CARE Bangladesh
Food Security for the Ultra Poor in the Haor Region
Terms of Reference (ToR) for International Consultant

Project Title : Baseline survey of participant HHs of FSUP-H Project.

Food Security for the Ultra Poor in the Haor Region (FSUP-H) project is a recent project of CARE Bangladesh aiming to contribute to reduce extreme poverty, food insecurity and vulnerability in the haor region of Northeast Bangladesh . With fund from European Union (EU), the project has started in January 2009 and will continue until December 2013. The project targets 55,000 ultra poor HHs with focus interest on women headed HHs and their dependents within the most remote and vulnerable communities in Kishoreganj, Netrakona and Sunamganj districts. The specific objective of the project is to sustainably improve food access and utilization and reduce vulnerability for the target population.
The project area is one of the most remote and hard-to-reach areas of the country. Seasonal dimensions to food insecurity, natural shock and disasters, socio-economic and political exploitation etc. keep population of this area highly vulnerable almost round the year. In most part of the areas, there is only one annual rice harvest, that resultants seasonal variation in food availability and prices. Flash folds and floods are annual occurrences and land remains under water for almost 6-8 months every year. Due to remote location and difficult physical conditions, government services are almost absent. This region is socially conservative and imposes strict restrictions on women's mobility. Poor women are marginalized because of male-dominated systems and structures, unequal gender power relations. Absence of adequate health/fp service providers and lack of transportation facilities badly effects the entire population - particularly the children, pregnant women and elderly people when they become sick.
FSUP-H's overall objective aligns with the objectives outlined in the EC Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for Bangladesh (2007-2013) where poverty, gender inequality and access to food are prioritized. Project's overall focus on the reduction of poverty and food insecurity fits well with the Millennium Development Goals, especially Goal 1 – to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, and Goal 3 – to promote gender equality and empower women, and it also addresses Goal 5 – to improve maternal health.

The project has four specific results:

• Increase inclusion and capacity of 55,000 ultra poor HHs with focused attention to women headed ultra poor HHs and their dependents, to actively engage with development processes with greater support from their communities and local level institutions,

• 55,000 ultra poor households (particularly women) have additional economic opportunities and income, improving their access to food and household food security round the year,

• 55,000 ultra poor households have reduced vulnerability to food insecurity and poverty and improved resilience to quick and slow onset disasters, and

• Improve and equitable utilization of food as well as reduced malnutrition among women and their dependents in 55,000 ultra poor households.

The project will directly complement CARE Bangladesh in achieving long term sustainable impact on the lives of 4 specific vulnerable groups named as ‘impact groups', they are; (a) most socially, economically and politically marginalized women, (b) lowest category of the wellbeing ranking especially those people trapped in a set of unequal power relations, (c) most marginalized groups in urban areas, and (d) most vulnerable people and communities prone to disasters and environmental changes.

The Project is being implemented in partnership with three implementing partners: Assistance for Slum Dwellers (ASD); People's Oriented Program Implementation (POPI); and Sabalamby Unnayan Samity (SUS).

3. Rationale of the survey

The main purpose of the survey is to generate baseline information and data on food security status, poverty and vulnerabilities of the impact groups. By providing a benchmark the baseline survey provides an opportunity to collect follow-up data and information over the life of the project to measure effect and impact of project interventions/activities. Ultimately, this will allow FSUP-H staff to understand to what extent the project contributes to improving food security and poverty level. The information and data generated by the survey will be useful in: (1) designing future similar projects; and (2) scaling up the current project.

4. Objectives of the survey

The broader objective of the survey is to:

Better understand the current food insecurity, poverty and vulnerability situation of the program participants (impact group) and to establish baseline values of indicators of intended outcomes against which future measurements can be made for changes in a) behavior, b) systemic capacity and c) impact on the socio-economic conditions and positions of target HHs such as: benchmarking targets (food insecure months, income & expenditure etc.)

The specific objectives of the survey are to:

• Assess socio-economic characteristics of the households;

• Identify the level of food insecurity, diversity of food consumptions and prevalence of malnutrition (including infant & child feeding practices) of the households;

• Assess current ability of program HHs to participate in the development process and access to different services;

• Understand the natural crisis/shocks experienced by the households and coping mechanisms (resilience);

• Validate the needs and priorities of project participants, communities and institutions identified in the project proposal.

• Gather and analyze information for the purpose of in-depth learning and to assist the project in modifying appropriate interventions, refining the Logframe and M&E plan.

5. Scope of the survey

The scope of the survey is not limited to indicator measurement requirements of the project. The survey will also seek to better understand livelihood issues of the ultra poor households of the hoar regions. The study will also explore different aspects of food security (availability, access and utilization patterns), households' exposure to development processes and ability to negotiate for services and rights, vulnerability to climate changes etc. The study will produce analysis by sex and gender to understand the social and cultural underpinnings of the studied issues. Finally, the study findings will represent the working areas of FSUP-H covering three districts – Kishoreganj, Netrakona and Sunamganj. The quantitative findings will ensure representation value of the findings, while the qualitative findings will have indicative values.

