the beep kickball with help from Judy Byrd.
  • Kyler fishing off the dock with his mom.
  • Brinkley, her family, and a friend doing crafts together at a table.

Halloween at BEGIN

Three BEGIN classes (Trailblazers, Builders and Pre K) delighted staff at the Center for the Visually Impaired when they visited offices to trick or treat. Here are some pictures of the children in their costumes.

The Trailblazers, who did their trick or treating in rolling “tomato chairs”.


  • Isaiah receiving a treat. Isaiah is dressed as a green dinosaur!
  • Isaiah (Dinosaur), Emma (Witch), and MJ (Cool Dude) charm another CVI worker out of her candy stash.
  • Emma (Witch) smiling while MJ (Cool Dude) prepares to say “thank you” for his treat with help from dad.

The Builders Class


  • Phoenixdressed as Spiderman.
  • Autumn, with pigtails, dressed as SuperGirl.
  • Dakota, with blonde hair and a crown, dressed in blue as Elsa.
  • Micah, dressed as a Ninja, hobnobbing with CVI’s President, Fontaine Huey.

The Pre K Class


  • A group shot of Jada (Elsa), Skylar (pink Minnie Mouse), Bailey (Chef), Gabby (Snow White) and Carter (Captain America). Ms. Lana is in the background, lamenting that she forgot to bring her Star Wars costume.
  • Carter (Captain America, with a star on his chest), shows off the toy he received.
  • Gabby (Snow White) seems pleased with the toy she received, too.
  • Skylar (Minnie Mouse) knocks on an office door all by herself. Gabby waits her turn behind her.

Wake Up and Sing Halloween Party

Wake Up and Sing families celebrated at their Halloween costume party with songs, food, and a “pin-the-tail-on-Clifford” game.


  • George & his mom, Zachary & his dad, and Ellison & her dad all sitting on the floor around the gathering drum. George is dressed as a Pumpkin and is playing a solo on the drum. Zachary is dressed as a puppy and Ellison is dressed as a kitten.
  • Ellison and her dad. Ellison is dressed as a fuzzy white kitten and got along just fine with the puppy sitting next to her (Zachary).
  • Austin and his grandmother play pin-the tail-on-Clifford. Austin is dressed as an Elf. He has the Christmas spirit early!
  • Allison and her mom, who are both dressed as bizzy, buzzy Bees!

BEGIN Now!is a regular publication of the BEGIN program of the Center for the Visually Impaired.

The mission of the Center for the Visually Impaired is to empower people impacted by vision loss to live with independence and dignity.


Cindi Nash, Program Director and Teacher of the Visually Impaired

Nancy Jennings, Family Social Worker

Lana Barton, Teacher of the Visually Impaired

Linda Morris, BEGIN Teacher

Kay Hawkins, Program Coordinator

For more information about BEGIN or to submit an article to the newsletter, please contact Kay at 404-602-4332.