Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary TimeNovember 16, 2014


Since you were faithful in small matters,I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy.

Jesus has given us all sorts of talents. Some are given the gift of parenthood, others the gift of celibacy. Regardless of the gift we are called to use them well for the good of the Church. Of the seven Sacraments, three are classified as Sacraments of Service. The first is Confirmation which is also a Sacrament of Initiation. While Baptism and Eucharist primarily benefit the recipient, Confirmation is received not only to conform the recipient to be more like Christ, it is also for the building up of the Church. In the Bishop's exhortation at confirmation he says that the "Spirit distributes [the gifts] among the members of Christ's body to build up the holy people of God in unity and love."

Marriage too is a Sacrament of Service. In this Sacrament a man and a woman come together not to serve themselves but to be of loving, faithful service to one another, to the children they bear, and to the local Church that benefits from the new members that come to her through the fruitfulness of the couple.

And finally the Sacrament of Holy Orders ordains men to the diaconate, presbyterate and the episcopate so that the Church community may share in the other Sacraments, particularly the Eucharist which is confected by validly ordained priests and bishops. In the celibate state, the priest is more readily available to his congregation. Freed from the worries of a wife and children, he is more easily available to the people: to bind their woundedness, comfort them in sorrow, and rejoice with them in the hope of eternal life. He in effect becomes their "father".

So whether we are confirmed, married or ordained, God has given us a gift which must be put at the service of the Church and community so as to build up the Church, benefit mankind and bring others to salvation. If we do not use these gifts for their intended purposes, then we offend God and what little we have will be taken from us.

Pax Christi,

Fr. Paul

Our Parish Community prays for the sick:

Mary Badaracco, Ann Enrico, Robert Lewis, Vincent Maccarro, Phyllis Maher, Jose & Dorothy Nogueras, Maureen Quinn, Anna Strzadala, Joyce Wottke, Carol Yaner

/Ilka Rodriguez Diaz, Isabella Denisulk, Juanita Freay, Anne Prevosto// Chris Kelly, Jaime Clark, Michelle Murry, Dante Murry, Dr. Kaulis, Ana Pico ///Dante Art, Ann Marquez, Michelle Porta, Frank Bartik, Elizabeth Quinn////Marianan Guadamud, Angela Hickey, Ann Marquez, Jamie Clark, Ann Taylor, Murry Family


Last Sunday’s Collection/Colecta del Domingo Pasado:$9887.00

Misang Pilipino: $325.00

"Every human being comes from the hand of God, and we all know something of God's love for us. Whatever our religion, we know that if we really want to love, we must first learn to forgive before anything else"(Mother Teresa: Her Essential Wisdom ed. by Carol Kelly-Gangi, 2006).

SATURDAY Anticipated Masses for Sunday
5:00 PM / Ron Pezzillo
6:30 PM / María Leticia Orellana
SUNDAY November 16 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 AM / William J. Mawe
8:15 AM / John Pinos y Blanca Nuve
10:00 AM / William Austin
11:15 AM / People of the Parish
12:30 PM / Irish Mulvaney
6:30 PM / Luis Aurelio Remache Lema
MONDAY November 17- Elizabeth of Hungary, religious
7:00 AM / Mary Briggs
8:00 AM / Charles Mahon
12:10 PM / Manickam
TUESDAY November 18-Dedication of the Basilicas of Peter & Paul; Rose Philippine Duchesne, virgin
7:00 AM / The Souls of our Faithful Departed
8:00 AM / Richard Smalley
12:10 PM / Francis McKinney
WEDNESDAY November 19
7:00 AM / Betty Rogers
8:00 AM / Anthony Guerra
12:10 PM / Mary Buonomo
THURSDAY November20
7:00 AM / Sr. Ann Michelle Texido
8:00 AM / Saul Halperin
12:10 PM / Julio Martinez Cruz - 1st Anniversary 
FRIDAY November 21 - Presentation of the BVM
7:00 AM / Frank A. Ritz - 27th Anniversary 
8:00 AM / The Souls of our Faithful Departed
12:10 PM / Jorge Montoya
SATURDAY November 22 - Cecilia, virgin martyr
8:00 AM / In thanksgiving to the BVM
12:10 PM / Intentions of John & Marlene Volaric & Family
Anticipated Masses forSunday
5:00 PM / Frances DeMaca
6:30 PM / Antonio Freay
7:00 AM / Lily Tedesco
8:15 AM / Juan Saico & Manuel Natividad Morquecho
10:00 AM / Barbara Streemke
11:15 AM / Mary & Nicolas Gentile
12:30 PM / People of the Parish
6:30 PM / Julio Martínez Cruz

