make a difference!

Still interested?

Complete the attached application and return it to:

Northern Virginia Community College

Continuing Education & Workforce Development

ATTN: David Hepburn

3001 N. Beauregard Street

Alexandria, VA 22311

You will be contacted by a chief instructor to discuss your application and arrange for a riding evaluation. If you are accepted as an instructor candidate, you will be notified of the dates , location and registration fee for the instructor preparation workshop.

Once you have passed the instructor preparation workshop, you'll be eligible to teach at DMV- approved training centers, usually located at community colleges around the state.

You can make the difference!

If so, you can / Instructor Candidate Application

The Virginia Rider Training Program

is looking for a few good motorcyclists to train other Virginians to be skilled and safe motorcyclists. Requirements:

  • Above average riding skills
  • Excellent communication skills
  • A strong desire to share your experience and safe riding skills with other beginning and experienced riders.

The Virginia Rider Training Program offers classes in conjunction with the Virginia Community College System to beginning and experienced riders throughout Virginia. Skills learned in these classes help riders prevent accidents - making the road safer for everyone. But we need help from the experts.


The Department of Motor Vehicles organizes instructor preparation workshops throughout the state for riders interested in becoming certified Motorcycle Safety Foundation instructors. Each workshop is offered on three consecutive weekends. Courses are taught by chief instructors certified by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.

It's not easy.

The workshop is an intensive 50 hour program which covers every aspect of safe motorcycling from proper riding gear and motorcycle preparation to advanced emergency riding maneuvers. Instructor candidates must attend the entire workshop and should plan on spending time on outside study. At the end of the course, you'll teach a class of novice riders under the supervision of a chief instructor.

Personal Information
Street Address:
Phone: (home)
Phone: (work)
Birth Date:
Social Security Number:
Are you currently in the military? Yes No
Branch of service, if yes:
Station, if yes:
Educational Background
Year of high school graduation or GED
Advanced study? Yes No
Graduated? Yes No
Degree and major, if yes:
Other education or training, including degrees or certificates:
Motorcycle Experience
Driver's license number:
Motorcycle endorsement? Yes No
Has your license ever been revoked or suspended?
Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Do you currently operate a motorcycle?
Yes No
Years of riding experience:
Motorcycle Experience (concluded)
Estimated total number of miles ridden on a motorcycle
List currently owned motorcycles by brand and model:
Check your current types of riding:
off road touring
commuting sport riding
Have you raced competitively?Yes No
If yes, what type of racing?
dirt flat track
road race enduro
Have you taken any Virginia Rider training Program or Motorcycle Safety Foundation courses?
Yes No
If yes, please list locations and dates:
Are you currently teaching a rider education course?Yes No
If yes, please list location, sponsor and describe the curriculum: Use separate sheet if necessary.)
If you become an instructor, in which areas of the state would you be able to teach?
Please explain why you want to become a Virginia Ride Training Program instructor. (Use separate sheet if necessary)
This application does not guarntee a position in an instructor preparation course.
If you have any questions contact the Virginia Rider Training Program at
(804) 367-1813