Item 1 / In Attendance
P King (CEO) (PK), D McElhinney (DMC), S Kemp (SK), C Andrews (CA), D Cockell (DC), R Scott (RS), T Goram (TG), AD Lynch (ADL), P Joy (PJ), M Holt (Sport England Client Manager) / Report Status (For Information = I, for Decision = D, for Action = A)
Item 2 / Apologies
K Walters, S Rush
Item 3
3.4 / Company Secretary
Election of chairman 2007 – 2008
It was decided unanimously to support the nomination of K Walters as chairman for the forthcoming year (2007 – 2008). This was supported unanimously.
Annual General Meeting
Acting as chairman for this particular meeting the CEO PK, gave an overview of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, which will follow the day after this board meeting. The agenda was discussed and it was ratified unanimously.
Nominations Received
The list of nominations received for positions within the new board were as follows:-
R Scott and C Andrews – Boxing Members
D McElhinney – Re-Election
S Kemp – Ratification and Election
The board accepted these nominations to go forward.
Declaration of Interest
The Declaration of Interest forms were made available at the meeting and needed compiling before people left to ensure they could be submitted to our registered office at EIS, Sheffield. / D
Item 4
4.1 / Minutes of Last Meeting
19th July 2007 (ABAE Board)
These minutes were proposed as a true and correct record. Proposed D Cockell, Seconded R Scott.
Supported unanimously. / D
Item 5
5.3 / Review of Action log
ABAE Action Log – 19 July 2007
AHL Audit Action Log – Appendix 1
UK Sport Funding Triggers 1 / 2
The PMG for GB Boxing had recently met and reports were being compiled which would be shared with the Board and the Council in the very near future. In terms of the Funding Triggers, there were still some elements of the GB boxing programme needed to supply, submit and fulfil. We await them being completed before attempting to access 100% funding. There were still pressures in terms of drawing down funds at the moment from the UK Sport GB Boxing Programme, however this was being closely monitored. / A
Item 6
6.2 / England Team Manager Reports
GB Four Nations Junior Championships 2007
Excellent results England achieve the top nation award
Team Managers Reports Submitted
All England Team Managers reports were circulated including all Cadet, Junior and Female events. It was also noted at the World Cadet Championships in Baku, Azerbaijan, Gamal Yafi (Birmingham City) had achieved a silver medal and also Martin Ward (Repton) had achieved a bronze medal. They were congratulated for their efforts and performances.
Also to be recognised was Michael McGuire who achieved a European Junior Gold medal, and was voted the best Boxer of the Championships in Hungary. Michael has risen through the school and cadet ranks of England Boxing to reach the European pinnacle of junior boxing.
It was agreed a recognition payment for his achievement should be forwarded as soon as possible. The board agreed this sum.
Mick Gannon and the coaching team for ABAE were thanked for the content, quality and clarity within the report produced for the board. / I
Item 7
7.7 / Chief Executive Reports
Pro AM Boxing Management
PK indicated this particular area of a report would be formally constructed under the forthcoming item 8.4 (Financial and Legal Reports).
However to add some clarity it was felt the board should receive some insight into the vision going forward with this particular opportunity. Following an explanation of supporting athletes from the very formative grass roots participation stage to potential World Championship (Professional Stage). It was unanimously agreed the ABAE should start to put together some forward planning processes and robust business plan to ensure this could be developed and delivered. Under new AIBA initiatives. Supported unanimously.
Official Supplier Progress Report
A full report concerning the recent discussions of official supplier status was given by PK and DMC, who had both been successful in accruing new income for the association.
The following companies had either signed up or were currently discussing opportunities.
Signed up:-
OPRO mouth guards, BT, Henderson’s Insurance.
Potential opportunities:-
Greenhill, CNP, Lucozade, Adidas, Louvolite.
PK and DMC were thanked for their efforts in ensuring new commercial income. It was further indicated that the official supplier progress had been developed in tandem with the new on-line shopping cart which was currently ready to be launched, initially with the OPRO mouth guard’s sales area. The other shopping cart partners would be launched in the very near future.
Database Report
PK and ADL indicated that some new additions and fields of information had been added to the database, which was currently working exceptionally well in terms of reports, which are enabling us to commence policy decisions based upon hard data and statistical information.
Website Statistics
Appendix 2
Proposal for Personal Equipment Safety Injury Reporting and Research (Draft)
A paper was submitted which highlighted the opportunity to commence a Root and Branch research and reporting programme delivering hard data and improvements of personal equipment used within the sport of Amateur Boxing. The initial engagement has been through Dr Garth Wilson and Paul Vanesbury who are two research consultants. The report was supported unanimously and following its acceptance by ABAE would be shared with AIBA at its next executive meeting for the World body to potentially engage and fund in partnership the research programme. PK to report back following the AIBA executive meeting of October 2007. The report was supported and budget requirements would be built and phased into the forward financial planning process.
International Boxing Academy
A briefing note was shared with the Board concerning the opportunity to engage with AIBA in establishing potentially the first International Boxing Academy to be financed through World Government grants, Commonwealth Office and also the International Olympic Committee solidarity fund. This was a potential new opportunity and further update would be given following the AIBA congress in October 2007, PK to report back. The initial feelings of the board was that ABAE was currently leading in so many fields that we should also seek to deliver this opportunity going forward in tandem with other development targets.
