Bill Clinton: The First Baby-Boomer President

Know:William Jefferson Clinton, H. Ross Perot, Carol Moseley-Braun, Janet Reno, Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  1. What popular concerns helped Clinton win the election?

A False Start for Reform

Know:“don’t ask, don’t tell,” Hillary Rodham Clinton, Brady Bill, Oklahoma City bombing, Branch Davidians, Waco, Texas, Columbine High School shooting, NRA, Michael Moore

  1. Why did gun control become an important issue during the Clinton administration?

The Politics of Distrust

Know:Newt Gingrich, “Contract with America,” “unfunded mandates”

  1. How did voters respond to Clinton’s “liberal mandate” and to Gingrich’s “conservative mandate?”

Clinton Again

Know:Welfare Reform Bill, Proposition 209, “” boom, NAFTA, WTO, “globalization,” campaign finance reform, John McCain

  1. Describe the economy and trade under Clinton.

Problems Abroad

Know:Somalia, Rwandan genocide, Haiti, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, NATO, Slobodan Milosevic, “ethnic cleansing,” Kosovo, Yitzhak Rabin, PLO, Yasir Arafat, Madeleine Albright

  1. How did events in Somalia shape US actions in Rwanda?

Scandal and Impeachment

Know:Monica Lewinsky, Kenneth Starr, “high crimes and misdemeanors,” impeachment

  1. Did Clinton’s action reach the impeachable level? Explain.

Clinton’s Legacy

Know:“patients’ bill of rights,” presidential pardons

  1. What is Clinton’s Legacy?

The Bush-Gore Presidential Battle

Know:Albert Gore, Ralph Nader, George W. Bush, “compassionate conservatism,” Richard Cheney

  1. Describe how Bush and Gore planned to deal with the federal surplus.

The Controversial Election of 2000

Know:Florida, Bush v. Gore, Electoral College

  1. How do you think Bush v. Gore should have been settled? Explain.

Bush Begins

Know:embryonic stem cells, Kyoto Treaty, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)

  1. What were Bush’s goals as president?

Terrorism Comes to America

Know:9/11, Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda, East Africa & Yemen, Afghanistan, the Taliban, Saddam Hussein, USA Patriot Act, Dept. of Homeland Security, habeas corpus, Guantanamo

  1. How is the USA Patriot Act connected to 9-11?

Bush Takes the Offensive Against Iraq

Know:“Axis of Evil,” “neoconservatives,” WMDs, Colin Powell, U.N. weapons inspectors, “Mission Accomplished”

  1. What reasons did Bush give for wanting to invade Iraq? What did skeptics like our European allies and Colin Powell say about his actions?

Owning Iraq

Know:Abu Ghraib

  1. How has Iraq changed the view of the US by most nations around the world?

Ch. 41 p. 2

A Country in Conflict

Know:Enron and WorldCom, gay marriage, recall, Schwarzenegger, Gratz/Grutter v. Bollinger

  1. Describe the myriad conflict impacting the US during 2003 and 2004.

Reelecting George W. Bush

Know:No Child Left Behind, John F. Kerry, “flip-flopper,” “Bible Belt”

  1. Describe the differences between Bush and Kerry.


George H.W. Bush, J. Danforth Quayle, Donna Shalala, Henry Cisneros, Ron Brown, Robert Dole, William Rehnquist, James, Jeffords, John Ashcroft, “culture wars,” “red” and “blue” states, “a-symmetrical warfare,” New Democrats, Hopwood v. Texas, Whitewater, World Trade Center, UNMOVIC, International Atomic Energy Agency