The Sanctuary Lamp and Hosts & Wine for Mass were donated in memory of Mariana Heywood & Pilar Garcia

Please remember our deceased and their families:

Trifila Manzano Franco, Sergio Gallorini

New Emails Addresses for the Rectory Staff

Fr. Paul

Fr. Mayhel

Fr. José Pablo

Fr. Teo

Deacon Gregory

Miss Viviana

Also, don't forget to visit our new website at:

Charitable Gift Annuity

Are you interested in giving a substantial gift to the Church? If you answered yes, you might consider a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) offered by the Archdiocese of Newark. CGAs regularly pay you a fixed amount of money every year for the rest of your life. Payments on our CGAs are guaranteed by The Archdiocese of Newark. When you pass to eternal life, what is left in the annuity is distributed to the catholic charities you specify. If you are interested in this gift opportunity, now might be a good time to act. For more information about making a gift, please call the Theresa Lynch, Planned Giving Manager, Archdiocese of Newark, (973) 497-4042 or email: .

Finance CouncilFinance Council / Dec 04 / 7:30 / Rectory
Knights of Columbus / Dec 08 / 8:00 / School
Spiritual Renewal / Nov 17 / 7:30 / Convent
Liturgy Committee / Nov 24 / 7:30 / Rectory
St. Vincent de Paul / TBA / 7:00 / Convent
Pastoral Council / Nov 20 / 7:30 / Parish Hall
Amor de Dios / Cada lunes / 7:00 / Parish Hall
El Rosario / Cada lunes / 7:00 / Capilla
CCC / Cada viernes / 7:30 / Parish Hall
HT Prayer Group / Fridays / 7:30 / 30 Maple
Bible Study / Dec 03 / 7:30 / Convent
Fil-Am Ministry Officers / Dec 06 / 6:30 / Marcelino Residence
Fil-Am Ministry
General Meeting / Nov 16 / 1:30 / Parish Hall

Bible Study will meet on the following dates: Dec. 3, 10, & 17.

Misang Pilipino is celebrated every 2nd Sunday of the Month at 4:00 PM. Fellowship follows in the Parish Hall.(Dec 14)


There will be an important meeting for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Father Mayhel will inform us of some changes to be implemented. The meeting is on Tuesday, November 25 at 7 PM in the church. Please make every effort to attend this important meeting.

I read this in the paper the other day and found it on target. I thought I might share it with you.

We're Losing a Fear of God

We live in an age that shuns divisions. The broader culture embraces inclusivity or multiculturalism and calls all of us to do the same. To be politically correct is ultimately all that matters. Today's culture seeks to blur the distinctions at every opportunity. Men and women are interchangeable parts. Good and evil are but weightless individual choices. True and false are constructs in our own minds with no connection to knowable reality.

Today, Christians are constantly accused of making hate speeches against homosexuals. Multiculturalism allows no value judgment about culture. Interfaith sees no distinction between religions. Alternate sexualities reject the male/female distinctions and seek to eliminate the idea of gender distinction altogether.

We as a society, are rapidly losing a healthy fear of God. As the prophet Isaiah so clearly stared, we stand at the point where "good is being called evil, and evil good." by Nicholas Lindemulder of Wayne. (The Record, Wednesday, November 12, 2014, p. A-10)

Spiritual Events/Eventos Espirituales

Vespers of Christ the King

On Sunday, November 23, the Archdiocese of Newark will celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King with a Vespers Service and Multicultural Concert to be held beginning at 3 p.m. at St. Aedan's, the Church of St. Peter's University, at 800 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City. Following prayers, at least six choirs reflecting the cultural diversity of our Archdiocese will entertain participants. A reception at HudsonCatholicHigh School (next door to St. Aedan's), will follow.

Caring Hearts Ministry, Maywood, Bereavement Support Group

It is said that death ends a life, but it does not end a relationship. There is great truth in this statement. However, the loss of a loved one can bring great pain. If you have lost a loved one to death, we invite you to join OLQP Caring Hearts Ministry for a series of six sessions of information, mutual sharing and support in a spiritual, caring, strictly confidential setting. The group is led by trained facilitators certified by the Family Life Office of the Archdiocese of Newark. If you are interested in joining us, or if you would like more information about the group, please contact the OurLady Queen of PeaceParishCenter at 201-845-9566. All calls are confidential.

