Michael Unit Kairos No. 45
(Team Members must be at least eighteen years old. Please fill in all blanks or N/A if does not apply.)
A mandatory Team Formation period (meetings) is required in the preparation for each KAIROS Weekend. Its primary purpose is to unify the Team in the Spirit of Christ. This Team Formation period is highly structured with a well defined agenda. The Team learns about the prison environment and current rules of the prison. Specific tasks pertaining to the program are defined, explained and assigned during the Team Formation. KAIROS is a continuing presence ministry. Team service in KAIROS also includes the PARTICIPATION in KAIROS continuing ministry – such as the Monthly Reunion Meetings at the Prison.
If accepted to serve on this Team, I agree to attend the Team Formation Meetings, to participate in the continuing ministry of KAIROS, to abide by the rules and policies of KAIROS and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) and to support in good faith the activities and spirit of KAIROS.
All fields shown BOLD are REQUIRED.
First Name (for use on Name Tag)First Name (as shown on Driver’s License)Last Name (as shown on Driver’s License)
Home Address
CityState Zip
Home Phone (with Area Code)Work Phone (with Area Code)Cell Phone (with Area Code) Never served on a Kairos?
Valid Email AddressGender: Male FemaleLayperson
Clergy Musician
Driver’s License NumberState IssuedDate of BirthDept of Corrections Trained?
If so month and year.
Attended Emmaus/Cursillo/etc?Year if attended: Participate in Reunion Group? Qualifying
Ex-Offender? Dept of Corrections No.: Year Released: Parole?
Are you on a visitation List for any inmates in THIS prison? If so, Name:
Relationship to you: TDCJ No.:
I certify that the information provided on this application is complete and true to the best of my knowledge
Your Signature:Date:
Name of Church you attend: Denomination:
Pastor’s Name:Church Telephone:
Pastor’s Signature:Date:
Team Meeting Dates:Send completed application to:
08/02/2014 – Central Baptist, Lindale, TX.DENNIS GROAT, Team Leader #45
08/23/2014 – 1st UMC, Lindale, TX.1802 Oakridge St.
09/06/2014 – St. Paul UMC, HurstTX.Hideaway, TX. 75771
09/20/2014 – LakeHighlands, UMC, Dallas, TX.903-882-1951 (h)
10/04/2014 – HideawayLake Community, Church, Hideaway, TX.903-316-1971 (c)
KAIROS No. 45 Weekend: 10/23-26/2014, Michael Unit, Tennessee Colony, TX.
For more information visit the Michael Unit Kairos Team Website address: