41 Cross Rd, Waterford, CT06385
Rev. Fr. Dennis McCarthy, Pastor
Suggested Donations for Church Services: House Blessing, $25, Churching baby: $25, Christening: $200, Wedding: $300, Funeral: $200, Memorial: $30, Commemoration @ Liturgy: $15, Certificates: $20, Hall usage: $100 for those who gave $1500 to building fund, $100 Mercy meal, $200 active parishioners, $300 all others, $25 kitchen use extra. Hall is to be left clean, including restrooms, mopped, garbage taken away. Deposit of $100 non-refundable. Special insurance of $100 check to be paid with deposit that goes to Diocese of Newton. Parents must attend preparation class with Fr Ed before baptism of first baby only. Saint’s names are preferred for the baby to have a patron. Donations to the priest are not included and are optional. We are in the red & need to give more. We owe Melkite diocese $16000, Please make up the envelopes missed when you’re away!
ArchimandriteEdward Kakaty / April 8, 2018:Sunday of the Belief of St. Thomas
Intentions This Weekend: Saturday:For the Parishioners of St. Ann Parish.
Sunday:Albert Dib, by Mary Dib and family.
Speedy Recovery: AnisahGoodrich, John Jeffords, Kevin Burke, Mary Jane Facas, Nick Rahal, Amber Smith, Donald Benjamin
This weekend / Sat: Joumana Hajj / Sunday: Susan Hage / Thanks to all who always make up their missed envelope, including fueland building fund!Next Weekend / Sat:John Jalonski / Sunday: Gerard Massad
March 31 / 54 / gave / $803.00 / Additional to the total was $44 for candle donations.Included in the total was $160 for Building Fund and $257 for Holy Land.
April 1 / 60 / gave / $940.00
Fuel Donors: We will reestablish the practice of putting the names of fuel donors in the bulletin and amounts, unless you instruct me that you wish to remain anonymous. Although spring is close, we still have fuel demands. Thanks-Father Dennis
Flowers:AbrozeGharios (in memory of the dearly departed of the Gharios and Doro families and for the St. Jude Shrine Easter lilies); David and Anissa Starr; CatherineYost (in memory of Albert Yost,Sr.), John and Gloria Jeffords; Gabriel and Joumana Hajj( in memory of the deceased members of the Hajj and Jabbour families); Joanne and Patrick Moukawsher ( in memory of the deceased members of the Moukawsher and Francis families);Joe and Bobbi Zizik (in memory of Walter ,Hilda, and Andrew Zizik); Jack and Alia Hage(in memory of Malek and WadadMalek and also Halim and SouadHage); Albert and Jamal Doro (in memory of the deceased members of the Doro and Hage families); BarbarraFacas( in memory of the deceased members of the Facas family);Faouzi and KatiaHage.
Sanctuary Lamp: Month of April: Sponsored by Father Dennis and Lisa for the parishioners of St Ann.
Great News:His Beatitude Patriarch JosephAbsi is visiting the United States this summer and will becoming to St Ann on Tuesday July 10, 2018 for Divine Liturgy at 6:00pm. Areception/dinner will follow. Details will be forthcoming.
Coffee Hour: Please join us after Sunday Liturgy for coffee, goodies, conversation, and fellowship. Please feel free to bring a tasty snack to share.
Lenten Services: Thank you all for the great attendance at our services during Great Lent and Holy Week.
200 Club: Winners forApril are: $50 Mason Concassica; $25 Mark Anselmo; $10 Stephen Massad; $10 Catherine Yost ; $10 Mark Facas. Congratulations to the winners! You may pick up your checks from Father Dennis.
CHURCH SCHOOL: April 21, May 5 and19. Sessions start with Arabic class at 3:00pm. Arabic classes for adults will be at 4 pm on Saturdays when religious education is not scheduled.