Come, Pray with Us

Holy Trinity Prayer Group - charismatic prayer every Thursday at 7:30 PM at 30 Maple

Adoration - every first Friday from 12:30 to 10:00 PM

Bible Class -Select Wednesdays from 7:30 till 8:30 PM, Convent

Lessons & Carols

December 7, 2014

4:00 PM

HolyTrinityChurch Choir

The Festival of Lessons and Carols is a service of Christian worship celebrating the birth of Jesus that is traditionally followed at Christmas. The story of the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus is told in several short Bible readings from Genesis, the prophetic books and the Gospels, interspersed with the singing of Christmas carols, hymns and choir music

In honor of Christ, King of the Universe, we will have Nocturnal Adoration from Saturday evening on November 22 at 7:30 PM through Sunday morning November 23 at 7:00 AM. Come and be in the Real Presence of our Lord and God, Jesus Christ. The church will be open all night. Please enter through the east door (the electric door) in the courtyard.

We also ask you to commit some time. The Sign-up sheet will be at the entrance of the Church. We especially need people in the wee hours of the morning. It's a tough time but worth the sacrifice and the graces that the parish and you will receive. We need a leader of a short prayer at each half hour. A Spanish speaker is needed at the bottom of the hour, and English speaker at the top of the hour to lead the short prayer. Otherwise anyone may be at any hour. This is a time for quiet prayer and contemplation with Jesus.

Rosary Society

DATE: Monday, December 1, 2014

TIME: 7:30 PM

PLACE: Auditorium, Queen of Peace

Bring a non-perishable food


Help support Helping Hands

Food Pantry


Community News


We have a New Eagle.

On October 28th, 2014 – Boy scout David Argueta became Troop 5’s newest Eagle Scout.

Eagle Scout is the highest advancement rank in Boy Scouting, with approximately 2% to 4%

of all scouts attaining the rank of Eagle.

Congratulations David


Our Pancake Breakfast and Tricky Tray with SANTA CLAUS will be held Sunday, December 14th, - in the school cafeteria.

Tickets are $5.00 each with a chance for a door prize.

Tricky Tray drawing will start at 12:30pm.




Starting November 30th, after all masses the Scouts will be selling hand-decorated Wreaths & Grave Blankets.

To Order in advance- forms will be in the back of the church & can befilled out and left in the box next to the forms.

Movie Night

"Miracle of Marcelino"

Starring Pablito Calvo

Friday Night, Nov. 21at 7:30 pm.

Doors open at 7:00 pm

A great film for your children

(and adults too).

Parish Hall

Free will offeringincludes snacks and a beverage

Calling all Senior Citizens:

You're invited to ImmaculateHeartAcademy's Annual Senior Citizen Thanksgiving dinner. Please join us on Monday, November 24th from 5PM-8PM in the IHA cafeteria for a free Thanksgivingdinner, raffle and entertainment. Please RSVP to Sarah Shutrop- 201-445-6800 x125

Christmas Show

December 10 at the Stony Hill Inn. $46 includes full course dinner and show. Contact Regina to reserve your seating at 201-487-9147.


Please return baby bottles to the containers in the vestibule of the church. Money collected will be donated to Good Counsel Homes of Hoboken which manages five homes for single mothers.

Trinity Council #747 Knights of Columbus thanks all parishioners for their help in supporting this effort to save the lives of unborn children.

NEW HOPEPREGNANCYRESOURCECENTER - Our new Center has blossomed! Our outreach to first-time single moms and their babies, born and unborn, could use more volunteers to help us keep up with the expanding workload.Please call us at (201) 408-4726, e-mail us at , or access our website newhope4lifeweb.orgif you need more information about our rewarding program, incorporated in 1985.


If you can, donate canned vegetables, pasta and sauce, rice and beans, cereals, mashed potato mix, parmalat or dry milk, peanut butter, jelly and other staples. Thank you ahead of time.

Can you hear me now?

Have trouble hearing the priest? Do you have a hearing impairment? May we suggest that you try our special captioning (CART) at the 12:30 Mass usually on the first and third Sundays of each month.

Don’t Forget to Register!

The benefits to being a registered parishioner:

  1. You are eligible to be a sponsor for Baptism & Confirmation. A fully initiated Catholic, who is attending Mass and in good standing is eligible to be a sponsor.
  2. You are eligible for parishioner rates on weddings, funerals, and a school discount at a parochial school.
  3. You are fiscally responsible for your parish.
  4. Provide the parish with priests to offer the sacraments, lead worship, and spiritual counsel
  5. Employ a pastoral staff to help the pastor operate the parish business and pastoral work, and
  6. Maintain the physical plant.
  7. If you are a contributor and/or volunteer, then a priest can vouch for your active membership in a worshipping Catholic community. This is important for various recommendations, e.g. immigration, employment, vocations, college, etc.