6. Methodology of the survey

The survey will employ both quantitative and qualitative methods. Under quantitative method a structured questionnaire will be administered at project targeted households to measure selected logframe indicators before launching project interventions. The same measurement will be repeated twice (at mid-term and final evaluation). The quantitative findings of the baseline survey will present various food and livelihood security related findings at 95% confidence level. Under qualitative method the survey will obtain information on selected topics to interpret and identify causal relations of the important variables. Different participatory tools (FGD, KII, seasonal calendar, venn diagram, trend analysis etc.) will be used to collect information from communities and households.

Under quantitative method, a fixed number of households will be chosen through using appropriate sampling techniques. The sample population will be constituted of 55,000 extreme poor households, who are the ultimate beneficiary households of the project. They will be organized under 645 Village Development Committees (VDCs), having 80-90 households on an average. These project beneficiaries are almost homogenous in terms of socio-economic and other livelihood parameters with a little variation depending on geographical locations and exposure to development interventions. These 55,000 households are covered by CARE (25%) and 3 partner NGOs (almost 25% by each). Three PNGOs are responsible to cover the stipulated numbers of households separately in three districts – ASD in Sunamganj, POPI in Kishoreganj and SUS in Netrakona district, while CARE is covering its 25% of the households in all three districts with an equal proportion, alongside with these PNGOs. Under the three districts, FSUP-H is being implemented in 16 upazilas.

The hired consultant(s) will be responsible for further developing and finalizing methodology for this survey in consultation with CARE's concerned unit/staff.

7. Modes of contracts

CARE will offer the whole project to an external consultant (with international reputation - having proven exposure to the socio-economic and cultural domains of Bangladesh ) and a local organization/research firm.

8. Roles and responsibilities:

With support from CARE, together with the local research firm the international consultant will lead the whole process of:

• Designing study plan and quality control protocols; review existing information, prepare outline, including study objectives, research questions, will develop sampling methodologies; finalize i) the questionnaire ii) checklists for qualitative studies and iii) guidelines for both quantitative and qualitative studies. The consultant will finalize the topics for qualitative assessment consulting with CARE concerned staff. The extent and rigor of this assessment will depend on the study objectives and the logframe indicators.

• Design capacity building of staff of research firm (on quantitative study) and CARE staff (on qualitative study); plan for report preparation and presentation.

• Technical Support to the Qualitative Research - The international consultant will guide relevant FSUP-H staff to conduct qualitative assessments at fields and produce final version of qualitative assessment report together with the Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator, FSUP-H project, CARE-Bangladesh.

• Technical Support to the Local Research Firm - The international consultant will guide and provide required technical support to the local firm to train its staff for carrying out interviews at HH levels for data collection, data entry and data analysis ensuring highest level of quality at all levels.

• The international consultant will remain responsible for the entire survey maintaining highest level of standard and quality and for producing the final version of the survey reports combining both qualitative and quantitative findings.

Expected output

• The expected output is a professional report that addresses both the overall and

specific objectives of the survey including specific recommendations on issues related to gender and development. The report will include both quantitative and qualitative findings. The report must be clear, specific to the objectives and include at a minimum of:

• Executive Summary

• Introduction

• Rationale and scope of the survey

• Objectives

• Methodologies

• Findings (with relevant desegregations)

• Conclusions and recommendations

b) The report will have two parts - one is the detailed, full blown report and the other is a synthesized version of the entire findings - not exceeding 7 to 10 pages which will capture all the critical findings and recommendations for actions.

c) The consultant will present findings in a workshop with internal and external stakeholders and finalize the report giving due consideration to comments and suggestions received from various stakeholders, including CARE.

10. Key contacts

Key contact for the consultancy is the Team Leader, FSUP-H. S/he has to keep close working relation with the M&E Coordinator, FSUP-H. The operation team led by Deputy Team Leader will be important internal stakes. For this assignment, CARE senior management will play important role in designing and improving the quality of the survey. They are Assistant Country Director (Program), Director – Program Quality Unit and Impact Assessment Coordinator. The consultants will also require to discuss with other stakeholders e.g. other CARE project staff, PNGOs, Agri-Consultant (Program Coordination Unit) and EC.

11. Time Frame

The baseline survey is tentatively scheduled to take place in the 1st week of November, 2009.. The timeframe for this work will be for 3 months. Following are the timeframes:

  1. Design : finalize sampling methodology, questionnaire, guidelines and checklists for both quantitative and qualitative survey - 05 days: Nov. 01 – 05, 2009 (Quantitative part with the local research firm and qualitative part with M&EC, FSUP-H project)
  1. Orientation on the questionnaire & qualitative tools and field tests – 4 days ( Nov. 08-11, 2009 )
  1. Provide Technical Support to the local research firm finalizing data entry template ( Nov. 15-16, 2009 ) and quality control mechanisms
  1. Provide technical support to the selected staff members of CARE to conduct qualitative surveys – 05 days
  1. Facilitate CARE staff on qualitative surveys (05 days)
  1. Provide technical support to the local research firm for data management and analysis (both quantitative) – 5 days
  1. Preparation of draft report – 18 days ( Jan. 03 – 21, 2010 )

Debriefing and finalization and submission of report- 10 days (Jan. 21 – 30, 2010).

