Galina Kanazireva



1. Family Name: Kanazireva

2. First Names: Galina Ivanova

3. Date of Birth:4512106376

4. Nationality: Bulgarian

5. Civil Status: Single

6. Education: MA

Institution: / US Agency for International Development
Date: / March 9-23, 2002, DesMoines, USA
Degree/Diploma Obtained: / Certificate – Communication of Social Reform
Institution: / Drug Enforcement Administration
Date: / September 2001
Degree/Diploma Obtained: / Certificate in International Narcotics Training Program
Institution: / US Agency for International Development
Date: / July 1996
Degree/Diploma Obtained: / Certificate in Social Welfare to Employment Training Program
Institution: / AFRC – Phare – United Kingdom
Date: / October 1992
Degree/Diploma Obtained: / Certificate - Senior Management Grades Course
Institution: / AFRC – Phare – United Kingdom and France
Date: / October 1992
Degree/Diploma Obtained: / Certificate – Research and Extension Management Course
Institution: / Sofia University
Date: / 1970
Degree/Diploma Obtained: / MA – English Philology

7. Language Skills (5 highest, 1 lowest)

Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing
Bulgarian / 5 / 5 / 5
English / 5 / 5 / 5
Russian / 5 / 4 / 4
French / 4 / 3 / 3

8. Membership of Professional Bodies: -

9. Other Skills (e.g. computer or specialist experience)

Project management and coordination

Computer skills- Word, Excel

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting

10. Present Position:

Deputy Board Chair and Director of Index Foundation

11. Years with the firm: 7

12. Key Qualifications: Accomplished interpreter and translator in English-Bulgarian, Bulgarian-English, Russian-English, French-Bulgarian. Solid practical experience as a project officer in the social sector area and, more particularly, NGO capacity building, NGO management, networking, local government, drug prevention. Good contacts with key stakeholders in the social field and local government (MLSP, Employment Agency, NSSI, regional governor’s offices, municipalities). Experience in the design, implementation monitoring and evaluation of social projects, international project coordination and NGO management. Experience in working in cross-cultural environment. Involvement in the initiation, organization and evaluation of several regional networking efforts: Balkan Bridge for Drug Prevention, Civil Society for Drug Demand Reduction, Citizen of the New Europe, Balkan Women’s Network for Democratization and Conflict Prevention, (BWNet).

13. Field Experience:


/ Date

Bulgaria - Civil Society for Drug Prevention, PHARE Networking facility program, Training for NGOs working in drug prevention, Community strategies

/ 2003
Greece: Women Networking for Peace and Democratization in South East Europe , KEGME, Greece - community gender initiatives
/ 2001,2002

Albania - (Balkan Bridge for Drug Prevention – BBDP): study factors influencing drug use of teens for the first time, identify best practices, study preventive systems of drug use and methods to increase public awareness, etc.

/ 2000, 2001
Bulgaria – Legal Framework for NGO Development –

Community strategies and initiatives - Local Economic Development and Government Efficiency (PLEDGE, USDOL)

/ 1999

14. Professional Experience Record

Date: / 1997 – today
Location: / Sofia, Bulgaria
Company: / Index Foundation
Position: / Deputy Board Chair and Director
Description: / Practical management of the activities of Index Foundation, project supervision, networking, coordination of regional and local projects, contacts with domestic and international donors.
Intensive involvement in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the following projects of Index Foundation:
·  East Central Scholarship Program (ECESP) – Georgetown University
Regional program administered by the Center for Intercultural Education and Development (CIED) of Georgetown University in Washington DC, funded by the US Congress through USAID. Acting as Deputy In-Country Coordinator and providing program and administrative support. Providing expertise in the organization, implementation and evaluation of in-country training in active labor market policies.
·  Civil Society for Drug Demand Reduction
EU-funded project in partnership with Care International aiming to build up the capacity of organizations in four CEECs - Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovenia – so that they can better manage local drug-demand prevention and early intervention programs, working in particular through community-based NGOs. Some 20 trainers from CEEC partner organizations are trained in a variety of approaches adopted across the EU, enabling them to design, develop, implement, monitor and evaluate programs for community-based drug-demand prevention services.
·  Balkan Bridge for Drug Prevention
A regional initiative (Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Italy, Romania, US), sponsored by the East/East Program of Open Society, Budapest, the National Institute for Alcohol and Alcohol Addictions (NIAAA), and the Department of Education, Idaho.
·  Citizen of the New Europe
Participation in a EU-sponsored project in partnership with the Italian organization Cittadinanzattiva, aimed at identification and brief description of the current public policies in the area of civic activism in the 28 countries of New Europe as well as the European Union itself. Instead of collecting information on citizens' organizations, the project is rather focused on discovering what government and other public institutions have done or are going to do in order to give value to civic activism for the development of societies.
·  Patient Rights
Several projects to promote patient rights in Bulgaria sponsored by various donors like the Royal Netherlands government, the Open Society Foundation, World Learning, USAID and covering a wide range of activities: research of the international legal framework in patient rights protection, establishment of data base of information on patient rights, publication of a newsletter, consulting, etc.
·  Women’s Dialogue for the Promotion of Stability, Human Rights and Sustainable Peace in South-East Europe
Participation in a two-year regional project of KEGME (Greece) supported by the Rayaumont Initiative of the EU, involving more than 60 women’s organizations and groups from the Balkan region –focus on democratic development, human rights and conflict prevention and resolution.
·  Quick Start to Employment
Project of the U.S. Department of Labor and the Bulgarian Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, implemented in partnership with the Bulgarian National Employment Agency and the Regional Employment Offices. Providing program and administrative support.
·  From Social Welfare to Employment
Acting as a Facilitator in a two-year project of DOL/USAID providing training to the staff of NEA and REA in Bulgaria and USA.
·  Best Practices in the Social Sector – Regional Social Sector Data Base
Under Aguirre Intl., USAID/W , contributing to the establishment of a regional a base of social sector experts and best practices in Central and Eastern Europe.
·  Supplementary Voluntary Pension Insurance
Sub-contractor to Aguirre Intl., USAID/W - consulting and logistical support to a mission of USAID/W and the World Bank on designing the US technical assistance to the private pension funds in Bulgaria; International conference on social security and pensions, Sofia.
Date: / 1994-1997
Location: / Sofia, Bulgaria
Company: / NES/U.S. DOL/Mountain States Inc., Boise, Idaho, USA
Position: / SWEP Project Facilitator and Senior Interpreter
Description: / Program and administrative support and interpreting
Date: / 1975-1996
Location: / Sofia, Bulgaria
Company: / Institute for Labor and Social Research
Position: / Project officer
Description: / Organization and coordination of Research projects with various international, European and U.S. partners (ILO, U.S.N.S.F. and others)
Date: / 1970-1975
Location: / Sofia, Bulgaria
Position: / Freelance interpreter and translator (English)
Description: / Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting, written translations