Registration forms are available at the door.


OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACECHURCH located at 400 Maywood Avenue, will be hosting its annual HOLIDAY MARKET on Sunday, Dec. 7, 2014 in the auditorium from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.COME and browse, our guests will have an array of gifts to choose from such as crocheted items, greeting cards, stocking stuffers, jewelry, home accessories, purses, totes and much more. Lunch, abake sale, and 50/50 Raffle will also be available. Bring a friend or two or three. Hope to see you all!!!

The Little Sisters of the Poor’s

Annual Christmas Craft & Bake Sale

Ham & Turkey Drop

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Free Admission 10:00am-4:00pm

In conjunction with the Sale we will be collecting Hams & Turkeysto provide future meals for our Residents.

St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly, 140 Shepherd Lane, Totowa For Information: 973-942-0300 or

Atlantic City Trip

Wednesday, December 3rd. $29 charge includes $25 for slots and $5 for food. Contact Regina at 201-487-9147 to save your seat.


Lecciones y Villancicos

07 de diciembre 2014

4:00 PM

Coro de la Iglesia Santísima Trinidad

El Festival de Lecciones y Villancicos es un servicio de adoración cristiana que celebra el nacimiento de Jesús que se sigue tradicionalmente en Navidad. La historia de la caída de la humanidad, la promesa del Mesías, y el nacimiento de Jesús es contada en varias lecturas de la Biblia desde Génesis, los libros proféticos y los Evangelios, intercaladas con el canto de villancicos, himnos y música de coro.

Hermanos de Holy Trinity:

Esta parábola nos debe hacer pensar mucho. Cada uno de nosotros tiene un talento especial, o muchos, que Dios nos ha dado. ¿Cuál crees que es tu don? Lo primero que debemos hacer consiste en examinar nuestra vida, para saber qué cosas sabemos hacer mejor que otras. No se trata de decir, "yo no soy bueno para esto o para esto otro." Se trata de lo contrario, deslindar todo aquello para lo que somos realmente buenos. Muchas veces ser diestro en algo supone nada más que el interés que le demos a esa actividad. Tildamos de lentos o lentas a personas que supuestamente no tienen mucha inteligencia. Y eso se debe en gran parte a un infinito número de variables que no tienen nada que ver con el cerebro. Por esa razón es menester que hagamos una introspección y veamos qué temas nos interesan más, qué actividades gozamos mucho, y eso nos dará una idea de para qué somos buenos. En última instancia sabremos para qué nos puso Dios en este mundo.

Sí, porque cualquier cosa que hagamos puede manifestarse en la gloria de Dios. Si escribes, o pintas, o tocas algún instrumento. Si eres bueno para las artesanías manuales. Si puedes arreglar artefactos. Si hablas bien, o eres un magnífico y atento escucha. Si puedes analizar circunstancias. La lista puede alargarse infinitamente, y todas caben de manera perfecta en el plan de Dios para la salvación del mundo. Lo que no es bueno hacer es guardarse los talentos para uno. Fue lo que hizo el último de los hombres a quienes el amo les dio los talentos. De alguna manera debemos poner a funcionar esos dones para el servicio de los demás. Sé de personas con uso talentos formidables, que por excusas parecidas a las de ese hombre de la parábola, dejan perder oportunidades inmensas de ayudar y ayudarse. Tengo un amigo con el más grande talento musical que he conocido. No ha hecho nada con eso. Un día hasta me dijo que no quería que lo llamaran "el músico de la iglesia." Le dije que no veía nada malo en eso, pero el insistió en que eso dañaba su imagen de hombre de negocios. Cosa que tampoco llevó a cabo, los negocios.

Cristo nos cuenta esta parábola ciertamente para decirnos que de la misma manera que los bienes ultraterrenos, como la fe, se acrecientan con el uso y con la práctica diaria, los bienes materiales también se pueden manifestar y acrecentar con la inversión y la constancia. Al que tiene se le dará, dice Jesús. Si oramos cada día con mayor fervor, poco a poco esa oración se hará mayor, más constante, más fuerte. Dios nos asistirá para que desarrollemos ese músculo. Pero si no lo hacemos, perderemos la práctica, y nuestra oración será débil, escueta y sin mucho efecto. De la misma forma, si hacemos ejercicio diario, nos mantendremos en forma, y seremos mucho más saludables. Quedarnos tirados en la cama todo el día lo único que nos producirá es alta presión, depresión y otras alimañas de la salud parecidas a esa.