Accommodation/Hotel Update
PK Reported back to the board concerning the recent bid for the Ball Inn (property), Sheffield which was seen as a potential accommodation base for ABAE to utilise and also for rental by other external sporting bodies within the Sheffield and UK. The initial bid had fell short of the auction price the property achieved on the day of auction. However this morning during the meeting a telephone call had been received asking if the ABAE would like to make a firm and final offer as the initial top bid had failed to fulfil contractual arrangements. The board supported PK to make a firm and final bid of a reduced rate which fitted our surveyor’s assessment. This bid was formally submitted over the telephone and via email during the meeting and we awaited a response. PK to inform the board of any developments in the near future. The potential purchase was supported unanimously. / A
Item 8
8.5 / Financial and Legal Reports
2006 / 2007 Accounts of the ABAE.
These were submitted to the board and sifted through page by page with the outcome being very clean and transparent accounts, with the ABAE for the second year showing large improvements in terms of income, investments and reserves going forward. DMC was thanked for his efforts.
August Financial Report
DMC indicated ABAE as a business was reasonably comfortable and certainly moving in the right direction in terms of growth in all of the business areas. However a consistent risk has been UK Sport funding which he has monitored very closely to ensure no overspend impacted on ABAE budgets again in this financial year, as was suffered the year before through lost interest through ABAE expenditure which had been provided to support the GB boxing programme.
Outstanding Legal Issues - WABF and CSRT
Papers had been served on the WABF individuals who had previously taken their complaint to the high court. DLA Piper had produced a schedule of claim against WABF and default of payment certificates were formally placed against the 13 complainants of the WABF, who have not currently objected against the charges within a 14 days grace period which ceased as of today’s date listed for this meeting. They are formally bound by court to commence discussion about settlement and arrangements. DMC to deal with this issue and report back at a later stage.
The Central Social Recreational Trust had written to the ABAE seeking the company to withdraw its ability to appoint trustees. This was refused by ABAE and we closely monitor the opportunity to appoint new trustees when the situation arises. This was in line with the Charity Commission’s interpretation of previous proceedings, which were carried out without ABAE consultation and involvement.
Company Restructuring Report
A concise report was submitted to the board which indicated ABAE had taken recent advice from a very reputable VAT and taxation sports company Clark Wilmot, who had come to the conclusion that going forward the business would be far better scheduled into individual companies, offering the opportunity for better governance and business control. The four new companies to be created were under the ABAE membership umbrella and control. These would be in the following specific areas and objectives: - Property, Agency, Investments, in commercial. Following a discussion which was drawn out of the report submitted it was unanimously supported this was a prudent way for ABAE to move forward and grow in terms of opportunities and objectives in the short, medium and long term. This was supported unanimously to accept this new company structure, and company membership of direct ORS. Proposed ADL, seconded RS.
Financial Policies and Procedures
A robust document of the complete ABAE financial policies and procedures had been developed and was shared with the board who accepted these very important items of protocol and governance unanimously. A hard copy to be lodged with the ABAE office immediately. / I
Item 9 / Commercial Reports – None Submitted
Item 10
10.3 / Commission / Boxing Director Reports
Boxing Foundation Awards
ADL indicated 57 clubs had successfully submitted applications to the Boxing Foundation for equipment packages and these were currently being rolled out. A number of clubs had praised the ABAE for making this provision and offering assistance.
British Amateur Boxing Association Team Meeting – 21st July 2007
The minutes and constitution of the BABA were distributed to the Board and following an explanation by PK, were accepted in terms of BABA commitment going forward from ABAE. Wales and Scotland also are now fully committed towards the programme and projects to be rolled out in the short and long term, leading to London 2012. A number of initiatives were discussed in terms of BABA Boxing through teams and commercial opportunities and these were also supported by the ABAE board, who agreed to also be a third party member of BABA bank account in conjunction with Wales and Scotland.
Commission Minutes – Referee’s and Judges – 15th July 2007
A major point was drawn out of the Referee’s & Judges meeting concerning 2 individual R & J’s, who had previously personally made an arrangements between themselves and others about appointments. It was also discussed that clarity had been sought, and that an official had been appointed for the forthcoming World Championships on behalf of the ABAE, clarifying this area of discontent.
It was also agreed by the Board that no current acting referee should be part of the Referee and Judge’s commission group who had a vested interest in the selection and procedures of the R and J’s commission going forward. Therefore it was proposed ADL, seconded DC, that no current active R & J should be appointed to the new commissions of the R & J at the forthcoming AGM. This was agreed unanimously. / I
Item 11
11.7 / Child Protection and Equity Reports – BJ
Mr F Gilliland – Letter
BJ had written to FG in terms of the conduct and discipline of a junior team whilst boxing against Germany in Basingstoke after a complaint was raised. There had been no response from Mr Gilliland, who had refused to comply with the request due to moving house and other issues. It was discussed and the case was formally closed, However Mr Gilliland by offering no response or report was no longer eligible under ABAE to act as a team manager on any National or International events in the future. Agreed unanimously, Performance Group to be notified.
ABAE Doping Policy
BJ delivered an overview of the current UK Sport doping proposals and indicated that the ABAE would need to appoint 2 National Doping Advisors, 1 North - 1 South, and Doping Advisors in each of the Regions of ABAE. These would be voluntary positions but would carry full autonomy for Doping issues and arrangements at major events. BJ to supply the names of the nominated individuals in the near future for ratification. It was also indicated all GB and England camps, major International and Domestic events were also to be targeted for drug testing. It was therefore essential that we raised the awareness of the Regional Secretaries, Athletes and Coaches concerning this new induction of dope testing and knowledge of the prohibited substances. These can be found on the UK Sport website, under the sub area of 100% ME.