12. Coordination :

The M&EC will coordinate all the tasks of consultants at field level while the TL, FSUP-H will co-ordinate tasks pertaining to this survey at central level in CBHQ.

13. Remuneration and Payment Mode

Agreed total amount will be paid to the consultants for the above-mentioned work after submission and subsequent acceptance of the report. CARE will not bear any other cost/allowance for this purpose. CARE will deduct the vat and tax as per GoB prescribed rates from the final payment for all consultancy works irrespective of the remuneration.

14. Contents of proposed proposal

In submitting the proposal followings are the criterions;

1. The proposal should have two parts - a) technical part and b) financial part.

2. The main text of the technical part of proposal should not be more than 20 pages,

3.. The technical part of the proposal should include a) methodologies to be used, b) quality

control mechanisms, c) timelines etc.

4. Proposal should include a brief profile with recent relevant experiences of the consultant

15. Deadline of submission

Sealed proposal (both technical and financial parts) should reach to Mr. Shah Md. Iqbal , Procurement Unit, CARE Bangladesh, 20-21 Karwan Bazar, Pragati RPR Center , Karwan Bazar, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh either by courier or soft copy of the proposal through email at on or before 20th October, 2009 .

Necessary documents to be submitted

•I. Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the consultant / firm and the persons who will be involved with the consultancy works mentioning the experience in the line of consultancy works.

•II. Details price proposal for the consultancy.

•III. Filled up Form 16 & 17 (attached herewith) with signature of consultant (scan copy is acceptable).

•IV. For consulting firm / Agency / organization copy of valid trade license / business certificate must be submitted.

•V. For consulting firm / Agency / organization copy of VAT registration certificate is needed.

•VI. Copy of valid TIN certificate is required

•VII. Self certification from consultant regarding the antiterrorism (format is given below).

• Copy of passport.

17. The General Terms and Conditions:

•I. All reports and documents prepared during the assignment will be treated as CARE property. The reports / documents or any part, therefore, cannot be sold, used and reproduced in any manner without prior written approval of CARE Bangladesh. CARE Bangladesh reserves the right to monitor the quality and progress of the work during assignment.

•II. The consultant shall use the CARE name or marks only for activities authorized by CARE in writing. All other uses will be deemed infringements of the CARE trademark.

•III. The consultant / firm agrees that during the period of this agreement and for a further period of twelve months, S/he shall not issue any written materials or express publicly any personal opinion concerning the services under this agreement, except with the prior written approval of CARE Bangladesh.

•IV. The consultant / firm shall not without first obtaining the consent in writing of CARE Bangladesh, permit any of his duties or obligations made under this contract to be performed or carried out by any other person, or reassign its interest in a contract.

•V. In the event that the consultant requires additional time to complete the contract, over and above that previously agreed to, but without CARE Bangladesh changing the scope of work, CARE Bangladesh' s prior written concurrence to the same is necessary.

•VI. CARE Bangladesh may make general changes, in written within the scope of the content affecting the services to be performed or time of performance. If any such changes cause an increase or decrease in the cost or time required for performance of any part of the work under the contract, CARE shall make equitable adjustment in the contract price, delivery schedule, or both and shall modify the contract in writing accordingly.

•VII. The consultant will be responsible for the safekeeping and return, in good working condition and order, of all the organization's property, which may be assigned to him / her for use or custody. Failure to return the property in good order will result in a deduction of payment to cover the cost of repair or replacement.

•VIII. In the event of failure on the Consultant's part to meet the agreed deadline CARE-Bangladesh reserves the right to penalize the Consultant or his / her firm at the rate of 1% of the total consultancy fee for delay per day from the deadline.

•IX. After completion of the assignment and submission of the final output, evaluation will be done by the concerned unit/office on the basis of which final payment will be made. Final payment will be withheld until evaluations have been submitted.

•X. The consultant will be responsible to pay tax, VAT, duties or any others (as applicable in Bangladesh /other than Bangladesh/consultant's own country). CARE Bangladesh will deduct VAT and Tax at source from the invoice of the consultant / consulting firm as per the prescribed rate of rule of Government of Bangladesh (GoB), which will be applicable at the time of making payment to the consultant/ firm. Tax / VAT exemption may be applicable subject to submission of appropriate documents. If it is under double taxation treaty consultant will give self declaration for tax payment in his/her own country. Tax is applicable for individual consultant and consulting firm but VAT is applicable only for consulting firm. VAT & Tax will be deducted from remuneration as applicable and no VAT and Tax will be deducted from reimbursable expenses.